RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-21-2021
(01-20-2021, 08:00 PM)dragonslayer Wrote: (01-20-2021, 04:47 PM)K-Train Wrote: Hello @Shannon and company! Just a quick follow-up of my month long experimentation with MLS 3.0. This experiment was done after use of OF 5.75G for several months and in conjunction with brief use of USLM 5.75.3G for about 3 weeks after which I continued use of MLS but dropped USLM and swapped it with MHS due to tinnitus.
Test Purpose: Will Subliminals Programs from Earlier Generations Perform Better After Use of Fear Removal Module(s)?
Background Information: MLS 3.0 is a subliminal that I have used many times over my time here at subliminal-talk. On average, I have to listen to this subliminal about 90 days before I start getting results. In addition, MLS is a subliminal that is notoriously hated by Shannon due to the large amount of work that has been put into making the program work and the lack of effects garnered by it. This is not say that people don't experience or haven't experienced results with MLS 3.0 or the upgraded 5G version. It's just that these results are, similar to some of my own in the past, sporadic and often not to the level that the majority of customers would want.
Subliminal Being Tested - Maximum Learning Speed 3.0 4th Generation (MLS 3.0)
Average Daily Listening Time: 1-2 hours
Environments/Occupations Tested On: Doctoral Program, Grocery Store and Daily Life
Days Tested: 30
1) Greater Desire to learn all material
2) Drastically improved recall
3) "Working memory" improved substantially
4) Faster and more efficient processing of new and old information
5) Less time needed to perform certain tasks (physical or cognitive)
6) Greater confidence in my own abilities
Discussion of Results:
Effects kicked in relatively quickly, probably less than a day or so of initial exposure. Those of you in the land of academia know that even information related to your respective field can be "dry" to say the least. With MLS there's this eagerness to learn and absorb information. It's the equivalent of putting the right amount of spice, salt, or toppings on a dish and it becomes more palatable. This is MLS3.0's way of getting you interested in things to study in a nutshell.
Before use of MLS I was a bit absent minded and while my work effort and demeanor were never questioned my efficiency often came up in evaluations at my job. #2-4 in the list above have combined to improve my efficiency. I don't have to keep consulting a worksheet or document continuously to remember something.
Example: During my evaluation my manager said "you need to show better knowledge of product location and be able to find products without us helping". He shows me a way to help facilitate that. A situation comes up later with a customer requiring me to use this new method. I remember it and apply it. Simple and seamlessly.
Somedays it's still a bit difficult processing things because of all sorts of factors such as the material being studied/applied, the time of day, energy level, etc. That said, the number of times I might need something repeated or have to skim/read over something is much lower now especially when I increase my focus on it.
Most of the examples above were work related yet there have been great strides made in education. This semester I'm much more engaged in classes and I'm eager to learn whatever is being presented. Even classes that seem boring now seem interesting. Last semester I felt like I was struggling to not drown whereas now I feel as if I'm managing myself better and its showing in my class participation. (I think I might slowly be becoming that one student who's lowkey annoying because of how happy they are to be learning undefined undefined undefined undefined )
Example: Last year I wasn't as involved with in-class questions whereas this year almost as soon as the teacher presents a question I'm either a) ready to answer b) thinking of related information to help with the question. I'm also one of the quickest to answer.
Why this matters:
Shannon has been talking about the role of fear for YEARS and I'm sure I'm not the only one who may have been a bit skeptical about that assertion so this quick, subjective experiment allows him to have at least one data point supporting him. The fact that it normally took me 90 days to start getting results from this same subliminal and the fact that I have basically been achieving design goal effects on day one with very little if any drop off is a great testament to the power of the FRM.
In addition, this may open up an avenue for Shannon when it comes to building future subliminals particularly DMSI and MLS. If fear truly is the last obstacle (and this post is strongly arguing that it is) then Shannon truly shouldn’t “have to” add “much” to these newer subliminals. He literally could just add the newest FRM and whatever relevant technology he deems necessary. This may aid in increasing the release rate (after the cycles end).
This experiment was done purely out of curiosity and because there’s not a “develop photographic memory” subliminal but hey this works good too!
Thanks for reading ya’ll. Peace.
@K-Train Thanks for this report. I'm glad you wrote it.
I seconded your idea of "develop a photographic memory" in the other thread.
I asked Shannon if he was going to upgrade MLS because I'm planning to go through MLS after I finish OF V2 and his response is to "hold on a bit for further word on that."
So there's no FRM in the current MLS?
I was thinking of dropping OF v2 and get MLS and use it to help me with studying online courses to change jobs especially with my brain being foggy lately.
But I know I need to go through OF v2 first.
I was gonna post this in my journal but your post just confirmed to persevere with OF v2 first then do MLS after.
So thank you.
I have had no doubt that I was right about fear being the last obstacle, because of experiments, etc. that I have done that point to that being the case time and time again. That hate for MLS was only there because I was doing the best I could at the time, I knew what was wrong, but not how to fix it. That's why I spent the next few years focusing on FRM.
You definitely don't want to drop OF v2. FRM is only a few years old, and only the last version of it works mostly as intended. That is less than a year old at this writing. MLS was published before I even thought of the FRM. It has the previous approach, healing and clearing, but that did not work. So you need to finish OF v2 before you run something else. Otherwise you're only shaving the tree and it will grow back instead of be removed.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-21-2021
(01-20-2021, 04:34 PM)Frosted Wrote: (01-19-2021, 12:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: (01-19-2021, 11:08 AM)Frosted Wrote: (01-18-2021, 09:14 AM)Shannon Wrote: (01-16-2021, 11:22 AM)Frosted Wrote: I tried 6 clicks and sadly that's when it starts to cause tinnitus, it's actually pretty loud even though its only 6/16. It's only the morning right now, but I can say I slept great and my mind feels clean so far, no major signs of resistance (kinda feel the remnants of resistance I was experiencing on 4 and 5 clicks). Kinda bone deep tired but my body feels good. I'll go back to experimenting with 4 or 5 clicks because of the tinnitus.
You give up easily. But I suggest you stick with v5 for a week, and then try 6 again. Keep doing that until it works. You'll get there. There is no way a v6 on a cell phone is really actually loud with ultrasonics.
No I'm using trickling stream. But the ultrasonic one does give me bad tinnitus anyways, which is why I don't use it. It's not that I gave up easily, but that I knew it would've started giving me tinnitus, which is unfortunate because it was a good volume for results.
I will try 5 for a week and then 6 like you suggested.
edit: I just listened briefly to test if you were right and you kinda had a point, 6 isn't that loud compared to higher volumes so maybe it's my mind tricking me. I will still go with your suggestion and see what happens.
I think when you unmask what your subconscious is trying to do to resist, you'll find things like how low a volume 6, 5, 4, etc. really is. But remember that volume on Masked is for the masking track, not the subliminalized audio. You need to use the ultrasonic track to get that same volume for the subliminalized track. Trying to acclimate using Masked format therefore probably will not work.
I'm just making sure I understood, but are you saying that with the masking track it doesn't matter what volume I use? What I understood from your post is that the volume only works on the sound of the trickling stream but not the subliminal part. I thought that they both get turned up when you turn up the volume?
If that's the case why did I notice drastically different reactions depending on the volume? My nightmares went away when I upped the volume.
Masked track uses a method called Volume Differencing to create the subliminal. Ultrasonic uses Pitch Differencing. The subliminal audio of a masked track will typically between 15 and 120 decibels below the volume of the masking track, depending on who made the masked track. Everyone uses different volumes. Exactly what I use is a secret, but the point is, playing a masked track at 6 lets you hear the masking track at 6, not the subliminalized audio. That will be much, much quieter.
Pitch Differencing means that the volume is unaffected for the subliminalized audio, but the pitch changes. So when you listen to an ultrasonic at volume of 6, you're hearing the subliminal script at that volume.
This is why you need to be using the ultrasonic track, unless the masked track produces significantly better results. For the vast majority of people, the louder the subliminalized audio is, the more urgency it will trigger in executing it, and the better your results will be. When you use a masked subliminal, the volume of the masking track will determine the volume of the subliminalized audio, but you don't know how much below the masking track it is set to play in volume, and the volume of the masking track will limit the volume you can achieve on the subliminalized audio.
When your subconscious is resisting execution by trying to get you to stop using the program in a format or at a volume that will work, it means that you need to be working your way up to the volumes that actually work. The best way to do that, for the reasons mentioned above, is to use ultrasonic subliminal format.
The right volume will execute. You will get the best results. Exhaustion will be overcome. Nightmares will either stop or fade out. And so on. So unless you're one of those people who responds better to masked, you want to use ultrasonic. My current understanding of your situation is that you are probably exhibiting Type 20 resistance, and that the solution is to use ultrasonic, and gradually up the volume as you acclimate your subconscious to it.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-21-2021
(01-20-2021, 04:47 PM)K-Train Wrote: Hello @Shannon and company! Just a quick follow-up of my month long experimentation with MLS 3.0. This experiment was done after use of OF 5.75G for several months and in conjunction with brief use of USLM 5.75.3G for about 3 weeks after which I continued use of MLS but dropped USLM and swapped it with MHS due to tinnitus.
Test Purpose: Will Subliminals Programs from Earlier Generations Perform Better After Use of Fear Removal Module(s)?
Background Information: MLS 3.0 is a subliminal that I have used many times over my time here at subliminal-talk. On average, I have to listen to this subliminal about 90 days before I start getting results. In addition, MLS is a subliminal that is notoriously hated by Shannon due to the large amount of work that has been put into making the program work and the lack of effects garnered by it. This is not say that people don't experience or haven't experienced results with MLS 3.0 or the upgraded 5G version. It's just that these results are, similar to some of my own in the past, sporadic and often not to the level that the majority of customers would want.
Subliminal Being Tested - Maximum Learning Speed 3.0 4th Generation (MLS 3.0)
Average Daily Listening Time: 1-2 hours
Environments/Occupations Tested On: Doctoral Program, Grocery Store and Daily Life
Days Tested: 30
1) Greater Desire to learn all material
2) Drastically improved recall
3) "Working memory" improved substantially
4) Faster and more efficient processing of new and old information
5) Less time needed to perform certain tasks (physical or cognitive)
6) Greater confidence in my own abilities
Discussion of Results:
Effects kicked in relatively quickly, probably less than a day or so of initial exposure. Those of you in the land of academia know that even information related to your respective field can be "dry" to say the least. With MLS there's this eagerness to learn and absorb information. It's the equivalent of putting the right amount of spice, salt, or toppings on a dish and it becomes more palatable. This is MLS3.0's way of getting you interested in things to study in a nutshell.
Before use of MLS I was a bit absent minded and while my work effort and demeanor were never questioned my efficiency often came up in evaluations at my job. #2-4 in the list above have combined to improve my efficiency. I don't have to keep consulting a worksheet or document continuously to remember something.
Example: During my evaluation my manager said "you need to show better knowledge of product location and be able to find products without us helping". He shows me a way to help facilitate that. A situation comes up later with a customer requiring me to use this new method. I remember it and apply it. Simple and seamlessly.
Somedays it's still a bit difficult processing things because of all sorts of factors such as the material being studied/applied, the time of day, energy level, etc. That said, the number of times I might need something repeated or have to skim/read over something is much lower now especially when I increase my focus on it.
Most of the examples above were work related yet there have been great strides made in education. This semester I'm much more engaged in classes and I'm eager to learn whatever is being presented. Even classes that seem boring now seem interesting. Last semester I felt like I was struggling to not drown whereas now I feel as if I'm managing myself better and its showing in my class participation. (I think I might slowly be becoming that one student who's lowkey annoying because of how happy they are to be learning )
Example: Last year I wasn't as involved with in-class questions whereas this year almost as soon as the teacher presents a question I'm either a) ready to answer b) thinking of related information to help with the question. I'm also one of the quickest to answer.
Why this matters:
Shannon has been talking about the role of fear for YEARS and I'm sure I'm not the only one who may have been a bit skeptical about that assertion so this quick, subjective experiment allows him to have at least one data point supporting him. The fact that it normally took me 90 days to start getting results from this same subliminal and the fact that I have basically been achieving design goal effects on day one with very little if any drop off is a great testament to the power of the FRM.
In addition, this may open up an avenue for Shannon when it comes to building future subliminals particularly DMSI and MLS. If fear truly is the last obstacle (and this post is strongly arguing that it is) then Shannon truly shouldn’t “have to” add “much” to these newer subliminals. He literally could just add the newest FRM and whatever relevant technology he deems necessary. This may aid in increasing the release rate (after the cycles end).
This experiment was done purely out of curiosity and because there’s not a “develop photographic memory” subliminal but hey this works good too!
Thanks for reading ya’ll. Peace.
Much appreciated.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 01-21-2021
NSFM is an interesting choice on the surface. Initially, I was surprised and skeptical of it's selection. Perhaps the program can provide some insight into aura-based attraction stuff for DMSI concerns and that was the reason for it's selection. Seems reasonable. If I'm correct in that reasoning, that's exciting for us DMSI fans.
By the way, thank you for your post earlier. I screenshotted it. We seemed to be on the same wavelength there, as the day beforehand, I deleted the numbers of all females in my phone. That was an effort to distance myself from chasing so often fruitlessly and needlessly. Since doing so, I already feel more at peace and am letting them contact me over time if they do, and no longer chasing validation like I was. So that's a good sign that act mirrors the spirit of your post. The program is going well I think, I've had some other stuff happen that suggests it's doing things.
All the best, Shannon. Hope things are going okay and moving forward for you!
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-21-2021
(01-21-2021, 02:55 PM)CatMan Wrote: NSFM is an interesting choice on the surface. Initially, I was surprised and skeptical of it's selection. Perhaps the program can provide some insight into aura-based attraction stuff for DMSI concerns and that was the reason for it's selection. Seems reasonable. If I'm correct in that reasoning, that's exciting for us DMSI fans.
By the way, thank you for your post earlier. I screenshotted it. We seemed to be on the same wavelength there, as the day beforehand, I deleted the numbers of all females in my phone. That was an effort to distance myself from chasing so often fruitlessly and needlessly. Since doing so, I already feel more at peace and am letting them contact me over time if they do, and no longer chasing validation like I was. So that's a good sign that act mirrors the spirit of your post. The program is going well I think, I've had some other stuff happen that suggests it's doing things.
All the best, Shannon. Hope things are going okay and moving forward for you!
I selected NSFM because I thought it would be something a lot of you would appreciate (man hunts woman), and thus be willing to buy; and that it would be quick and easy to build (ha).
Now I see that it has not been quick or easy to build, in spite of it's relatively short key script. But this version should be a very useful program for a lot of people. And it should bring in some funding. I tried to think of potential criticisms for it and address them in the script before releasing it, which is why it has taken this long.
NSFM is pretty much the reverse goal of DMSI, though, so has nothing to do with it. It uses DRS, but not attraction through an aura.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - samba99 - 01-23-2021
I need you input here man.
I have been using OF v1 for a while since it came out. I have used it alone and I have used it in combination with DMSI. Both runs provided great results with absolute no exhaustion at all. Energy levels were normal if not high. Even DMSI results were beyond what I experienced when using it alone.
Moving on, I purchased OF v2 and started using it alone. It's been a week and half so far. But I have been feeling very exhausted, I have been sleeping alot (10-12hrs or more) and overall I don't feel great, I feel fearful and nervous.
I am using the US format. At lower volume.
Should I go back to version 1 or continue with version 2?
Edit: never mind, it makes no sense to go back. I'll continue with OF2.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Jake2015 - 01-23-2021
@Shannon I missed the break and listened to the track (OF v2) - what do I do, continue the next cycle as normal or take a day off within it?
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Bayern2 - 01-23-2021
Had one question that could be related to OF that I didn't mention in my journal post. Could fear and/or resistance cause skin related issues? Ever since I've started OFv2, I've had some skin issues in which skin won't heal fully and/or won't heal as quick as normal. It's weird cause my diet has been getting better recently so I didn't think it could be related to that.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Frosted - 01-23-2021
(01-21-2021, 10:18 AM)Shannon Wrote: (01-20-2021, 04:34 PM)Frosted Wrote: (01-19-2021, 12:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: (01-19-2021, 11:08 AM)Frosted Wrote: (01-18-2021, 09:14 AM)Shannon Wrote: You give up easily. But I suggest you stick with v5 for a week, and then try 6 again. Keep doing that until it works. You'll get there. There is no way a v6 on a cell phone is really actually loud with ultrasonics.
No I'm using trickling stream. But the ultrasonic one does give me bad tinnitus anyways, which is why I don't use it. It's not that I gave up easily, but that I knew it would've started giving me tinnitus, which is unfortunate because it was a good volume for results.
I will try 5 for a week and then 6 like you suggested.
edit: I just listened briefly to test if you were right and you kinda had a point, 6 isn't that loud compared to higher volumes so maybe it's my mind tricking me. I will still go with your suggestion and see what happens.
I think when you unmask what your subconscious is trying to do to resist, you'll find things like how low a volume 6, 5, 4, etc. really is. But remember that volume on Masked is for the masking track, not the subliminalized audio. You need to use the ultrasonic track to get that same volume for the subliminalized track. Trying to acclimate using Masked format therefore probably will not work.
I'm just making sure I understood, but are you saying that with the masking track it doesn't matter what volume I use? What I understood from your post is that the volume only works on the sound of the trickling stream but not the subliminal part. I thought that they both get turned up when you turn up the volume?
If that's the case why did I notice drastically different reactions depending on the volume? My nightmares went away when I upped the volume.
Masked track uses a method called Volume Differencing to create the subliminal. Ultrasonic uses Pitch Differencing. The subliminal audio of a masked track will typically between 15 and 120 decibels below the volume of the masking track, depending on who made the masked track. Everyone uses different volumes. Exactly what I use is a secret, but the point is, playing a masked track at 6 lets you hear the masking track at 6, not the subliminalized audio. That will be much, much quieter.
Pitch Differencing means that the volume is unaffected for the subliminalized audio, but the pitch changes. So when you listen to an ultrasonic at volume of 6, you're hearing the subliminal script at that volume.
This is why you need to be using the ultrasonic track, unless the masked track produces significantly better results. For the vast majority of people, the louder the subliminalized audio is, the more urgency it will trigger in executing it, and the better your results will be. When you use a masked subliminal, the volume of the masking track will determine the volume of the subliminalized audio, but you don't know how much below the masking track it is set to play in volume, and the volume of the masking track will limit the volume you can achieve on the subliminalized audio.
When your subconscious is resisting execution by trying to get you to stop using the program in a format or at a volume that will work, it means that you need to be working your way up to the volumes that actually work. The best way to do that, for the reasons mentioned above, is to use ultrasonic subliminal format.
The right volume will execute. You will get the best results. Exhaustion will be overcome. Nightmares will either stop or fade out. And so on. So unless you're one of those people who responds better to masked, you want to use ultrasonic. My current understanding of your situation is that you are probably exhibiting Type 20 resistance, and that the solution is to use ultrasonic, and gradually up the volume as you acclimate your subconscious to it.
If I may ask what is type 20 resistance? I know that I'm the type of person that doesn't like to be told what to do, but there's also a part of me that is extremely passive. But as far as I can tell I've never stonewalled a program before, even SM3 which I had the worst resistance of my 5 years of subliminals.
I will try to use ultrasonic after I finish LTU since I only have 2 more weeks and want the results to be balanced. I'll probably switch to hybrid actually. The only thing I'm worried about is tinnitus, but I'll try anyways.
I have been debating UMS 2.0 (when it comes out) vs a new run of LTU, but now considering running the new OF. I'm at a point where I'm frustrated and don't know what direction to take. I need money badly but my mental health needs massive work still. The only thing making me want to run the new fear program is because I didn't notice much results on UMS v1 in fact I seemed to want to spend money more (but my demeanor seemed like a more trustworthy person on it).
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Benjamin - 01-23-2021
(01-23-2021, 12:48 PM)Bayern Wrote: @Shannon
Had one question that could be related to OF that I didn't mention in my journal post. Could fear and/or resistance cause skin related issues? Ever since I've started OFv2, I've had some skin issues in which skin won't heal fully and/or won't heal as quick as normal. It's weird cause my diet has been getting better recently so I didn't think it could be related to that.
Yes it's possible, emotions are definately connected to physical issues and symptoms alot of the time. Especially since as you mention you can trace them to after starting OF V2. It could also partly be due to improving your diet and having a healing response, but i'm not sure how much you changed it.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Benjamin - 01-23-2021
Quote:If I may ask what is type 20 resistance?
This thread goes into the types.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Frosted - 01-23-2021
(01-23-2021, 01:48 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Quote:If I may ask what is type 20 resistance?
This thread goes into the types.
Thanks ben
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - fab10 - 01-23-2021
(01-23-2021, 12:48 PM)Bayern Wrote: @Shannon
Had one question that could be related to OF that I didn't mention in my journal post. Could fear and/or resistance cause skin related issues? Ever since I've started OFv2, I've had some skin issues in which skin won't heal fully and/or won't heal as quick as normal. It's weird cause my diet has been getting better recently so I didn't think it could be related to that.
Several people got pimples, itchy skin and other skin issues when we started LTU, chances are it was caused by FRM (i.e. OF) or the detox module.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-23-2021
(01-23-2021, 12:48 PM)Bayern Wrote: @Shannon
Had one question that could be related to OF that I didn't mention in my journal post. Could fear and/or resistance cause skin related issues? Ever since I've started OFv2, I've had some skin issues in which skin won't heal fully and/or won't heal as quick as normal. It's weird cause my diet has been getting better recently so I didn't think it could be related to that.
I have seen emotional upset caused by the subconscious reacting to OF result in pimples, rashes and sometimes both. This is a result of subconscious stress being expressed that way. It doesn't happen to everyone, but does seem to happen to more emotionally sensitive types, especially if you are pushing hard on the OF. If you're getting this response following the instructions, you can try lowering the volume, but that may also lower the execution. Or you may try a gentler format. Again, that could reduce execution.