We switched the address and server of the forum yesterday, without warning or notice - even I was caught by surprise by it - so I apologize for that to those of you who may have been confused by the move. We are moving away from the hosting service that has been troublesome to us, however.
Okay. I have decided that I'm going to begin offering both the normal programs and their hybrid brothers. It can't hurt to offer both; if you guys don't want to participate with the exo-subliminal hybrid experiment (let's shorten that to EH experiment, or maybe even EHE), you'll be able to choose the normal version of whatever program you want.
The first EHE is available. It's one of the tooth whitening experimentals. All EHEs for the time being will be designed to manifest unlimited wealth, abundance and success into my life. This will be something very obvious if it works, and if it works, I'll be in a much better position to make a difference all around. Aim high, as they say. I expect that if this works, it will become obvious some time in 2011, depending on how many people get on the bandwagon.
Anyway... because the EHE is going to be me "borrowing" some of your mental energy, and it's not a pure exosubliminal (i.e. it has benefit for both you and me), it seems fair to give a 50% discount on programs of this type, unless they are double experimental. In the case that they are double experimentals, $2.00 seems fair for single volume programs.
This opens us up to exosubliminal programs too. The titles I am thinking about for this are:
* I say "solution" instead of "cure" because of course the use of the word "cure" might ruffle some feathers with the American Medical Association, and we don't want anyone getting the wrong idea, be they AMA or user. Make no mistake, these programs would be designed to use the minds of their listeners to work towards manifesting these effects, and would not be a "cure" themselves; but in order to succeed, the concept must work, and there must be enough people using them to make a difference.
It should work like this. Let's say we take, as an example, the title "Manifest A Solution For Cancer". Let's say 3 billion people currently make up the "mindshare" for what is our current state of cancer reality. In other words, the minds of these 3 billion people are all contributing to manifest the current state of "what is" concerning the state of things with cancer. Now let's say one million people start using the "find a solution for cancer" program.
Well, in a geometric progression, the square of the number is the magnification result... and as any good energy worker knows, multiple people focused on the same "target goal" produces a geometric progression of energy equivalence towards manifesting the desired effect. So if one million people used the subliminal... within about 30 days, we should have the energy of 1,000,000^2 people all working to manifest a cure (*ahem, solution*) for cancer. That's one million million. And what is one million million? If my calculator and my understanding of large numbers is correct... ONE TRILLION!
So, even if we say that every person on earth is currently helping to create the current reality of what is with cancer, if a million people all used the overcoming cancer exosubliminal for a month, we would have the equivalent of a trillion times the power of one person manifesting a solution (*ahem, cure*
Now... that amount of energy should be sufficient to cause someone to discover a cure pretty quick. See, the subliminal wouldn't be the cure; it would be prompting some brilliant mind to discover the cure. And if we word it right, a definitive cure. Not just for one kind of cancer, but for ALL CANCER. As in... discover what causes all cancers, and how to stop that from ever happening again.
So really, there shouldn't be a problem using the word "cure" because the subliminal isn't BEING, or claiming to be, or trying to be, the cure. The subliminal is moving a bunch of minds to focus a lot of energy like a million laser beams on a single target to super-energize it and cause the manifestation of this change.
Now that's freakin' brilliant. I see absolutely no reason this should fail to work...
So I'm going to spend some time figuring out what to do with topics, and I am also going to spend some time figuring out what the best thing to charge is... it will be between $0 and $2. We have expenses, of course, but I also want this in the hands of as many people as possible. I want it being USED. So these altruistic, humanitarian exo-subliminals are most likely going to be assigned to the creative commons, which means that you'll be able to share and copy and distribute them, as long as you give credit for who made them, and don't try to make money from them.
Boy oh boy, is this exciting... this is what I have always wanted to do... make a big, positive difference on the world. I always thought I had to be wealthy first... but now, I have a way to do it before I become wealthy! I'm so excited I could explode.
Okay. So... one other consideration. World Peace. I love this idea, but I also have some reservations about it... because the world could have peace instantly, if everyone agreed that peace was not boring. See, I have contemplated this long and hard, and I have concluded that humans will do ANYTHING to keep themselves from getting bored. No matter how good or bad it is, if it's not boring, it's good enough. This is, of course, an irrational subconscious response (if I am right, naturally), because the subconscious understands everything in an absolutely literal manner... so when you give it the instruction to "avoid boredom at all costs", which we somehow do when we are growing up, it does exactly that. I believe that much of the strife in the world is generated by this aversion to boredom, mixed with a poorly programmed subconscious, plus ignorance and/or greed. So the question arises... can an exosubliminal overcome this?
Add in the idea that perhaps this very strife is being used as the engine to drive soul growth and learning on this planet... without strife, we have no motivation to change and learn and grow. If that is true... would we even be allowed to do something so ambitious as stop the engine of change?
Is this planet designed to be a sort of "hell", where souls come to suffer and be forced to change through pain and suffering? And if it is, does that mean that my plans here would completely de-rail the entire thing if they succeed? Could I actually accomplish such a thing? Would I be allowed to accomplish such a thing?!
These are some really serious questions... whether it is possible or not, however, I intend to make the effort, and I would like all of you to join me in making our world a better place through this experiment with exosubliminals.
Okay. I have decided that I'm going to begin offering both the normal programs and their hybrid brothers. It can't hurt to offer both; if you guys don't want to participate with the exo-subliminal hybrid experiment (let's shorten that to EH experiment, or maybe even EHE), you'll be able to choose the normal version of whatever program you want.
The first EHE is available. It's one of the tooth whitening experimentals. All EHEs for the time being will be designed to manifest unlimited wealth, abundance and success into my life. This will be something very obvious if it works, and if it works, I'll be in a much better position to make a difference all around. Aim high, as they say. I expect that if this works, it will become obvious some time in 2011, depending on how many people get on the bandwagon.
Anyway... because the EHE is going to be me "borrowing" some of your mental energy, and it's not a pure exosubliminal (i.e. it has benefit for both you and me), it seems fair to give a 50% discount on programs of this type, unless they are double experimental. In the case that they are double experimentals, $2.00 seems fair for single volume programs.
This opens us up to exosubliminal programs too. The titles I am thinking about for this are:
- Create World Peace
- Manifest A Solution* For Cancer
- Manifest A Solution For AIDS
- Manifest A Solution For Fibromyalgia
- Manifest A Solution To Global Warming
- Neutralize Ridiculous Fearmongering About 2012
- Neutralize Hate
- Neutralize Racism
- Neutralize Sexism
- Neutralize Poverty
- Neutralize Corruption
- Manifest A Solution To Energy
* I say "solution" instead of "cure" because of course the use of the word "cure" might ruffle some feathers with the American Medical Association, and we don't want anyone getting the wrong idea, be they AMA or user. Make no mistake, these programs would be designed to use the minds of their listeners to work towards manifesting these effects, and would not be a "cure" themselves; but in order to succeed, the concept must work, and there must be enough people using them to make a difference.
It should work like this. Let's say we take, as an example, the title "Manifest A Solution For Cancer". Let's say 3 billion people currently make up the "mindshare" for what is our current state of cancer reality. In other words, the minds of these 3 billion people are all contributing to manifest the current state of "what is" concerning the state of things with cancer. Now let's say one million people start using the "find a solution for cancer" program.
Well, in a geometric progression, the square of the number is the magnification result... and as any good energy worker knows, multiple people focused on the same "target goal" produces a geometric progression of energy equivalence towards manifesting the desired effect. So if one million people used the subliminal... within about 30 days, we should have the energy of 1,000,000^2 people all working to manifest a cure (*ahem, solution*) for cancer. That's one million million. And what is one million million? If my calculator and my understanding of large numbers is correct... ONE TRILLION!
So, even if we say that every person on earth is currently helping to create the current reality of what is with cancer, if a million people all used the overcoming cancer exosubliminal for a month, we would have the equivalent of a trillion times the power of one person manifesting a solution (*ahem, cure*

Now... that amount of energy should be sufficient to cause someone to discover a cure pretty quick. See, the subliminal wouldn't be the cure; it would be prompting some brilliant mind to discover the cure. And if we word it right, a definitive cure. Not just for one kind of cancer, but for ALL CANCER. As in... discover what causes all cancers, and how to stop that from ever happening again.
So really, there shouldn't be a problem using the word "cure" because the subliminal isn't BEING, or claiming to be, or trying to be, the cure. The subliminal is moving a bunch of minds to focus a lot of energy like a million laser beams on a single target to super-energize it and cause the manifestation of this change.
Now that's freakin' brilliant. I see absolutely no reason this should fail to work...
So I'm going to spend some time figuring out what to do with topics, and I am also going to spend some time figuring out what the best thing to charge is... it will be between $0 and $2. We have expenses, of course, but I also want this in the hands of as many people as possible. I want it being USED. So these altruistic, humanitarian exo-subliminals are most likely going to be assigned to the creative commons, which means that you'll be able to share and copy and distribute them, as long as you give credit for who made them, and don't try to make money from them.
Boy oh boy, is this exciting... this is what I have always wanted to do... make a big, positive difference on the world. I always thought I had to be wealthy first... but now, I have a way to do it before I become wealthy! I'm so excited I could explode.
Okay. So... one other consideration. World Peace. I love this idea, but I also have some reservations about it... because the world could have peace instantly, if everyone agreed that peace was not boring. See, I have contemplated this long and hard, and I have concluded that humans will do ANYTHING to keep themselves from getting bored. No matter how good or bad it is, if it's not boring, it's good enough. This is, of course, an irrational subconscious response (if I am right, naturally), because the subconscious understands everything in an absolutely literal manner... so when you give it the instruction to "avoid boredom at all costs", which we somehow do when we are growing up, it does exactly that. I believe that much of the strife in the world is generated by this aversion to boredom, mixed with a poorly programmed subconscious, plus ignorance and/or greed. So the question arises... can an exosubliminal overcome this?
Add in the idea that perhaps this very strife is being used as the engine to drive soul growth and learning on this planet... without strife, we have no motivation to change and learn and grow. If that is true... would we even be allowed to do something so ambitious as stop the engine of change?
Is this planet designed to be a sort of "hell", where souls come to suffer and be forced to change through pain and suffering? And if it is, does that mean that my plans here would completely de-rail the entire thing if they succeed? Could I actually accomplish such a thing? Would I be allowed to accomplish such a thing?!
These are some really serious questions... whether it is possible or not, however, I intend to make the effort, and I would like all of you to join me in making our world a better place through this experiment with exosubliminals.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!