03-09-2016, 08:51 AM
(03-08-2016, 03:46 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: Yes, I'm on my second run of AM6. I did AM6 > BASE 4G, realized that I was still self-sabotaging, yada yada blahda blah, and I felt like I needed another run of AM6.
To answer your question though, I'm a professional writer and writing consultant. Can't post too much information because I want to remain semi-anonymous. I've worked with a number of writers, marketers, students, etc. -- you name it, I've worked with them. In today's era, if you want to be a successful writer, you need to approach your craft as if you're building a business.
Honestly, 90% of the modules on the BASE 5G sales page would be applicable to becoming a successful writer. For example, I've conducted a lot of research on the nature of writers' block, and most of the time, it comes down to fear -- the fear of not having anything to say (which you always do), the fear of people rejecting your work because you're not saying it in the right way, etc. etc. You'll want a lot of emotionally clearing modules to free up that energy. At the same time, you'll want to use the catharsis arising from the removal of faulty programming to fuel your writing.
I'd jump on a modified version of BASE 5G that was geared towards writing in a HEARTBEAT.
This is very curious because I agree that much of writing is simply a mind game ie. getting yourself past your own mental and emotional blocks.
I started BASE 5G with the intent of aiming my efforts at building up my writing on kindle. That's where i was at the time, anyway, so it just seemed like the direction to go.
But the usage of BASE was very clear that my business efforts should be aimed elsewhere. Perhaps some internal higher intelligence knows that i needed to clear out a bunch of things prior to dedicating my efforts more toward writing full time. But it was incredibly interesting that even though i was mentally set on writing BASE shifted me away from it almost immediately.
That's why in a way i think I am supposed to wait for Ultimate Writer to come out since that will be several more months on BASE stage 7 (which is borderline kicking my ass, by the way. The emotional clearly is freaking intense even 7 months later). I really like the fact that I'll have more of the business related attributes that are also relevant for my writing. Things like enhanced persistence, concentration, MLS, motivation etc etc. Like you said 90% of the sub can easily help a writer build their empire whilst removing emotional garbage in the process.
Since you're already more or less in business already, why didn't you just use BASE 5G since that has the emotional growth modules AND the business success oriented stuff anyway? (question for chaos)