04-20-2011, 08:00 AM
Quote:AM11 appears to have taken a more active role in female attraction. That is evidenced by the overwhelming request for it in the AM11 suggestion thread. You are the script designer and need to satisfy the market (paying the bills is nice). I have no problems with nor do I fear female attraction, I deal with it all the time and have dealt with it prior to alpha. My question was to make sure that this attraction was not the only way that an alpha instills confidence in himself. From your reply I can assume that its not the only why confidence is instilled. I also expect that if this assumption is wrong that you will clarify that statement.
"Confidence" based on attracting others is external and thus useless. Genuine confidence comes from within, and cannot be had by such external things as attracting women. One may become skilled at attracting women, or even seducing them; and naturally, one would become confident in one's ability to do so. But that does not translate in anyway to genuine confidence in oneself as a man, or at one's core. So attracting women really has nothing to do with the confidence I am interested in instilling, and therefore, does not exist within the program as such. That is to say, the program makes no attempt to, or association of, attracting women as a means to attain confidence.
Quote:My prior posts, were axe grinding, which you should detect as the alpha process. Its a compliment that I question what is going on, the a student is questioning the master. Thats what AM is training me to do. I understand that and as stated "I'm growing a backbone". I'm refining my approach but I'm still driven to question what I don't know or understand (as stated in my previous posts).
I haven't really been taking it as "axe grinding". It's good that you question, as communication is critical for understanding. No person in a capacity of a sharer of knowledge would get very far without questions from those they are sharing knowledge with when they are necessary for understanding.
Quote: My posting, ceased along time ago to be for my benefit and instead is for yours, (with the exception of posts like this). I feel an obligation to repay you for your efforts in improving my life. While I have made purchases with the intent to keep your business going (and will continue my monthly purchases, so get those 4G's converted), I also understand that many will read this thread and watch a journey with which they will also want. I amplify many aspects of posts in order to emphasize my feelings, thoughts, and actions. The posts are created in order for you and others to see into my sole and know what is going on. To others taking a similar journey they will wonder the same. What is my focus, why am I listening to the sub, what can I expect. Some will find that their goals are not the same as the 18+ section. This thread will help them to align their expectations in order to maximize the benefits of the sub.
I very much appreciate your consideration, patronage and efforts to help my business through your posts and other support. Believe me, it does not go un-noticed. Thank you.
Quote:Don't be surprised that I'm questioning direction wanting to avoid things that I find unnecessary (tis the alpha way). Don't be surprised that I'm grinding my axe. It is human nature for us to disagree. Its a compliment that I now challenge you one your beliefs. Count these as compliments to your success. Its proof that you are indeed the best at what you do. Now with that said, here it comes.
I'm not sure I see where or how we disagree, but one thing I have spent a good portion of my life learning is "to each their own". Challenge away; without questions and challenges, the truth may slip away un-noticed. I make no claims of infallibility in action or knowledge.
Quote:[axe grinding]In regards to the error I found in the cancer script. I know that I copied the line I posted from the cancer script thread posting not from the store description. I was not in error on that one. The script post changed. I did not then nor do I now need a GC. I let that one slide and should not have, it re-affirmed that I was then a beta male.[/axe grinding]
When the posted script is in error, and the error does not appear in the build script, there is little point in doing anything besides fixing the posted error, and if memory serves, that is what happened.
Quote:Got to love that backbone. I now consider my axe ground enough. Alpha Male has me ready to become a lumber jack with all the axe sharpening I'm doing lately.
Good. Stand up and be counted.

Quote:Ok I could use a little more clarification on your statement below. "It has uses and value aside from that;" Does this apply to confidence or female attraction or both. If its female attraction then I could use more clarification. How will this help with the non-sexual attraction of my life.
(04-19-2011, 11:45 AM)Shannon Wrote: Confidence attracts women. That is a well known fact. Whether you want it to or not is immaterial. It has uses and value aside from that; if you are not interested in the women whom it attracts, simply ignore them.
I am referring to increasing one's genuine self confidence. My point is that attracting women is not the point of achieving genuine self confidence, and that trying to make it the point usually de-rails the end result. Attracting women is never the goal of the man seeking to improve himself for his own good, and that is why he achieves his goals: he is doing it for his own good. Attracting women happens as a by-product. Put women aside, and you succeed in becoming what they want, in this case. Do it "for them", or "to attract them" (i.e. for external reasons) and you become a thin veneer facad of confidence that is only skin deep. That's why so many guys fail when they're trying to make themselves better, because they're trying to make themselves better for the wrong reasons, which don't make for the right motivations to do the things and make the changes that most need to be made for the best women to be attracted. Women have evolved over many, many generations to be able to sense when a man is genuinely healthy or not, and the best ones don't fall for the guys who are just a veneer of success.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!