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Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Printable Version

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RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - ncbeareatingman - 03-28-2020

(03-28-2020, 06:31 AM)Have at ye Wrote:
(03-27-2020, 10:06 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: A few questions for RTBoss & Have at Ye,concerning using DRS.
How long was it Guys,before you started noticing the results of DRS? Within the first week or so? Did you find the affects,getting stronger the Longer you used it? Did things becone much more obvious by say the second,cycle of DRS? Thanks ,maybe this.ll give Shannon some more,insight into this,program, as well. Thank you!

Felt it instantly. After several days felt a lot of relief. Still, I did get quite a number of fools trying to go for it anyway, and it would sometimes take some time for them to lay off for good, or at the very least not make it a constant thing, heh.

The longer I use it, the less frequently I'm being attacked.

Frankly, I don't want to spoil it to you too much. Enjoy the DRS. Big Grin

RTBoss & Have At Ye- thank you tons, Gents!! Thanks for your time and feedback and Have at ye fer not totally giving it all away.... Yes Im shure there are some 'sweet' surprises in there,along the way. DRS...Friday in 5 days! Yes!!

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 03-29-2020

Hi @Benjamin. Just placed an order, if you could sort that out, that'd be great.

Boy, I bet you love being spammed like this, lmao. Hope you guys can fix the problem soon. I know ALL about issues like this, just hearing about it gives me PTSD to my own site's issues over time.

All the best.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 03-29-2020

(03-29-2020, 12:31 AM)CatMan Wrote: Hi @Benjamin. Just placed an order, if you could sort that out, that'd be great.

Boy, I bet you love being spammed like this, lmao. Hope you guys can fix the problem soon. I know ALL about issues like this, just hearing about it gives me PTSD to my own site's issues over time.

All the best.

I appreciate your order, but what do you think we can do to expedite? Ben handles the orders multiple times a day as it is, but he's in Australia. Asking for faster service isn't going to change the fact that he lives in Australia, and it's not like he's slacking off. And if you have PTSD from dealing with this sort of issue, why do it yourself?  If it was possible to expedite, we would be doing it without you having to ask.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 03-29-2020

(03-29-2020, 08:51 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(03-29-2020, 12:31 AM)CatMan Wrote: Hi @Benjamin. Just placed an order, if you could sort that out, that'd be great.

Boy, I bet you love being spammed like this, lmao. Hope you guys can fix the problem soon. I know ALL about issues like this, just hearing about it gives me PTSD to my own site's issues over time.

All the best.

I appreciate your order, but what do you think we can do to expedite? Ben handles the orders multiple times a day as it is, but he's in Australia. Asking for faster service isn't going to change the fact that he lives in Australia, and it's not like he's slacking off. And if you have PTSD from dealing with this sort of issue, why do it yourself?  If it was possible to expedite, we would be doing it without you having to ask.


What the hell?!

I saw other people "reporting" that they ordered, so I thought that's what we were doing for now until this is fixed.

I made a simple joke to Ben because during this I'm sure he's inundated to fix orders for now.

And...I didn't do it myself for my website, naturally. I hired programmers. However, I know how website issues can be difficult to fix and they can be time-intensive.

My post had zero bad intentions, and was completely cordial and normal. I think it's pretty crystal clear.

My god Shannon...


Another argument about nothing between us for some reason...

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - samba99 - 03-30-2020

I wonder why you made such a huge claim with DMSI and made it a one time payment? Now we testers have to wait extremely huge time-line just to get the next update. Even so, the updates are usually made in a hurry or as a Robin hood with another sub. Now you don't want to work on the sub, nor you want to declare the last version as final. Because you know people will start requesting for refunds.
Whether you know it or not, you keep delaying DMSI for one major reason which is you don't get paid for it.

I honestly don't mind keep paying you for updates. Maybe a better plan was to just charge 30$ or so for each update. Instead of one time payment of $112. This was probably fair for both sides.

Now most people quit the sub and lost interest because of the huge time between each update. You already know by heart two subliminal category will sale like crazy which are success and sex. Yet you keep releasing subs which people have little to no interest.

Don't get me wrong, your last DMSI is really good. But it needs work to be done.

And guess what, if you have a cycle, we all HAVE CYCLES TOO!

I kept holding this for a while but seriously it's so apparent now.
You should find a solution for this, one update per year is really unreasonable. I don't think people will mind paying little money for updates. Because we all know when DMSI does work as intended, you probably going to hike the price.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - AriGold - 03-30-2020

Yes, that is an interesting concept.
Each further update of DMSI would cost $10-$30 if you want to use and try it. When Shannon decides this is the final then everybody who initially paid for it, gets access for it and a certain time for using and the ability for a refund.
The bad thing would be if not enough people use it and then Shannon does not get enough feedback to know what to change and how to move on. So it's not easy to choose.

By the way instead of a voucher for "percentage X off" of the future product because you used the previous one, why now "percentage X off" of what you paid for the previous product. This one might no be so easy to automate. Or just if I already have a program that is beyond 5G and a successor comes out, get X amount back of what you already paid something like that.

I don't have the solution but I'd like for Shannon to get paid for updates.

I was also thinking of something like a "kickstarter" for subs. If you are interested in Sub X you deposit money and if a certain amount of money goes into that sub, Shannon can decide to make it because the demand is already there and the money is secured. If it is just voting then not everybody will buy the sub, if it is just 10% payment then maybe not everybody pays the rest. So it has to be 100% or 90% for early adaptors.

I personally think people like some early adaptor bonus or some goodies, some motivation to put their money in early on. Like what you did with Woman Magnet. Just to make it a fun round.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Have at ye - 03-30-2020

Guys, stop trying to guilt Shannon into working on DMSI faster, you're probably not helping. Big Grin I've noticed it's been a re-occurring thing since the DAOS days (the very first version of the DMSI line, for those who don't know Wink ).

The program deals with human sexuality on a deep unconscious and energetic level, it's a damn complex thing, y'know. And he's, like, one guy working on it.

Besides, don't knock on the programs that are being done in the interim, they're fine and useful; the fact that, say, physical healing or immunity are not on someone's list of priorities for the time being doesn't mean they're not important. And knock on wood you don't need them ever. Big Grin

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Hatman - 03-30-2020

(03-30-2020, 08:53 AM)samba99 Wrote: Shannon,
I wonder why you made such a huge claim with DMSI and made it a one time payment? Now we testers have to wait extremely huge time-line just to get the next update. Even so, the updates are usually made in a hurry or as a Robin hood with another sub. Now you don't want to work on the sub, nor you want to declare the last version as final. Because you know people will start requesting for refunds.
Whether you know it or not, you keep delaying DMSI for one major reason which is you don't get paid for it.

I honestly don't mind keep paying you for updates. Maybe a better plan was to just charge 30$ or so for each update. Instead of one time payment of $112. This was probably fair for both sides.

This is full of inaccuracies. I think you should re-read the description for DMSI. When you do, you will find that there are no refunds for this program because it is experimental, meaning that it may or may not work for people. At the same time, you are eligible for free upgrades when they come out making your claims invalid. It doesn't matter if it worked for you or not. You signed up for it.

I'm not sure how often you visit this forum, but for a user whose account is almost 3 years old you should know more about the process that goes into advancing the tech and the time it takes to apply it as upgrades. We are currently waiting for the FRM to b developed.

And in the meantime, Shannon needs to make money since he barely gets paid from the work he does on DMSI. This is why other programs have priority.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - lano1106 - 03-30-2020

Here is my input on the topic.

Shannon's attention is influenced by the need to release products that will bring money home.

So far that reason, I wouldn't mind seeing the DMSI release model change from free updates to paid updates to contribute to the effort.

That being said, in this time of Covid-19 quarantine. I see little point in pushing DMSI releases now. If we are lucky, this madness will end so that we can enjoy a little bit the summer before it ends. More realistically this fall... And pessimistically somewhere in 2021.

Who would you want to influence and attract with DMSI now? For me, noone...

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 03-30-2020

Have you guys ever considered that maybe it takes so long between updates not because I don't make money on it, but because I simply don't know how to improve it yet? Have you noticed that I haven't even started working on FRM 4.9 yet? That I have been stumped for almost a year on how to move that forward, and once I understand what to do I have to still figure out how to do it? Have you noticed that none of the programs I have released for a while have FRM in them?

I started working on MIR because it's needed. I started working on Sex Drive Maximizer because when I did, I believed I could do it in 3 days. SDM was built to keep us afloat to some degree while I work on MIR, which is a very long, complex program, and very important right now. Unfortunately, things did not go in my favor, and SDM took a lot longer to build than I anticipated. (I also built the disruptor and never charged a cent for it, even though it was around a week of work. By the way.)

And DMSI, right now? Seriously? What we need is MIR 3. We need some way to help ourselves deal with this Wuhan flu and other infections.

I also wonder, what huge claim did I make with DMSI? That it is designed to do something it can't yet, because it is an unfinished experimental? That I believe I can eventually make it achieve its goals?

You really think me charging $10 to $30 a copy is going to make me enough money to be worth a damn? No, it's just going to increase the pressure to keep working on something I am not yet ready to build, and make a lot of people mad when I can't yet deliver.

You pay once and then get free upgrades until I stop developing this program, whether because it is finished and works, or because I am no longer willing to spend energy working on it. That is fair. Charging for each release may benefit me, but it does not make things work if I am not sure how to do the job yet.

So Samba, I propose this. You figure out how to make FRM work, and then we'll talk. Until then, you are stuck with the fact that NOBODY knows how to do what I am trying to accomplish with FRM, and to the best of my knowledge, NOBODY is even trying anymore, except me. That means that either I do it, or NOBODY does it. And if I don't do it, you are going to have the end of the line on DMSI right then and there.

In other words, there's nothing unfair here and there is no conspiracy or money grab. And you, good sir, have only one option, which is to deal with it. Unless and until I finish FRM 4.9, there is no point in trying to make a new version of DMSI, and there are more important things than sex. That is why I am working on MIR v3.

If you guys could see the circumstances I deal with when making the choices I make, you might understand my choices better.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - THolt - 03-30-2020

(03-30-2020, 11:35 AM)Shannon Wrote: Have you guys ever considered that maybe it takes so long between updates not because I don't make money on it, but because I simply don't know how to improve it yet?  Have you noticed that I haven't even started working on FRM 4.9 yet?  That I have been stumped for almost a year on how to move that forward, and once I understand what to do I have to still figure out how to do it?  Have you noticed that none of the programs I have released for a while have FRM in them?  

I started working on MIR because it's needed.  I started working on Sex Drive Maximizer because when I did, I believed I could do it in 3 days.  SDM was built to keep us afloat to some degree while I work on MIR, which is a very long, complex program, and very important right now.  Unfortunately, things did not go in my favor, and SDM took a lot longer to build than I anticipated.  (I also built the disruptor and never charged a cent for it, even though it was around a week of work.  By the way.)

And DMSI, right now?  Seriously?  What we need is MIR 3.  We need some way to help ourselves deal with this Wuhan flu and other infections.  

I also wonder, what huge claim did I make with DMSI?  That it is designed to do something it can't yet, because it is an unfinished experimental?  That I believe I can eventually make it achieve its goals?  

You really think me charging $10 to $30 a copy is going to make me enough money to be worth a damn?  No, it's just going to increase the pressure to keep working on something I am not yet ready to build, and make a lot of people mad when I can't yet deliver.

You pay once and then get free upgrades until I stop developing this program, whether because it is finished and works, or because I am no longer willing to spend energy working on it.  That is fair.  Charging for each release may benefit me, but it does not make things work if I am not sure how to do the job yet.

So Samba, I propose this.  You figure out how to make FRM work, and then we'll talk.  Until then, you are stuck with the fact that NOBODY knows how to do what I am trying to accomplish with FRM, and to the best of my knowledge, NOBODY is even trying anymore, except me.  That means that either I do it, or NOBODY does it.  And if I don't do it, you are going to have the end of the line on DMSI right then and there.

In other words, there's nothing unfair here and there is no conspiracy or money grab.  And you, good sir, have only one option, which is to deal with it.  Unless and until I finish FRM 4.9, there is no point in trying to make a new version of DMSI, and there are more important things than sex.  That is why I am working on MIR v3.  

If you guys could see the circumstances I deal with when making the choices I make, you might understand my choices better.


Why do you label COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu when it is a coronavirus?  Not trying to argue but just curious.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 03-30-2020

(03-30-2020, 12:17 PM)THolt Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 11:35 AM)Shannon Wrote: Have you guys ever considered that maybe it takes so long between updates not because I don't make money on it, but because I simply don't know how to improve it yet?  Have you noticed that I haven't even started working on FRM 4.9 yet?  That I have been stumped for almost a year on how to move that forward, and once I understand what to do I have to still figure out how to do it?  Have you noticed that none of the programs I have released for a while have FRM in them?  

I started working on MIR because it's needed.  I started working on Sex Drive Maximizer because when I did, I believed I could do it in 3 days.  SDM was built to keep us afloat to some degree while I work on MIR, which is a very long, complex program, and very important right now.  Unfortunately, things did not go in my favor, and SDM took a lot longer to build than I anticipated.  (I also built the disruptor and never charged a cent for it, even though it was around a week of work.  By the way.)

And DMSI, right now?  Seriously?  What we need is MIR 3.  We need some way to help ourselves deal with this Wuhan flu and other infections.  

I also wonder, what huge claim did I make with DMSI?  That it is designed to do something it can't yet, because it is an unfinished experimental?  That I believe I can eventually make it achieve its goals?  

You really think me charging $10 to $30 a copy is going to make me enough money to be worth a damn?  No, it's just going to increase the pressure to keep working on something I am not yet ready to build, and make a lot of people mad when I can't yet deliver.

You pay once and then get free upgrades until I stop developing this program, whether because it is finished and works, or because I am no longer willing to spend energy working on it.  That is fair.  Charging for each release may benefit me, but it does not make things work if I am not sure how to do the job yet.

So Samba, I propose this.  You figure out how to make FRM work, and then we'll talk.  Until then, you are stuck with the fact that NOBODY knows how to do what I am trying to accomplish with FRM, and to the best of my knowledge, NOBODY is even trying anymore, except me.  That means that either I do it, or NOBODY does it.  And if I don't do it, you are going to have the end of the line on DMSI right then and there.

In other words, there's nothing unfair here and there is no conspiracy or money grab.  And you, good sir, have only one option, which is to deal with it.  Unless and until I finish FRM 4.9, there is no point in trying to make a new version of DMSI, and there are more important things than sex.  That is why I am working on MIR v3.  

If you guys could see the circumstances I deal with when making the choices I make, you might understand my choices better.


Why do you label COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu when it is a coronavirus?  Not trying to argue but just curious.

Are you saying that just because it is a corona virus that it can't cause the flu?  

Regardless, I think a lot of shady effort has been made to hide or distract from the fact that the virus originated in Wuhan, China, and I choose to name it according to where it came from.  There is a long history of naming viruses for where the came from, only recently broken with this one. Interesting, don't you think? Whether we call it the Wuhan Flu or the Wuhan virus doesn't matter. What matters is that we not try to hide where it came from.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Benjamin - 03-30-2020

Guys were all stressed at the moment with what's going on in the world, and the paypal issue is just as frustrating to me. Especially when some people literally email every 10 minutes complaining their order isn't done yet. Which surprisingly (I assume) doesn't make me appear at my computer to check the emails faster, but instead I see all 5 emails at once and get annoyed.

But lets not take it out on each other here.


What the hell?!

I saw other people "reporting" that they ordered, so I thought that's what we were doing for now until this is fixed.

I made a simple joke to Ben because during this I'm sure he's inundated to fix orders for now.

And...I didn't do it myself for my website, naturally. I hired programmers. However, I know how website issues can be difficult to fix and they can be time-intensive.

My post had zero bad intentions, and was completely cordial and normal. I think it's pretty crystal clear.

My god Shannon...


Another argument about nothing between us for some reason...

Catman, compared to this response Shannon's was quite tame. And the comment you're referring to didn't come across in the way you intended, even I was like "Ah what".

Your response is quite a bit more extreme than Shannons, that come across as mild. While also trying to tell him to relax. There's no need for that.

I wonder why you made such a huge claim with DMSI and made it a one time payment? Now we testers have to wait extremely huge time-line just to get the next update. Even so, the updates are usually made in a hurry or as a Robin hood with another sub. Now you don't want to work on the sub, nor you want to declare the last version as final. Because you know people will start requesting for refunds.
Whether you know it or not, you keep delaying DMSI for one major reason which is you don't get paid for it.

I honestly don't mind keep paying you for updates. Maybe a better plan was to just charge 30$ or so for each update. Instead of one time payment of $112. This was probably fair for both sides.

Now most people quit the sub and lost interest because of the huge time between each update. You already know by heart two subliminal category will sale like crazy which are success and sex. Yet you keep releasing subs which people have little to no interest.

Don't get me wrong, your last DMSI is really good. But it needs work to be done.

And guess what, if you have a cycle, we all HAVE CYCLES TOO!

I kept holding this for a while but seriously it's so apparent now.
You should find a solution for this, one update per year is really unreasonable. I don't think people will mind paying little money for updates. Because we all know when DMSI does work as intended, you probably going to hike the price.

I get that you're frustrated, i've dealt with alot of frustration around women and hoping certain things will work. And sounds like you've been wanting an opportunity to express that, but i'm hoping we can keep it civil and not escalate, as things seem a little on edge right now.

First, there's been quite a few updates to DMSI since it first come out. And don't you think Shannon WANTS it to get to a stage where it works as everyone would like it to? As he said, fear is a big thing and FRM is still being worked on, he could just keep releasing fast updates just  changing little things for the sake of it.. but that probably wouldn't make you happy either. He is working on advancing the technology towards it.

Your suggestion of paying for updates is interesting, if you were paying for each update so far it would already cost more than the initial price of DMSI.

I don't know if you have or not. But reading this I really think it might be a good idea for you to try another program for a while, maybe work on another area. As in your post comes across quite a bit of desperation, and it likely communicates to women.

Plus Shannon's point about the Cornona Virus is a good one. Say he releases a DMSI that works perfectly tomorrow..

Where are you gonna go? Everyone is being told to stay home, alot of things are closed etc. Woudln't it be a better idea to do something to focus on yourself at the moment?

Plus.. releasing programs that nobody cares about? That's coming from you being frustrated and just being able to think about sex right now. But I can tell you there has been interest in other programs. And you really can't say now that a program to boost the immune system that everyone will be like "why would I want that right now? I want sex!."

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - THolt - 03-30-2020

(03-30-2020, 12:58 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 12:17 PM)THolt Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 11:35 AM)Shannon Wrote: Have you guys ever considered that maybe it takes so long between updates not because I don't make money on it, but because I simply don't know how to improve it yet?  Have you noticed that I haven't even started working on FRM 4.9 yet?  That I have been stumped for almost a year on how to move that forward, and once I understand what to do I have to still figure out how to do it?  Have you noticed that none of the programs I have released for a while have FRM in them?  

I started working on MIR because it's needed.  I started working on Sex Drive Maximizer because when I did, I believed I could do it in 3 days.  SDM was built to keep us afloat to some degree while I work on MIR, which is a very long, complex program, and very important right now.  Unfortunately, things did not go in my favor, and SDM took a lot longer to build than I anticipated.  (I also built the disruptor and never charged a cent for it, even though it was around a week of work.  By the way.)

And DMSI, right now?  Seriously?  What we need is MIR 3.  We need some way to help ourselves deal with this Wuhan flu and other infections.  

I also wonder, what huge claim did I make with DMSI?  That it is designed to do something it can't yet, because it is an unfinished experimental?  That I believe I can eventually make it achieve its goals?  

You really think me charging $10 to $30 a copy is going to make me enough money to be worth a damn?  No, it's just going to increase the pressure to keep working on something I am not yet ready to build, and make a lot of people mad when I can't yet deliver.

You pay once and then get free upgrades until I stop developing this program, whether because it is finished and works, or because I am no longer willing to spend energy working on it.  That is fair.  Charging for each release may benefit me, but it does not make things work if I am not sure how to do the job yet.

So Samba, I propose this.  You figure out how to make FRM work, and then we'll talk.  Until then, you are stuck with the fact that NOBODY knows how to do what I am trying to accomplish with FRM, and to the best of my knowledge, NOBODY is even trying anymore, except me.  That means that either I do it, or NOBODY does it.  And if I don't do it, you are going to have the end of the line on DMSI right then and there.

In other words, there's nothing unfair here and there is no conspiracy or money grab.  And you, good sir, have only one option, which is to deal with it.  Unless and until I finish FRM 4.9, there is no point in trying to make a new version of DMSI, and there are more important things than sex.  That is why I am working on MIR v3.  

If you guys could see the circumstances I deal with when making the choices I make, you might understand my choices better.


Why do you label COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu when it is a coronavirus?  Not trying to argue but just curious.

Are you saying that just because it is a corona virus that it can't cause the flu?  

Regardless, I think a lot of shady effort has been made to hide or distract from the fact that the virus originated in Wuhan, China, and I choose to name it according to where it came from.  There is a long history of naming viruses for where the came from, only recently broken with this one. Interesting, don't you think?  Whether we call it the Wuhan Flu or the Wuhan virus doesn't matter.  What matters is that we not try to hide where it came from.

Well it can cause flu like symptoms but it is not an influenza virus. It can cause complications like the flu can but one doesn’t lead to the other.

On your second point I agree, even in Taiwan and Korea, it is referred to as the Wuhan Pneumonia. I don’t think it’s controversial to label it as such