10-08-2014, 03:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2014, 04:13 PM by Why So Serious?.)
Day 27
I'm almost done with stage 1
. It's been kind of rough these last few days.
A couple of days a ago I was very angry and couldn't figure out why. I have never been that angry before, but It cleared up eventually.
I went to my cousins and really hit home how much I need to build up my social skills. I felt really disappointed in the situation, however a part of me felt good that I at least tried. I hadn't seen them in awhile and they still treated me the same.
I can understand why my mom is a little frightened when I try to go out to social settings since I'm not social. At the same time I fell like I'm being held back, and that she is worrying to much.I hope this all changes.
I realize that I live in my head way too much and over analyze everything.
Think Walter Mitty but my imagination is not that bad.
I have started to draw again and for some odd reason I think I have finally found something that I want to do as career.
I'm not too sure yet and not getting my hopes up to high on that one. Life does feel like it has more meaning when I'm drawing, I don't mind getting out bed or going to work as much as long as I can get a sketch in. I think that it will make for an interesting hobby though, not a career. I'll see in the future.
I'm starting to speak my mind a little more. I'm still reserved but I feel like I will get over it. I just don't know when.
I have been getting a few more looks from guy's lately. Some have been slowing down to take a look when I drive with the windows down. It's weird because I don't think I look my best whenever I have went out lately. One of my acquaintance's has been flirting a whole the last couple of weeks.
Can't wait till stage 2
I'm almost done with stage 1

A couple of days a ago I was very angry and couldn't figure out why. I have never been that angry before, but It cleared up eventually.
I went to my cousins and really hit home how much I need to build up my social skills. I felt really disappointed in the situation, however a part of me felt good that I at least tried. I hadn't seen them in awhile and they still treated me the same.

I realize that I live in my head way too much and over analyze everything.

I have started to draw again and for some odd reason I think I have finally found something that I want to do as career.

I'm starting to speak my mind a little more. I'm still reserved but I feel like I will get over it. I just don't know when.
I have been getting a few more looks from guy's lately. Some have been slowing down to take a look when I drive with the windows down. It's weird because I don't think I look my best whenever I have went out lately. One of my acquaintance's has been flirting a whole the last couple of weeks.
Can't wait till stage 2