06-17-2016, 01:43 AM
Some GSF surfacing yet feel close to another breakthrough. freefall in it and am matter of time before getting "fed up" and getting over with it. Somewhat conflicting yet had multiple people approach me today, notice some people also get more submissive, others qualify.
The post of Dzemoo about becoming an tampon for women lingers still and set off an chain reaction.
growing in self-secure. Not looking for external stuff anymore as I KNOW I attract instead of testing all around. Noticable shift in presence.
The post of Dzemoo about becoming an tampon for women lingers still and set off an chain reaction.
growing in self-secure. Not looking for external stuff anymore as I KNOW I attract instead of testing all around. Noticable shift in presence.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus