08-03-2016, 01:52 PM
(08-03-2016, 01:36 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote:(08-03-2016, 12:06 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: I don't think I'm the stubborn one here. On the contrary, my opinions have come from direct experience derived from specifically challenging things.
Had this argument before. My best friend from childhood is an INFP, and we've gone 'round and 'round having this exact same argument. INFP's tend to take a stance of moral and intellectual superiority, using that to discount other people's worldviews. Their argument is that, everyone else is "limited" themselves by not considering every single piece of information, or every philosophy out there. And because of that, other people couldn't have possibly arrived at a logical conclusion because they haven't considered EVERYTHING.
The last time he tried that on me, as well as projecting that I was the one afraid of feeling intellectually inferior, I simply took him aside and said:
"For all your alleged intelligence, what exactly have you done with it and what happenings in your life makes you feel that you can invalidate other people's life experiences?"
So... you're projecting onto me the argument you had with your friend?
(08-03-2016, 01:36 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: I haven't had that argument since. See, the thing is -- you may have read tons and tons of books, but what exactly have you taken from those books and what information are you actually implementing in your life?
Let's see:
- Improved my sales performance
- Have better relations with my family than ever
- Re-gained the attraction I used to get with women
Should I go on?
Keep in mind, this is stuff that's important to ME, not necessarily what YOU think I should focus on. Of course, I don't really give a f*ck what YOU think I should focus on.
(08-03-2016, 01:36 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: The conclusions that guide my life arose from a long, arduous and nuanced process. Years of challenging every system around me, closely observing and monitoring the processes that surround me. Actively seeking out and destroying societal programming that impedes my progress. So, for you to come and say, "you guys just aren't listening," is to completely disregard everyone's experiences as if they're less intelligent because they found their answer and began to pursue it quicker than you.
Back at you man.
In fact, that blurb is exactly what I've done too. lol. It's crazy, we're the same and yet we're arguing, which makes us even more the same! Lol!
(08-03-2016, 01:36 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: And it's at that point where I disengage. Not out of anger or malice. Not out of any kind of moral superiority. It's just that, the conversation no longer actually benefits neither one of us. I believe you're engaging in what I call "inauthentic questions." It's where the question isn't an actual inquiry. It's intended to lead the target into an intellectual trap, where you'll finally go, "SEE? I was right all along!" and smile, victorious.
Lol yeah there's a bit of that, but it doesn't help me any. If I have any 1 singular hang up that is holding me back, it's the joy I derive from pointing that kind of stuff out. I just can't help it!
I'll shut up now.

(08-03-2016, 01:36 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: The problem is, it STILL doesn't solve the issues in your own life. Because even if you've pointed out flaws in my worldview, you're STILL suffering. In the end, it's an empty victory. What exactly has been accomplished?
Well hopefully I've helped you. If not, I apologize. I'm not trying to point out flaws in any world view out of malice. I do sincerely hope that through such awareness people can much improve their lives, as I have.
4 years ago I was a depressed, anti-social, introverted mess of a person. The realizations I've made have helped me sustain a social job, improve socially, and feel better about things.
I guess I just wanted to share my findings. I didn't mean to hurt anyone.
(08-03-2016, 01:36 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: So, I implore you to quit challenging, choose the path you feel is the most accurate and give it a shot. Instead of debating with us whether you should be an extreme jerk to women, go out on the town, be an extreme jerk to women and journal your results. Hell, run DMSI and do it. It may just be that you're 100% correct and they'll respond kindly. Skip every sub in the future with EPHRA and log your results. Maybe you're on to something there. But the fact of the matter is, challenging for the sake of challenging isn't helpful as you think(my INFP friend calls this "being disruptive," using the term in the same way as economic market disruption). Actionable steps are.
I get you. Again, I apologize for coming off the wrong way, which is totally my fault.
I must inform you, however, that I AM going through with the way I chose to, and that most of the challenging was started by other users responding to things I have said. I did not ever say them to create a challenge, but I simply must defend myself. That's all there is to that.