06-06-2011, 12:29 PM
I am very happy go lucky right, BUT there is a woman who I really like right now. I hung out with her quite a bit this past month. She's another Leo...go figure. However, she's nothing like the last girl. The last one I went out with because I liked her well enough and she lived like 2 miles away, lol. It was just easier. This girl's a real sweetheart. I don't care that she lives so far away. We have amazing chemistry together too. She's the one that I mentioned a few posts back that made me dance with her first time I went to the ren faire last month. This girl is really honest too, and has told me outright that she likes me. That's so refreshing, most women have such had shells nowadays. I appreciate women that are brave enough to be honest and take honesty in return. Not to mention we're really comfortable around each other as well, but with a good amount of sexual tension between us. It's just a good example of what a good coming together between two people that like each other should be. After that lame date last week, I thought to myself "Who cares if she lives that far away or if it even works out? You really like this girl." and so I sent her a message on facebook saying that I thought about it and I really don't want to wait another year to see her again and we should get together soon. She said she doesn't want to wait to see me again either and "soon" better not mean October(Because I usually see her around halloween. I spend most of my halloween partying in her town). It really doesn't matter if we end up getting together or not. The important thing is that we're both honest and I'm sure that's refreshing for her as well. I only want to move more and more towards that regardless of the outcome.
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