04-23-2016, 05:06 AM
JG reporting in!
*On Stage 6 of AM 6.0
Every night I'm encountering really vivid dreams that there are days when I wonder if what I have experience was a dream or only a reality.
One of the dreams I remembered is me with a friend and we are in some kind of a video game that we need to escape. We weren't able to succeed in doing so because either him or I ends up dying and I keep on restarting the game. In the end we were able to escape. I did it through my sheer determination on fighting the final boss. It was gruesome and brutal in a way that I killed him by tearing of the skin from his flesh.
I want to note that nowadays whenever I am down or have down something negative like I have watched porn and fapped, I wasn't as depressed as before. I am still affected but I don't end up tearing up and crying and feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like shit and say to myself that I couldn't change what happened anymore. The thing I should do was to go back to the drawing board and try again.
In regards to my career, I have been given multiple job opportunities recently. Though I haven't been successful in getting the job, I believe I am more confident in my job interviews. I am also not trying enough because I still have a bond in my current job until June of this year. If I happen to quit my job, I have to pay a substantial amount, to which I am not willing to do.
JG out!
*On Stage 6 of AM 6.0
Every night I'm encountering really vivid dreams that there are days when I wonder if what I have experience was a dream or only a reality.
One of the dreams I remembered is me with a friend and we are in some kind of a video game that we need to escape. We weren't able to succeed in doing so because either him or I ends up dying and I keep on restarting the game. In the end we were able to escape. I did it through my sheer determination on fighting the final boss. It was gruesome and brutal in a way that I killed him by tearing of the skin from his flesh.
I want to note that nowadays whenever I am down or have down something negative like I have watched porn and fapped, I wasn't as depressed as before. I am still affected but I don't end up tearing up and crying and feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like shit and say to myself that I couldn't change what happened anymore. The thing I should do was to go back to the drawing board and try again.
In regards to my career, I have been given multiple job opportunities recently. Though I haven't been successful in getting the job, I believe I am more confident in my job interviews. I am also not trying enough because I still have a bond in my current job until June of this year. If I happen to quit my job, I have to pay a substantial amount, to which I am not willing to do.
JG out!

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."