06-14-2018, 12:33 AM
I am on day 60 (aproximately) with MLS 3.0 5.5G, decided to start my first journal since i haven't fully compreend how subliminals suppose to work so i am going to post my journey hoping to get some insights from more experienced guys. I'm 26 years old, currently finishing a Law degree but my passion is spirituality, i have a goal to become enlightened (in this lifetime) and hope to find find a carrer to making a living while i help people expand their consciousness and heal their wounds. Sorry about my english, not my native language.
My subliminal experience:
AM5 - 30 days - I downloaded illegaly, never heard of such program and someone posted on a reddit dedicated to sharing PUA programs. As i used, decided to learn about it, found this forum, began to read and the copy right protection scared me, decided to use some free subliminal. Didn't see much of it as i didn't know what to expect from it, altough i had some strange moments like waking up with a unusual urge to be productive.
Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid - 5 days - During this time, i was unusualy happy and full of hope, this was my first "holy shit, this subliminals really work" moment. Decided to buy a program, altough i live in Brazil and the dolar here is expensive, so i paid like 4 times the price every time i bought a program. High investiment for a broke student.
LTU 3.1 - 30 days - Had some insights with this program, i matured a lot while using the program, don't remember nothing special. Decided that i needed to buy MLS 3.0 because i am in my final year to get my Law degree and struggling a lot with it (as you will see).
MLS 3.0 5.5G - 40 days - For someone with ADHD (don't belive this is a valid diagnose since i think there is an undelying problem that makes my brain not fuction optimally), this program was great, my focus improved a lot, was takng more care of my health (that improved my mental health), was taking action until i stubbled upon a major resistance that made me procrastinate(always was a big problem to me) as hell. I was feeling a major depression, hopelessness and anxiety while i had to write my 50 pages long final essay to graduate which made an impossible task. Decided to take one more semester to finish my essay, took a break from MLS and acquired Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 2.0 since i have several emotional issues that i feel that hold me back so much. Obs: Failled to give a break between subs.
Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 2.0 - 30 days - Rollercoaster of emotions, i felt resistance almost daily, had some major insights but was mostly hell (anxiety almost all the time). Learned a lot, plan to use this sub for a longer period later but decided to go back to MLS since i feel that is the most needed at the moment.
MLS 3.0 5.5G - 60 days (don't know exactly, didn't keep track) - The detox program surely made an impact, i researched a LOT about detox, which led me to follow a vegan( i am became vegan 1 year ago) raw diet, learned and did a lot of fasting (water or juicing, planning to do more and more). This led me to belive that my ADHD is caused by some sort of toxin stored in my body (probably in the gut), i may have heavy metal poisoning, parasite infection and stones in the liver. Currently trying to take one step at a time, since the detox basicaly makes you feel horrible now that the toxins stored in the body are getting moved to be expelled, they may go into the blood stream and cause several symptoms like anger, depression, anxiety, dizzines, headaches, pains along the body, brain fog etc. Usualy i use 4 loops (US) while sleep but i adapt according to my resistance, if it is too strong and making me too anxious or something that blocks me from being productive, i scale it back, listen to 2 loops or skip a day or two until i feel better enough to continue the program. My focus is good, compared where i was before the program, i had some bursts of discipline and motivations but it isn't stable yet. When i am disciplined with my diet, sleep and health in general, my brain fog subside almost completely, but, unfurtunatly, this is not frequent, although i am getting better at this.
And here we are! I feel that i have MAJOR limiting beliefs and blocks related to learning. Everybody says that i am smart and capable but i simply can't see it this way, i tend to be over critical with myself, making me anxious and full of guilt. I am also a perfectionist, so i put impossible standards for myself, comparing me with other people, berating myself which only makes everything worse. I have some sort of block in my mind that i always feel that i am not enough (to be successful at anything). I constantly sabbotage myself and procrastinate like hell( i think is duo to the reasons above). I hope that this program will help me deal with those limiting beliefs and i don't plan to give up because if i don't overcome this, i don't think there is a good future ahead. I lack discipline which i am making an effort to cultivate, i need to be able to write for my essay every day until july 23th (last deadline).
Also, for those who are interested in spirituality, i'm going through an kundalini awakening which makes everything harder, i feel a lot of anxiety daily and it's common to feel hopelessness, even depression somethimes (altough i am not depressed). Because of this, i can't formaly meditate as meditation (or almost all spiritual practice) makes me feel worse (more anxious and worried). I don't have some guru to talk about it, all i have is the internet. The only serious guru i know here in Brazil its called Sri Prem Baba and i plan to go to a retreat to meet him in october. I also did 2 10-days silence vipassana retreat (one as student and other as a server).
So, its a real challenge that i am ready to take, no way out of it.
Right know i am going throught a resistance phase as i am noticing a lot of DEEP seated fears bubbling up. I have a deep fear of being a faillure in life(i don't tell anyone). I think its due to lack of self-love (REAL self-love) that makes me feel that i am not enough. I am the only child of two parents that failed hard in life so my whole family puts a LOT of expectations on me. If i don't belive that i can finish/do something, like my essay, i tend to procrastinate a LOT and feel anxious and distracted every time i manage to sit and do the work. Ironically, my fear of faliure is making me fail. I would love some insights on how to deal with limiting beliefs (blocks) like this
My subliminal experience:
AM5 - 30 days - I downloaded illegaly, never heard of such program and someone posted on a reddit dedicated to sharing PUA programs. As i used, decided to learn about it, found this forum, began to read and the copy right protection scared me, decided to use some free subliminal. Didn't see much of it as i didn't know what to expect from it, altough i had some strange moments like waking up with a unusual urge to be productive.
Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid - 5 days - During this time, i was unusualy happy and full of hope, this was my first "holy shit, this subliminals really work" moment. Decided to buy a program, altough i live in Brazil and the dolar here is expensive, so i paid like 4 times the price every time i bought a program. High investiment for a broke student.
LTU 3.1 - 30 days - Had some insights with this program, i matured a lot while using the program, don't remember nothing special. Decided that i needed to buy MLS 3.0 because i am in my final year to get my Law degree and struggling a lot with it (as you will see).
MLS 3.0 5.5G - 40 days - For someone with ADHD (don't belive this is a valid diagnose since i think there is an undelying problem that makes my brain not fuction optimally), this program was great, my focus improved a lot, was takng more care of my health (that improved my mental health), was taking action until i stubbled upon a major resistance that made me procrastinate(always was a big problem to me) as hell. I was feeling a major depression, hopelessness and anxiety while i had to write my 50 pages long final essay to graduate which made an impossible task. Decided to take one more semester to finish my essay, took a break from MLS and acquired Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 2.0 since i have several emotional issues that i feel that hold me back so much. Obs: Failled to give a break between subs.
Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 2.0 - 30 days - Rollercoaster of emotions, i felt resistance almost daily, had some major insights but was mostly hell (anxiety almost all the time). Learned a lot, plan to use this sub for a longer period later but decided to go back to MLS since i feel that is the most needed at the moment.
MLS 3.0 5.5G - 60 days (don't know exactly, didn't keep track) - The detox program surely made an impact, i researched a LOT about detox, which led me to follow a vegan( i am became vegan 1 year ago) raw diet, learned and did a lot of fasting (water or juicing, planning to do more and more). This led me to belive that my ADHD is caused by some sort of toxin stored in my body (probably in the gut), i may have heavy metal poisoning, parasite infection and stones in the liver. Currently trying to take one step at a time, since the detox basicaly makes you feel horrible now that the toxins stored in the body are getting moved to be expelled, they may go into the blood stream and cause several symptoms like anger, depression, anxiety, dizzines, headaches, pains along the body, brain fog etc. Usualy i use 4 loops (US) while sleep but i adapt according to my resistance, if it is too strong and making me too anxious or something that blocks me from being productive, i scale it back, listen to 2 loops or skip a day or two until i feel better enough to continue the program. My focus is good, compared where i was before the program, i had some bursts of discipline and motivations but it isn't stable yet. When i am disciplined with my diet, sleep and health in general, my brain fog subside almost completely, but, unfurtunatly, this is not frequent, although i am getting better at this.

And here we are! I feel that i have MAJOR limiting beliefs and blocks related to learning. Everybody says that i am smart and capable but i simply can't see it this way, i tend to be over critical with myself, making me anxious and full of guilt. I am also a perfectionist, so i put impossible standards for myself, comparing me with other people, berating myself which only makes everything worse. I have some sort of block in my mind that i always feel that i am not enough (to be successful at anything). I constantly sabbotage myself and procrastinate like hell( i think is duo to the reasons above). I hope that this program will help me deal with those limiting beliefs and i don't plan to give up because if i don't overcome this, i don't think there is a good future ahead. I lack discipline which i am making an effort to cultivate, i need to be able to write for my essay every day until july 23th (last deadline).
Also, for those who are interested in spirituality, i'm going through an kundalini awakening which makes everything harder, i feel a lot of anxiety daily and it's common to feel hopelessness, even depression somethimes (altough i am not depressed). Because of this, i can't formaly meditate as meditation (or almost all spiritual practice) makes me feel worse (more anxious and worried). I don't have some guru to talk about it, all i have is the internet. The only serious guru i know here in Brazil its called Sri Prem Baba and i plan to go to a retreat to meet him in october. I also did 2 10-days silence vipassana retreat (one as student and other as a server).
So, its a real challenge that i am ready to take, no way out of it.
Right know i am going throught a resistance phase as i am noticing a lot of DEEP seated fears bubbling up. I have a deep fear of being a faillure in life(i don't tell anyone). I think its due to lack of self-love (REAL self-love) that makes me feel that i am not enough. I am the only child of two parents that failed hard in life so my whole family puts a LOT of expectations on me. If i don't belive that i can finish/do something, like my essay, i tend to procrastinate a LOT and feel anxious and distracted every time i manage to sit and do the work. Ironically, my fear of faliure is making me fail. I would love some insights on how to deal with limiting beliefs (blocks) like this