I`m finishing 3rd stage of AM6 now and I feel like I`m rediscovering myself. It`s a really great feeling!
I`m so glad that I`ve found Shannon`s masterpieces. It`s some kind of therpahy for me becasue my past has been very harsh and blocked my true potantial that now I can realize without doubting myself on subconsciouss level. I feel more like this program is unblocking me than adding something from outside. I feel those `states` had been into me all the time but undercovered and restrained by social programming and my negative experiences from my childhood (beloved daddy which has been telling me all the time something like; "you`re not good enough, you`re looser, you`ll never make it" etc.).
On the begining (AM6) I fought against women all the time; even with my mom and sister.
After 1st stage I noticed that many guys (strangers) were pissed off on me when I was around.
Now I see that many guys truly respect me and some of them feel my power and don`t want to piss ME off.
Ah, and girlz... they`re hitting on me more than ever before!
I`m not so lazy as I was before and I don`t want to waste my time any more on childish activies. I don`t want to waste my time on `low quality` women any more either. I`m more fussy than ever!
I feel more confident, powerful, self controled, motivated and attractive for girls. Also my body language is more elastic and expressive. I`ve stonger sense of happiness and well being and my self esteem is higher than ever before. I also laugh on my dad when he`s pissed off on me and... he finally respects me in some kind of way...
Any way, I can`t wait finishing this program and I want to use WM2 also!
In summary, I`m like powerful Ares now, and that`s what I always desired and always deserved.

On the begining (AM6) I fought against women all the time; even with my mom and sister.

Any way, I can`t wait finishing this program and I want to use WM2 also!

In summary, I`m like powerful Ares now, and that`s what I always desired and always deserved.