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Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Printable Version

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RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 12-12-2020

The optimal amount of time for achieving the results means this is when the majority of people will finish achieving the results. How do I do less than that? The only way is to advance the tech that makes the program achieve it's goals (FRM module, etc.) or to stop choosing major goals that take people a lot of time to achieve.

I have done my level best to enable using multiple subs at a time, but two things consistently get in my way:
1. The titles you guys want, coupled with how deep my subs go, means we are dealing with the parts of you that REALLY have the power to make it happen, but they also REALLY have a lot of issues with trying to maintain the status quo. That means I have had to design everything to more and more focus, in order to make it through this stuff that gets in the way, and at this point the skeleton script is largely incompatible with that goal. If you think it's a "simple matter of changing the skeleton script to be compatible", it's not simple at all. I'm eventually going to have to go through and test every statement in the skeleton script to find points of resistance during 6G upgrade, and it is going to take me a LONG time because of how complex the skeleton script is. And, the skeleton script is a big part of what makes these programs so powerful. The more I remove, the less powerful they will get. Basically, the skeleton script is all of the instructions that get the subconscious to execute the key script. Re-designing the entire thing to be usable as one-of-multiple-subs is going to be very difficult without effectively removing the power that makes it achieve the levels of power necessary to get the job done in a lot of cases. The alternative is that we can just go back to 4G, where there was no skeleton script, and make programs usable in groups again. I don't think anyone really wants to do that - although I would suddenly be able to bang out 2-3-4+ subs in a day. Therefore we have limits to what can be done with using 2+ subs at a time, regardless of what I do, because of the energy requirements and resources that now need to be shared. Which leads me to the next point...
2. There would be a huge down-shift in power and effectiveness as the different scripts started requiring different focus points. In a single script I can point everything at the same end goal, so that whatever division of focus and resources occurs and cannot be avoided will be compensated for because everything is ultimately working towards the same ultimate goal. But you see how this affects things by comparing OF stand alone to OF, same exact script, found in LTUv6. It becomes diluted because I have the number of different titles in it at max, and they are not fully compatible with focusing on the exact same goal. Even though the whole script is trying to do that. At which point we might as well just go back to 4G... which would only compound the problem, because it is so much more primitive a scripting technique.

I cannot change the fact that 1/2 = 0.5, or 1/3 = 0.334, or 1/4 = 0.25. These are mathematical certainties that one must deal with when they begin dividing resources, time, energy, etc. My best efforts can maximize alignment and synergy, but the fact remains that there still must be a division of attention and energy and time to deal with it, to some significant degree.

I'm not done developing that, but what I have already done is pretty advanced, and still I run into those limits. That really isn't going away perfectly, no matter hat I do. My goal is, and always has been, to make subliminals that actually achieve their goals. It is not and never has been, to enable people to do what they want to do, or think they want to do, even if that is self defeating, just because they want to do everything at once. And when I say that, I'm not singling anyone out or ripping on anyone's approach. I just believe that 1/x always equals less than 1, and degrades the results. A lot of people these days would be happier using 3+ 3G subs at once and getting .33% or less of the desired results before rushing of to some new and shiny excitement, but helping people waste their time and money doesn't really thrill me. It also doesn't help me develop subliminals to the degree that we can eventually prove with clinical trials that subliminals can and do work and have value, if they are made and used properly.

And to DarthXedonias, you're referring to day traders (i.e. gamblers), vs investors who research, buy and hold for years or even decades. I suppose day trading is more likely to need help to do well.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - DarthXedonias - 12-12-2020

Quote:And to DarthXedonias, you're referring to day traders (i.e. gamblers), vs investors who research, buy and hold for years or even decades. I suppose day trading is more likely to need help to do well.

Eh, I think that might be it. personally for me (I use to trade options) I make a trade then usually hold on to it for a few days to a month tops. Don't make a trade every day and as it were have one method to my strategy. So not sure if I still count as a day trader if I'm not trading daily. That's just me personally though. I'm sure there's plenty of day traders out there who would benefit.

Also Congrats on making progress on the script. Hope this makes things a bit more powerful. I know for myself I think the tech level in OF was the turning point for me and its only getting better as you have made the scripts more and more powerful since then.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 12-12-2020

(12-12-2020, 03:57 PM)DarthXedonias Wrote:
Quote:And to DarthXedonias, you're referring to day traders (i.e. gamblers), vs investors who research, buy and hold for years or even decades. I suppose day trading is more likely to need help to do well.

Eh, I think that might be it. personally for me (I use to trade options) I make a trade then usually hold on to it for a few days to a month tops. Don't make a trade every day and as it were have one method to my strategy. So not sure if I still count as a day trader if I'm not trading daily. That's just me personally though. I'm sure there's plenty of day traders out there who would benefit.

Also Congrats on making progress on the script. Hope this makes things a bit more powerful. I know for myself I think the tech level in OF was the turning point for me and its only getting better as you have made the scripts more and more powerful since then.

The point being that short term trading is much more difficult than long term trading.  I'm not sure how I would incorporate options, etc.

The module I am working on for the script should, if it works as intended and I can get it right, significantly reduce or maybe even largely eliminate resistance points.  I don't want to get my hopes up too high until I see what it does, but it could very well be the majority of the remaining sticking points.  If it does deal with the majority of the remaining sticking points, then the script would be much more effective and successful, and you'd see much more and much better execution.  The power level would appear to increase because of that, but it's more along the lines of using all of what is there, instead of just some of it.  Power level isn't everything.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - AbundanceCH - 12-12-2020

(12-12-2020, 03:57 PM)DarthXedonias Wrote:
Quote:And to DarthXedonias, you're referring to day traders (i.e. gamblers), vs investors who research, buy and hold for years or even decades. I suppose day trading is more likely to need help to do well.

Eh, I think that might be it. personally for me (I use to trade options) I make a trade then usually hold on to it for a few days to a month tops. Don't make a trade every day and as it were have one method to my strategy. So not sure if I still count as a day trader if I'm not trading daily. That's just me personally though. I'm sure there's plenty of day traders out there who would benefit.
Shannon i think the following is a really good explanation. There's more to just day trading and swing trading and investing.

Quote:Scalping: "The first trading style of this guide is called "scalping", which is a trading strategy wherein traders (known as scalpers) aim to achieve greater profits from relatively small price changes. Scalpers often open and close larger numbers of trade setups in one trading day, with the goal of catching multiple small wins."

Day traders: Many traders think that day trading and scalping are similar. Although both trading styles do take place within one trading day, there are important differences that we need to highlight. Day traders open and close substantially less setups compared with scalpers. These traders sometimes open one setup a day, and often not more than a couple per trading day.

Although they both trade intraday, the day trader's strategy is to focus on the best opportunities of the day, and to hold on for a larger profit target. Therefore, a day trader usually holds on to a trade for several hours but not more than one full trading day. Ultimately the goal of a day trader is to aim for a larger piece of the expected daily price movement within one trade.

Swing traders: The last trading style of our guide is called "swing trading", which is a trade setup wherein traders enter and exit sporadically, and this is spread this out over a few days or weeks. Swing trading is a system whereby traders are aiming for intermediate-term trading opportunities, and is significantly different to long-term trading (which is when setups are open for weeks and even months at a time).

Shannon should make a sub for traders which are the people in the scalping/day trading and swing trading category.  The people on robinhood and other trading sites use mostly those 3 tyles.  I don't think a sub for long term investors would sell as well as people that invest for the long term are less likely to be buying a sub.

With scalping, day trading and swing trading we use technical analysis and if you're a day trader you can switch to swing trading or scalping if you want. It's whatever style fits you best. Some people like the more fast paced action of scalping and day trading to make quick profits on a daily basis which are smaller than the profits you make swing trading. Swing traders prefer the slower pace.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - samba99 - 12-13-2020

Trading sub would probably sell high. Trading is very popular these days its as popular as fitness, and most traders agree to one thing, psychology is what makes a trader profitable. Not a system. In fact I discovered subliminals because I got into trading. And a member in the trading community created a subliminal for us to make us better trader, this was long time ago.

As already mentioned by other members, trading is a universal skill. If I'm good in forex, I can be good trading metals or other stuff too, because the approach is similar.

To conclude, I would be happy to pay 500$ for a forex trading subliminal. No issue

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Bayern2 - 12-14-2020

Hey Shannon. First, thanks again for making the upgrade to OF, I can't wait to try it out. Quick question, tonight is supposed to be my last day off on my current cycle. At this point should I just wait for the update to come out and run that or should I start the next cycle and just go into the update when it comes out?

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 12-14-2020

(12-14-2020, 04:04 PM)Bayern Wrote: Hey Shannon.  First, thanks again for making the upgrade to OF, I can't wait to try it out.  Quick question, tonight is supposed to be my last day off on my current cycle.  At this point should I just wait for the update to come out and run that or should I start the next cycle and just go into the update when it comes out?

Normally I would say stop here and wait.  But given the ridiculous ways fear works, keep going, and then switch over when v2 comes out.  You don't want to give it any chance to grow back.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 12-14-2020

(12-14-2020, 05:09 PM)Shannon Wrote: It sounds like you may be performing a very advanced and intricate form of mental gymnastics at the subconscious level in order to delay and derail the program from working, which is unfortunate but not an unsurprising result for someone who is sufficiently intelligent and educated. I of course could also be wrong. If I am right, then I'll need to add some very advanced counter-scripting, which will no doubt take a while to figure out the "how" of..

I say, go for it with your own intuitive responses to how and when to use it. See if that helps.

Hey Shannon. Congrats on the module and the birth of 5.75.5G.

Will this aspect above be implemented into OF V2? I hope so.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 12-15-2020

(12-14-2020, 06:42 PM)CatMan Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 05:09 PM)Shannon Wrote: It sounds like you may be performing a very advanced and intricate form of mental gymnastics at the subconscious level in order to delay and derail the program from working, which is unfortunate but not an unsurprising result for someone who is sufficiently intelligent and educated.  I of course could also be wrong.  If I am right, then I'll need to add some very advanced counter-scripting, which will no doubt take a while to figure out the "how" of..

I say, go for it with your own intuitive responses to how and when to use it.  See if that helps.

Hey Shannon. Congrats on the module and the birth of 5.75.5G.

Will this aspect above be implemented into OF V2? I hope so.

OF v2 is an upgrade to the skeleton script, part of the key script and the Platinum Lake build methods.  Nothing else.  Let's see what the difference is from v1 before we worry about changing things that may take 6+ months to figure out.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 12-15-2020

(12-15-2020, 09:13 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 06:42 PM)CatMan Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 05:09 PM)Shannon Wrote: It sounds like you may be performing a very advanced and intricate form of mental gymnastics at the subconscious level in order to delay and derail the program from working, which is unfortunate but not an unsurprising result for someone who is sufficiently intelligent and educated.  I of course could also be wrong.  If I am right, then I'll need to add some very advanced counter-scripting, which will no doubt take a while to figure out the "how" of..

I say, go for it with your own intuitive responses to how and when to use it.  See if that helps.

Hey Shannon. Congrats on the module and the birth of 5.75.5G.

Will this aspect above be implemented into OF V2? I hope so.

OF v2 is an upgrade to the skeleton script, part of the key script and the Platinum Lake build methods.  Nothing else.  Let's see what the difference is from v1 before we worry about changing things that may take 6+ months to figure out.

Cool, just didn't know what that time frame was going to end up being. Six months, wow! It sounded intriguing and could be applicable to me since it was about resistance, lol. I wasn't sure.

Sounds good to me, looking forward to OF V2 soon. And eventually ...DMSI.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Benjamin - 12-15-2020

Guys does it work for you in the dropdown menu under your username 'Welcome, (whoever)' if you click on the links to Shannon's journal and journal discussion?

Someone just reported it gives them an error, but it works for me so wanted to check for people who aren't admin.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 12-15-2020

(12-15-2020, 02:24 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Guys does it work for you in the dropdown menu under your username 'Welcome, (whoever)' if you click on the links to Shannon's journal and journal discussion?

Someone just reported it gives them an error, but it works for me so wanted to check for people who aren't admin.

I'm probably one of the only people who is using the old school layout, lmao.

Do you or Shannon plan to take orders soon for the OF V2 sub? I'm starting my 3 day break tomorrow. So it's perfect timing to switch over seamlessly asap. Just curious.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Ruffian - 12-15-2020

(12-15-2020, 02:24 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Guys does it work for you in the dropdown menu under your username 'Welcome, (whoever)' if you click on the links to Shannon's journal and journal discussion?

Someone just reported it gives them an error, but it works for me so wanted to check for people who aren't admin.

This is what I get:

"You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:
  1. Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
  2. You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
  3. Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)
  4. You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link."

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - fab10 - 12-15-2020


There’s also a few broken links here and there in the store. @Benjamin would you like me to forward them to you when I come across them?