10-25-2018, 07:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2018, 07:19 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
(10-25-2018, 03:48 PM)Zeroxmachina Wrote:(10-25-2018, 11:34 AM)Nox Wrote:(10-25-2018, 08:11 AM)Zeroxmachina Wrote:(10-24-2018, 11:50 AM)Nox Wrote:(10-24-2018, 11:07 AM)Tigerismyspirit Wrote: I wonder the guy that just won 1.6 BILLION USD in South Carolina ran USLM-2
Not when he's probably gonna end up murdered.
That's a limiting belief that basically guarantees you'll never have 'too much' money. In reality the reason people end up having issues is because they stayed in the same environment, not the money itself.
That's just your limiting beliefs thinking that your location is more powerful than your will. A strong enough faith overcomes that.
...see how easy it is to bend newage woo ***** to support whatever belief you want?
A little touchy, aren't we? That generally happens whenever someone's beliefs are challenged in any way, though i'm sure you'll probably have some sorta comeback for that too lol; There's nothing 'new age' about the fact that people don't want to see people they struggled with do better than them. The solution then is removing yourself from the environment where literally everyone knows you, is familiar with your whereabouts,habits, etc., If you want to make an argument, feel free to point out the cases where the winners who were murdered had moved to a location far away and/or didn't have any familiarity with the perpetrators. If not, you don't have much of a leg to stand on. If they died from circumstances related to not being able to handle having alotta money, that's something different from being murdered,bud.
As I said, your statement reflects your belief, and I pointed it out, because beliefs are not self-apparent. If you want to keep pushing the subject though I could start guessing about the environment you yourself live in but I try to avoid too much internet psycho-analysis
Ding!! I Love it. Nailed it. theres an old saying that I Love" Argue for your limitations and they're YOURS!" Old 1800's east ender's english accent " 'Aave it your own way ,mate!" though Im a red blooded American Southern Man,I Love much of the British accent,slangs,expressions as well as the command of the English language.
I have a cousin who hit millions 25 yrs ago...some flakey women showed up to, all of sudden 'date' him,that didnt know him the week before,other than that nothing,zip,zero,nadda happened.
Soooo " According to your (beliefs)your consciousness,be it done unto to YOU".My quote I've said it fer years!
think ya can,think ya cant ,either way your're right! Henry Ford
what if it doesnt works out? WHAT IF IT DOES!!?? ya never hear'um say that... or this one "could be worse" yeah it could be,it could also just as easily BE BETTER. ya never here 'them' say that good shit,though.
I mean the list is a 1,000 miles long...we could go on all night.... your beliefs absolutely make a difference. I even talk to my subconcious mind,I thank it, tell it to allow the new programming to work,I send it love and hey man. it works for me & thats what counts fer all of Us. what works.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"