04-02-2016, 10:00 AM
Day 27 listening to EHPRA 2.0 http://www.subliminal-shop.com/product/e...g-aid-2-0/
I read other EHPHA 2.0 journals and sometimes other people express things in a way that I wasn't able to. It's on the tip of my tongue... however, I'm unable to put it into words.
That's what I've done!! Put up new boundaries. Some people are having a hard time adjusting to it. Some people are trying to figure it out; they are puzzled... "He looks and acts like 4Kingdoms, yet something is different."
Instead of yelling at people when I get angry, I'm talking to them. I'm getting my point across, probably hurting their feelings, all without raising my voice. Sometimes I get that look, "Did 4Kingdoms just insult me?"
in my opinion, BEST description of EHPRA 2.0
And it works quickly!! From worse to great in minutes or hours, depending on the situation.
I used to verbally and repeatedly talk out loud about any situation that got me really upset with anybody that would listen. Sometimes they would say, "4Kingdoms, you already told me that." Now I work it out mentally in my head without the need to discuss it with another person.
I read other EHPHA 2.0 journals and sometimes other people express things in a way that I wasn't able to. It's on the tip of my tongue... however, I'm unable to put it into words.
(04-02-2016, 08:06 AM)Nox Wrote: My girlfriend isn't having nearly as easy of a time as I am, but she's also getting way more out of it. The other day she said she's tired of going to sleep because she doesn't want the dreams anymore. She's gotten in fights with her family, her boss and her friends, but most of it is from her putting new boundaries into place it seems from my perspective. She's not pleased obviously, but listening to her explain them she is starting to sound like a different person. Less anger and bitterness.
That's what I've done!! Put up new boundaries. Some people are having a hard time adjusting to it. Some people are trying to figure it out; they are puzzled... "He looks and acts like 4Kingdoms, yet something is different."
Instead of yelling at people when I get angry, I'm talking to them. I'm getting my point across, probably hurting their feelings, all without raising my voice. Sometimes I get that look, "Did 4Kingdoms just insult me?"
in my opinion, BEST description of EHPRA 2.0
(04-01-2016, 11:38 AM)eternitys_child Wrote: To elaborate simpler... the worse I feel, the faster and more effective the sub is working
And it works quickly!! From worse to great in minutes or hours, depending on the situation.
I used to verbally and repeatedly talk out loud about any situation that got me really upset with anybody that would listen. Sometimes they would say, "4Kingdoms, you already told me that." Now I work it out mentally in my head without the need to discuss it with another person.

When you imagine something vividly... your subconscious will bring it into reality.
When you imagine something vividly... your subconscious will bring it into reality.