10-11-2022, 07:27 AM
3rd day of the 4 day run of OFv4....cycling through it, running it since late July.... will be running OFv4 until at least March of next year ,2023.
Could also be some 'new' developments that may take presidence over,such, depending,along the way. we shall see. The way I feel about OFv4 however is, this, if it takes longer,or I deem it needs to be extended for months after the allotted ,recommended 7 'er 8 months,so be it. Hell,after all were talking abou cleatring out a shit load of fears, whats not to love,in the long run with that!?
The Journey continues !!
P.S. Two things:
1) Definitely taking back more of my power and 'parts' of myself !! Definitely, as a result of intention and OFv4.
2) Using OFv4 and some 'other' helpful,empowering 'stuff' Healing/Clearing out
Toxic Loyalty and some shame stuff tied into it ,too. OFv4 is one deep mt'f'ker, Man!
Down the road if OFGS comes out in 5.9.9 I will more than likely be on it, then, if by next spring then it will be right on time, and then some!!
None the less I AM appreciative of OFv4 on many levels!
F-ck- A,Man!!
Could also be some 'new' developments that may take presidence over,such, depending,along the way. we shall see. The way I feel about OFv4 however is, this, if it takes longer,or I deem it needs to be extended for months after the allotted ,recommended 7 'er 8 months,so be it. Hell,after all were talking abou cleatring out a shit load of fears, whats not to love,in the long run with that!?
The Journey continues !!
P.S. Two things:
1) Definitely taking back more of my power and 'parts' of myself !! Definitely, as a result of intention and OFv4.
2) Using OFv4 and some 'other' helpful,empowering 'stuff' Healing/Clearing out
Toxic Loyalty and some shame stuff tied into it ,too. OFv4 is one deep mt'f'ker, Man!
Down the road if OFGS comes out in 5.9.9 I will more than likely be on it, then, if by next spring then it will be right on time, and then some!!
None the less I AM appreciative of OFv4 on many levels!
F-ck- A,Man!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"