(05-28-2016, 10:38 PM)Kibagame Jubei Wrote: Got spooked tonight. Was just walking down the street and one of my neighbours was pretty drunk. I always saw this guy around but never really spoke. He approached me and we started chatting. This might be the "manifest friends" portion of the program. Didn't expect to talk to anyone and it just happened.
All I have to say to you is that don't overdue being independant. Connecting with others is important. Like loving someone who doesn't love u is a great way to grow and self love knowing that emotional states are only temporary.
You mean "overdo".
Yes I agree you are on SM and feel a lot of unconditional love for people. I am not saying connections aren't important, that's why you need to talk to family and friends. But they aren't necessarily top priorities in life, you always need to get your life together before you consider pursuing "connections".
And sometimes it's pointless to debate about who has the correct views since we are on different subs and our views become influenced pretty darn easy. I will feel different during SM and probably agree with you, and you'd agree with me while on BASE. Depends on what your subconscious mind focuses on.
AM5 -> AM6 -> BASE -> AM6 -> BASE -> AM6(Current)