day 31,
selfworth and self respect kick in. also more centred, being more selctive in rewarding behaviour and selective as to hows and whens instead of throwing myself at the feet of women. Disrespect somewhat angers me at this point bu have still lots of subconscious stuff in terms of beta behaviour causing conflict.
Am more dominant to the point I can look people straight in the eyes and even through them. people qualify themselves more, still this stage 3 makes me very tired, almost like the whole run makes me tired. Still questioning some beliefs of mine, causing conflict in terms of an paradox.
No woman is worth it to have goals, mission and long term happiness to be screwed over. Im feeling more mature. seizing directly control and when in public my second thoughts are mostly reduced to zero. one day to go on stage 3.
Sidenote: weed makes me beta as fuck. MAy quit all addiction except the gym. Also, I seem to recover faster in terms of, soreness in my body doesnt really phase me and I'm moving on
I begin to see peoples postures more and read them better, Like some are clearly beta, others gamma. Not sure where this comes from, its like how people walk, what they show externally, liek some sort of personality energy or some sort. People dont have to say anything yet I begin to spot alphas easier.
By interacting with people and talking, you stand out in an way, like you suddenly exist and an spotlight is directed on you, instead of being invisible. Its social proof. Still being the centre of attention is something to be getting used to.
Negative thoughts and affirmations surface but rather on the background, at times filling my mind, but in an sense my essence/core changes.
edit1: Im getting more detached, yet go deeper. Spome fear blockages are gone and am taking full responsibility as an man. She can get angry but it doesnt really phase me and guilt trip are less affecting me at all. It goes deeper, an skill develops or is brought out by the subliminal. The field once again opens up more and I feel at peace yet knowing there is more to come. Its an more cetred approach of it all, more of an masucline, less involved and sucked in kind of fram,e. Women get hurt, may give drama but now I can facve it without feeling all tense and anxious and what not.
selfworth and self respect kick in. also more centred, being more selctive in rewarding behaviour and selective as to hows and whens instead of throwing myself at the feet of women. Disrespect somewhat angers me at this point bu have still lots of subconscious stuff in terms of beta behaviour causing conflict.
Am more dominant to the point I can look people straight in the eyes and even through them. people qualify themselves more, still this stage 3 makes me very tired, almost like the whole run makes me tired. Still questioning some beliefs of mine, causing conflict in terms of an paradox.
No woman is worth it to have goals, mission and long term happiness to be screwed over. Im feeling more mature. seizing directly control and when in public my second thoughts are mostly reduced to zero. one day to go on stage 3.
Sidenote: weed makes me beta as fuck. MAy quit all addiction except the gym. Also, I seem to recover faster in terms of, soreness in my body doesnt really phase me and I'm moving on
I begin to see peoples postures more and read them better, Like some are clearly beta, others gamma. Not sure where this comes from, its like how people walk, what they show externally, liek some sort of personality energy or some sort. People dont have to say anything yet I begin to spot alphas easier.
By interacting with people and talking, you stand out in an way, like you suddenly exist and an spotlight is directed on you, instead of being invisible. Its social proof. Still being the centre of attention is something to be getting used to.
Negative thoughts and affirmations surface but rather on the background, at times filling my mind, but in an sense my essence/core changes.
edit1: Im getting more detached, yet go deeper. Spome fear blockages are gone and am taking full responsibility as an man. She can get angry but it doesnt really phase me and guilt trip are less affecting me at all. It goes deeper, an skill develops or is brought out by the subliminal. The field once again opens up more and I feel at peace yet knowing there is more to come. Its an more cetred approach of it all, more of an masucline, less involved and sucked in kind of fram,e. Women get hurt, may give drama but now I can facve it without feeling all tense and anxious and what not.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus