06-21-2016, 08:55 AM
Twenty minutes after consuming my latest nootropic blend and I feel the aura raging. If anyone's interested, here's the latest regiment:
L-Glutamine, 4.5g
Fish Oil - 1600 EPA / 1200 DHA
Uridine - 250mg x 2 day
B-Vitamin Complex (I use the Jarrow's B-Right Mix)
ALCAR - 500mg
And if I need an extra boost, I'll add Noopept or Oxiracetam
Normally, this blend turns me into a creative, productive, hyper-focused work machine. However, my AOSI + AM6 have become mentally taxing. I'm having a hard time thinking and focusing. Although I've been seeing positive results in regards to women, other parts of my life are faltering. I've fallen off in regards to exercise and building my business. I'm a devout biohacker and social scientist, meaning I'll jump into the latest and greatest self-improvement tech without any real regard to my own safety, haha. That being said, if you don't have that same dedication to trying new things, I urge you to strictly adhere to Shannon's recommendation NOT to mix 5g and 5.5g tech with anything else.
But anyway --
Just ordered my favorite pheromone ever, "The Thinker" from Pheromone XS. If you're into meditation, mental alchemy, magick or any other esoteric practices, you'll LOVE this phero. I'd love it if IML made a sub for mental alchemists that had the same kind of effect. My new business property involves the research of mental alchemy, manifestation and magick -- and no, that's not code that I'm going to try to develop subs. That'd be silly. IML is poised to introduce a whole new branch of science to the world and I'd much rather play a part in that endeavor instead of going against it. If you've seen "Iron Man 2," IML is Tony Stark / Stark Industries and I'd be like that HAMMER guy with the shitty tech. Not a valid business plan.
If I could promote the subs though, we could make some killer money.
L-Glutamine, 4.5g
Fish Oil - 1600 EPA / 1200 DHA
Uridine - 250mg x 2 day
B-Vitamin Complex (I use the Jarrow's B-Right Mix)
ALCAR - 500mg
And if I need an extra boost, I'll add Noopept or Oxiracetam
Normally, this blend turns me into a creative, productive, hyper-focused work machine. However, my AOSI + AM6 have become mentally taxing. I'm having a hard time thinking and focusing. Although I've been seeing positive results in regards to women, other parts of my life are faltering. I've fallen off in regards to exercise and building my business. I'm a devout biohacker and social scientist, meaning I'll jump into the latest and greatest self-improvement tech without any real regard to my own safety, haha. That being said, if you don't have that same dedication to trying new things, I urge you to strictly adhere to Shannon's recommendation NOT to mix 5g and 5.5g tech with anything else.
But anyway --
Just ordered my favorite pheromone ever, "The Thinker" from Pheromone XS. If you're into meditation, mental alchemy, magick or any other esoteric practices, you'll LOVE this phero. I'd love it if IML made a sub for mental alchemists that had the same kind of effect. My new business property involves the research of mental alchemy, manifestation and magick -- and no, that's not code that I'm going to try to develop subs. That'd be silly. IML is poised to introduce a whole new branch of science to the world and I'd much rather play a part in that endeavor instead of going against it. If you've seen "Iron Man 2," IML is Tony Stark / Stark Industries and I'd be like that HAMMER guy with the shitty tech. Not a valid business plan.
If I could promote the subs though, we could make some killer money.