02-22-2016, 07:01 AM
Stage 3 hit me hard last night with the realization that I am the man of my own destiny. I control my fate. I control my thoughts and feelings. I am the prize to be won. I think women need to kiss the ground I walk on and prove themselves to me.
It's only by doing this will you get results. I was like the beta in past where I thought that women were equal but boy am I wrong. They can be equal when they behave really well and do good stuff for the male but most of the time they are over emotional, childish and manipulative brats who don't deserve time of day if that;s the case.
This is how I'm evolving lately and I think SM is causing it. From now on no neediness just plain value. I am the king of the orgasm and women shall bow before me to receive their "daily bread"