(05-31-2016, 08:51 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Well I'm doing this on my phone so I can't get too lengthy, but aside from all you stated, I have to ask why, when following this grand advice, I get worse results? Explain that.
I mean, back to women, when I hate them they love me and when I love them they hate me. As above so below lol.
You're not even addressing the times that I've mentioned where people have been dead wrong about me as was the case with the woman I approached who assumed it was difficult for me.
The modern man is being completely emasculated and masculinity as a whole is under fire. Men are being tricked into thinking that there's something wrong with having a strong natural masculine polarity and women are being tricked into thinking there's something wrong with rewarding masculine energy with a strong feminine polarity.
You know when a woman's exhibiting her natural feminine essence -- she'll smile, act submissive and will generally give up her will to the masculine energy.
As a result of this weird societal conditioning, the entire "game" has been screwed up and what we have now are two distinct binaries -- perversions of natural order. This binary consists of the emasculated male on one end and the frustrated men who now simply don't give a f*ck on the other. There are very few men that find a healthy boundary somewhere in-between (which requires a sense of self-mastery, hence AM6's emphasis on self-actualization). When faced with the choice between a completely emasculated man who supplicates to the woman (a complete reversal of the natural law), or a man that "hates" her, but at least has a strong sense of self that doesn't rely on HER for identity, she'll choose the latter.
This is why you see more results when you "hate" women. You're closer to the natural order of things than the directionless, emasculated man who runs around crying and professing his everlasting love even when she doesn't deserve it.
PUA's are picking up on this binary and attempting to correct it by directing men away from the anger, but unfortunately, since PUA culture consists of mostly surface level changes, it's STILL not enough to correct the societal damage to the male collective conscious -- another instance of as above, so below. The male collective consciousness has been neutered and forced to act more feminine (as above) and the physical manifestation of that damage is women becoming more masculine (as below).
Also, you seem to have an issue understanding that "as above, so below" doesn't refer to your conscious day-to-day thoughts. It refers to your subconscious beliefs, which you don't have conscious direct access to. Hence, why subliminals work. You're changing the underlying source code of the SargeMaximus program (as above), so that it executes differently on the PHYSICAL REALM (as below) than it did before.