09-14-2013, 11:13 AM
Wholly Molly...So I received alpha male 5.0 as a gift from a friend and I gotta tell you, I have done a lot of (old technology) subliminal programs and they only worked for a short period of time. So I transferred the files to my playbook and began the journey while I'm sleeping. Here is where it got interesting, on day 7 I accidentally forgot to loop stage 1 and did all 7 in one night
!!! Wow I woke up SO TIRED and felt overwhelmed and was at my best friend's house and let me tell you our friendship has been shaky. Everytime I talk to him he complains about everything!!! so as I was sitting there watching all this negative energy being projected onto me he finally popped my lid and i called him out on it and he couldn't even look me in the eyes to speak to me and i just was fed up with his manipulation of me and I told him I need to stay away from him even though we recently had a side job lined up that day to make some well needed money. i dont really sense any regret in my choices and was blown away from my grounded presence that i FEEL now will only bulid me to be a better Man
It will be intresting to see the coming months and hopefully everything works out. I do have a couple of questions as i was looking in the store and noticed a couple of side subliminlas (type-b) I would like to try if it doesnt interfere with alpha male 5.0. perspective & portion, lucky mangetizer are the one I would like to add to my nightly shower
if you think its not a good idea please tell me so
thank you for anyand all you input members of this forum