(07-31-2016, 07:23 AM)Shannon Wrote: If memory serves, you are not using DMSI, correct?
If that is correct, then you're not going to get program induced autopiloting. You'll have times where you naturally experience the same phenomenon, but if it leads to negative outcomes, then it's because the "autopilot" (your subconscious) is running faulty programming. I.e., erroneous beliefs are being expressed.
Now if you are running DMSI, and you're still having this problem, then you've got a situation in which your old beliefs are trying to dominate your incoming beliefs and express themselves instead. It will take time.
Your subconscious is not faulty, but what it believes to be true is. You just need to change that.
(07-31-2016, 07:23 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: I didn't see this till just now.
I'm not using DMSI, that is correct.
If what I'm believing is incorrect, then how can I believe otherwise, especially if a new belief won't "work" because I don't believe it?
Isn't that how it works? Beliefs only work if you believe them?
You're still confusing your conscious beliefs with your subconscious beliefs, the latter of which operates less as a belief system and more like the source code of a program (from what I understand).
I view it like this (a rather simplified example): Imagine you're playing a video game. You can do whatever you want in that video game within the confines of the programming -- this is conscious mind. You don't have access to the source code, so if there's something in the game you don't like, you pretty much have to just cope with it.
Now, you can use aftermarket cheat programs to lightly affect the game's functionality, but these programs don't work by changing the source code -- they generally read the data stored in the computer's RAM and modifies it there, giving you unlimited bullets or lives or whatever you can actually change in such a limited manner. (EDIT: Who remembers GAME GENIE, lol? That's exactly how this worked.) Mirror affirmations and the such work like this. You're temporarily modifying your active memory to get those boosts. But again, no access to the source code.
Note: Arguably, if you do mirror affirmations long enough and actually work to achieve those goals, they can eventually "seep down" (or up, depending on how you view it) into the subconscious mind. But let's keep the example simple.

Now, imagine if you DID have access to the source code and you knew how to reprogram the game. You could make it do anything and everything you wanted. That's what happens when you use subliminals (and other forms of mental alchemy). You're bypassing the game runtime (conscious mind) and delving into the source code of the game (subconscious) and directly reprogramming it.
That's the very nature of "as above, so below" -- what you're perceiving as your conscious beliefs are actually being informed by your deep subconscious programming, which you don't have direct access to.
If I'm understanding "autopiloting" properly, it means that Shannon has found a way to induce a state of trance where your subconscious mind pretty much hijacks the conscious, critical mind, and uses its superior knowledge and insight to guide the situation toward the desired goal. The subconscious doesn't perceive time and space in the linear fashion as the conscious mind does (scientists are starting to believe that it operates on the quantum, pure energy level), and has access to data that the conscious mind doesn't. This technology may be one of the more exciting ones that he's revealed. Imagine being "autopiloted" to riches. Or, even creating a bridge between the subconscious and conscious minds that we can actually PERCEIVE, granting us vast knowledge to everything that's happened before, stored at the quantum level (alchemists call this the "Akashic Records")
Try to open your mind to such things and really dwell on them. I get the impression that you've already made up your mind and you're looking to justify your worldview rather than see what you can absorb -- and that's what's really holding you back. You're clearly intelligent, you've shown us your pics, and I have no problem in saying that you're a handsome person with a "regal" air about you. The only thing holding you back is this unwillingness to move beyond what you already know, which sounds like a fear.