03-07-2012, 04:14 PM
Shannon Wrote:The cockiness, etc. that's a little bit of the "I'm out of the cage, lets have some FUN!" mentality that sometimes comes along with ASC.
This was what Shannon had stated about 4 months ago, around December. I agree wholeheartedly with it. The world is opening to me more and more. My speech is more intelligent, I can articulate myself better and because I'm no longer debating my self in my head I can better focus on the situation.
Cortez said that 95% of all posts on these boards is related to women...well lately women have really been on my mind and the caged animal that's been inside me has been rearing to let loose! I was conversating with a female friend of mine (she's a Sagittarius, passionate, aggressive in speech) and I could tell she was certaintly digging the convo. I was cocky, I was intelligent, my sexual undertones were thrown in perfectly...my game was 100%.