03-08-2016, 03:47 PM
Day 7
Notes to myself, these observations might not be relevant to the readers but we never know.
I know see, two paradigms, they sure overlap sometime but individuals will tend to have one paradigm dominate over the other.
They are 'finding girls' and 'allowing to have girls'
In the finding girls paradigm, success is placed in the future and there is a road to it.
The tools in that paradigm are dominance, presence, self-confidence and seduction skill.
Keywords are seducers, pua, player.
Failing to master the tools of that paradigm and success will be very limited the more mastery someone has over the tools , the greater his success will be.
In the allowing to have girls paradigm, success is the now, the practitioner fill himself with the feeling of gratitude and joy, love of life, appreciation , happiness.
The success is based on having self-love, self-worth , deserveness, loving women, radiating appreciation and respect for women.
Keywords here are women's lover, ladies man, chicks magnet.
I had success with both paradigms but I'm more of the allowing to have girls type.
I remember a few months ago, I was on holiday in Marbella, I woke up in the morning and I placed the intention to have a beautiful woman for me today.
After my breakfast, I went to starbuck, I sat alone in a corner then later on a young woman came with an older one and they sat nearby.
They took coffee together for a few minutes but then the older woman left. The young woman stayed there alone reading a book. She was a brunette with big boobs and beautiful, beautiful green eyes.
Our eyes met and she briefly smiled at me, then I noticed that instead of reading her book facing at front of her, she was facing me.
I went to talk to her and it went very fast. She said its her break lunchtime and she was having a coffee with her mother, she had only 15 minutes left before going back to work (she is a psychologist working with children)
We had a nice conversation and at the end she asked me my phone number to invite me to some event the next week-end.
I have meet beautiful women that easily time and time again. Setting the intention in the morning , then going through my day and meeting her.
What will make you fail in this paradigm is negative beliefs around women and sexuality and most importantly lack or lesser deserveness.
Top priority here is on cultivating self-worth and love for women.
The more you love them , the more you attract them (law of attraction)
In the other paradigm , the top priority is on developing self-confidence and dominance (Masculine core)
I realize that my issue is that I got unhelpful beliefs I picked up from childhood where I was told that its bad to be around girls (I was told to stay away from girls, or I will get disease , unwanted pregnancy, you will ruin a girl life and so on and so on)
I understand now, that I can meet girls easily but there is still sexual repression that make it hard to escalate. When things happen is when I met a girl who is so turned on , so into me that things get easy and its like normal to escalate.
I'm glad I found this new clarity.
I will go easy and not skip step, this month, I build and increase self-worth and next month I will work on cultivating positive beliefs on the subject of sexuality. I'm listening to DAOS , how does it fit with all of this?
I'm not sure, but, we will find out
Notes to myself, these observations might not be relevant to the readers but we never know.
I know see, two paradigms, they sure overlap sometime but individuals will tend to have one paradigm dominate over the other.
They are 'finding girls' and 'allowing to have girls'
In the finding girls paradigm, success is placed in the future and there is a road to it.
The tools in that paradigm are dominance, presence, self-confidence and seduction skill.
Keywords are seducers, pua, player.
Failing to master the tools of that paradigm and success will be very limited the more mastery someone has over the tools , the greater his success will be.
In the allowing to have girls paradigm, success is the now, the practitioner fill himself with the feeling of gratitude and joy, love of life, appreciation , happiness.
The success is based on having self-love, self-worth , deserveness, loving women, radiating appreciation and respect for women.
Keywords here are women's lover, ladies man, chicks magnet.
I had success with both paradigms but I'm more of the allowing to have girls type.
I remember a few months ago, I was on holiday in Marbella, I woke up in the morning and I placed the intention to have a beautiful woman for me today.
After my breakfast, I went to starbuck, I sat alone in a corner then later on a young woman came with an older one and they sat nearby.
They took coffee together for a few minutes but then the older woman left. The young woman stayed there alone reading a book. She was a brunette with big boobs and beautiful, beautiful green eyes.
Our eyes met and she briefly smiled at me, then I noticed that instead of reading her book facing at front of her, she was facing me.
I went to talk to her and it went very fast. She said its her break lunchtime and she was having a coffee with her mother, she had only 15 minutes left before going back to work (she is a psychologist working with children)
We had a nice conversation and at the end she asked me my phone number to invite me to some event the next week-end.
I have meet beautiful women that easily time and time again. Setting the intention in the morning , then going through my day and meeting her.
What will make you fail in this paradigm is negative beliefs around women and sexuality and most importantly lack or lesser deserveness.
Top priority here is on cultivating self-worth and love for women.
The more you love them , the more you attract them (law of attraction)
In the other paradigm , the top priority is on developing self-confidence and dominance (Masculine core)
I realize that my issue is that I got unhelpful beliefs I picked up from childhood where I was told that its bad to be around girls (I was told to stay away from girls, or I will get disease , unwanted pregnancy, you will ruin a girl life and so on and so on)
I understand now, that I can meet girls easily but there is still sexual repression that make it hard to escalate. When things happen is when I met a girl who is so turned on , so into me that things get easy and its like normal to escalate.
I'm glad I found this new clarity.
I will go easy and not skip step, this month, I build and increase self-worth and next month I will work on cultivating positive beliefs on the subject of sexuality. I'm listening to DAOS , how does it fit with all of this?
I'm not sure, but, we will find out