02-29-2016, 01:43 PM
Shannon's quote from Light's journal about OGSF -> "And that is a big part of why I put love in it. I think I'm going to make a sub to become a shining beacon of pure, unconditional, non-specific love. Can you imagine if the people now killing each other in the middle east were to use a program like OGSF 5G or Become Pure Love?"
MY response:
Become Pure Love...??? Holy Sheet Dough Balls Batman! Are you flipping SERIOUS Shannon !! Dang Man that would sooo flipping good for the planet,you,Me and everybody to be ,man. damn ,please make it !!
Can you imagine a pregnant women playing that 'tune' fer 9 months straight along with some classical music... what an incredible jump on life that baby being born would have with such goodness and vibrations of love flowing thru-its being-ness while in the womb.This this would have some seriously positive effects on ALL OF OUR BEINGNESS...fear,guilt and shame are all dissolved in waves of light and Love energy.even affirmations that HIGH LOVE ENERGY dissolves all lower vibrational energies around them... this is just opening my heart and blowing my ever loving mind,thinking about the possibilities and the positive wave length,rippling effects of such powerful love brought thru from ' the higher realms of the light" ( and yes I've been there and YES its beyound words not to mention the mortal mind!!) peace be Wiff... keith .PS:Im inspired just by thinking about all of this ,Shannon !!
MY response:
Become Pure Love...??? Holy Sheet Dough Balls Batman! Are you flipping SERIOUS Shannon !! Dang Man that would sooo flipping good for the planet,you,Me and everybody to be ,man. damn ,please make it !!
Can you imagine a pregnant women playing that 'tune' fer 9 months straight along with some classical music... what an incredible jump on life that baby being born would have with such goodness and vibrations of love flowing thru-its being-ness while in the womb.This this would have some seriously positive effects on ALL OF OUR BEINGNESS...fear,guilt and shame are all dissolved in waves of light and Love energy.even affirmations that HIGH LOVE ENERGY dissolves all lower vibrational energies around them... this is just opening my heart and blowing my ever loving mind,thinking about the possibilities and the positive wave length,rippling effects of such powerful love brought thru from ' the higher realms of the light" ( and yes I've been there and YES its beyound words not to mention the mortal mind!!) peace be Wiff... keith .PS:Im inspired just by thinking about all of this ,Shannon !!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"