I plan to use the Special Meditation 10 volume set, and it will be extremely unfortunate if it can't be combined with subs. Considering the fact that Special Meditation should be run for 10 months, listening to it just one hour/day, this will have a very high opportunity cost if I forgo subs! Ten months is the time to run Alpha Male and maybe stage 3 Woman Magnet. That's a very long time for me to sacrifice, even if I will still be benefiting from Special Meditation.
AlphaRomeo asked some really pertinent questions about GlaizenGold777 experiments. A direct answer to these questions will settle the debate. Until then, I think running both is not a problem, unless Shannon says otherwise. Sure, Shannon said we should pay attention to someone who has had a negative result, but it's hard to do that if we are unclear if the said person's test subjects used Shannon's subs + Shannon's BWE ONLY or Subs + BWE + XYZ.
AlphaRomeo asked some really pertinent questions about GlaizenGold777 experiments. A direct answer to these questions will settle the debate. Until then, I think running both is not a problem, unless Shannon says otherwise. Sure, Shannon said we should pay attention to someone who has had a negative result, but it's hard to do that if we are unclear if the said person's test subjects used Shannon's subs + Shannon's BWE ONLY or Subs + BWE + XYZ.
Confront your problems. Walk away from BS. Seek wisdom to know the difference.