I'm becoming more energy sensitive. In my short run of V1, my huiyin or perineum chakra was flaring (also ITCHING, a sure sign of activity). It helped that I read Ingo Swann's Psychic Sexuality and was able to visualize those sexual chakras, including the one on the sacrum which was also activated. The chakras aren't just allegories like the post above mine states. Personally, I prefer to bring energy in from the Sun through meditation and energize my chakras that way, or through direct attention/visualization.
Furthermore, it did well to open those chakras because I can sense them now even more than a week after stopping V1. That's an important spiritual goal, to have an open and fluid meridian/chakra system which sexual energy greatly helps to achieve.
Furthermore, it did well to open those chakras because I can sense them now even more than a week after stopping V1. That's an important spiritual goal, to have an open and fluid meridian/chakra system which sexual energy greatly helps to achieve.