RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 04-26-2023
Quote:Day 20
There's something deep within me that I'm becoming increasingly aware of and aligned with. There's a sense of purpose that hasn't quite come into focus yet, but it's there.
I just deleted an entire post, mainly because it would've come across as aloof and arrogant. The gist of it is that I'm not wasting much time or energy on anyone or anything that isn't in line with what I believe my purpose to be.
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 04-26-2023
Quote:Day 21
The following words come to mind when I think of what Maverick is doing. Some of them come from the product description or have been used by others, so I don't claim any originality.
It's clear that my primary focus is going to be my work. I dream about it. I wake up thinking about it. I might go as far as to say that I'm consumed with it. But, that's not all.
My work can only take me so far. There's this inner expansion. There's something burning inside and it's boiling to the surface. My work won't continue to be enough of an outlet indefinitely. Imagine a cross-section of a volcano, where the magma pool is expanding. It finds multiple avenues to the surface. It has to escape. In similar form, I'm beginning to need another avenue of expression. Most likely, this will be in the form of a workout routine, at least in the beginning. For the first time in my life, I'm actually experiencing the sincere desire to engage in the activity without vanity as my motivation. That's crazy.
Also, my libido is increasing. It seems to be a side effect of the inner expansion I've described above.
Considering the fact that I've been running Maverick for less than a month, I'm really excited about where this might be taking me.
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 04-26-2023
Quote:I've had several instances this week where I've had to handle personnel issues. One thing that I'm beginning to see is the childlike nature that tends to underlie people's behaviors. It's astonishing to me at times that people can jump through hoops to make excuses for themselves when it's easier (and more respectable) to acknowledge a mistake or a downfall. Sometimes I hear or see these things and think, "Wow...".
Anyway, I really don't have anything exciting to report. I guess the most interesting thing is how well received my constructive criticisms are becoming. In some ways, I feel like I'm beginning to see through to the core of the issues and strike right at the heart of the bullseye. It's not 100%, but it's improving. Oddly enough, I usually don't realize what's happening in the moment. It's usually when I reflect on things and ponder the difference in my expectation versus the outcome that I can see what unfolded. There are times where I expected a battle and got cooperation instead. Also, I've had two compliments given to me over the past two days. One was about my diplomacy. The other was about my ability to say no to a client and how well it was received.
That's it for now.
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 04-26-2023
Quote:Another thing of note is that I'm feeling more in love with my wife. It doesn't take a lot of pondering to understand what this is about. As a kid, I was shy, sweet, sensitive, artistic, creative, intelligent etc. As a child I admired beauty. I can even recall having a crush on Barbara Mandrell when I was in kindergarten. I can probably name every girl from that time up through junior high that I had a thing for. I felt things deeply, so they're burned into my memory. Well, around junior high age, I allowed my self to be emotionally ruined by several girls that I had a thing for. I can remember, verbatim, cruel things that were said to me. I can recall literally crying myself to sleep at times. So, as the years unfolded, I built a protective all around me. Because of that, I've ruined relationships with some really good women. In certain ways, I've even kept my wife at a distance. Yes, I've dropped my guard with her, but I've always kept the mouthpiece in, just in case. This morning, I lied in bed holding her and allowing myself to experience loving emotions that I've kept at bay for years. I let myself feel it all. I didn't think about it. I just let it all in and it was amazing. This is consistent with several other things I've experienced this week as well.
It's a beautiful day today. I think I'm going to do some yard work and just enjoy being outside. I might go visit my dad. I haven't done that in a while and I kind of just want to go see him.
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 04-26-2023
Quote:Day 41 (cont'd)
If you're offended by sex talk, exit this thread now.
Now that we have that out of the oh man. I was flirting with my wife in the kitchen earlier...touching, hugging, kissing, and all that. At some point, she pushed me to my bedroom and onto my bed. We lied there smooching & caressing for 5-10 minutes. Then, she decided she was going to pull the soldier out and give him some oral love. So I told her to close the door (she's usually very conscientious of that kind of thing). She proceeds to do some oral porn star oral shit. I'll leave it at that b/c I don't want to be over the top explicit, but damn. This was the best head I've ever none. Not only that, but I was supposed to pick up a call-in order. After telling her I need to leave twice, I had to stop her the third time. That's right...hey...stop sucking my dick better than you've ever don in the 20ish years I've known you and let me up. So, I got up, pulled up my pants and kissed her goodbye. As I turned to leave, she pulled me back for another kiss. Then she pulled my pants back down, squatted, and ent at it again. I finally had to make her stop. I had to give my erect buddy some time to calm down before I left my room. So, I grabbed grab my wallet & phone, and she slipped up behind me and started groping my dick through my pants. Finally, I left and picked up dinner.
As I type this, I'm waiting for her to get out of the shower, so we can pickup where we left off. I just figured I'd type this while it's fresh on the brain. It's another example of behavior in my wife that's so far out of the ordinary that it's crazy.
I didn't proof read any of this, so excuse me for any spelling or grammatical errors. 'Bout to get laid.
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 05-15-2023
Quote:Day 63 (cont'd)
It seems that the sex effect that largely disappeared during month 2 is back. I hope it stays this time.
My wife had 5 orgasms tonight. I tried to talk her into a 6th, but her body couldn't handle it. As far as I can recall, she's never been as loud as she was tonight. She didn't even try to muffle her yelps, grunts, moans, etc. The interesting thing is that I wasn't putting forth a ton of effort...just steady stroking. This is very much out of the ordinary. It had to have been the aura.
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 06-05-2023
Quote:So it's been two months on Maverick and all I can say is wow
Huge upgrades
I understand it's a transformational process which requires time but looking back on where I started it's been a journey!
It really does activate the masculine in a person in a way which is true to you hence the "genetic male" disclaimer. I remember sitting at the airport in Week 2-3 of use and literally feeling the energy of Maverick turning me into phallic being, penetrating the world unafraid and unabashedly as a genetic male should.
I am on fire in my life in so many ways, more so than I've ever been before. Ambition, manifestation, drive, motivation, success these are all my day to day living
I've taken risks, bold and daring ones which have handsomely paid off
I've manifested women into my life so quickly that it's beyond coincidence. Women I've desired.
I'm more attractive to women now than I've ever been. Women everywhere. At all times. Hot ones.
Working hard and playing hard. Without even trying to. It's the natural effortless flow of being
That's the highlights reel in a nutshell.
For a more real grounded look I'll say it's a process and a journey. I found myself going deep into solitude a few weeks ago only to spring out and become the most extroverted version of myself
I find the changes and transitions are natural and smooth
Honestly everyone should be on this. It's magnificent!
Hands down best subliminal I've ever run, it's powerful and it's amazing.
I initially wasn't going to run Maverick, I thought it sounded over-hyped or more like a fairy tale. It's real and it's brilliant.
-Determined said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 06-05-2023
Quote:I was skeptical to post the above as 1. A lot of people have been hyping maverick lately and 2. It would seem that we are trying to advertise it.
I want to write stuff like Determine wrote:
"Honestly everyone should be on this. It's magnificent!" and "Hands down best subliminal I've ever run, it's powerful and it's amazing." Because they are true for me as well.
Well I am not trying to sell it, just stating what really is going on with my Maverick experience. I am glad I waited some time to read about other people's experiences as it talks something about my discipline but I am also glad I risked the money and time on this program.
One other important point I want to mention is how smooth the changes happen. I mean they changes in behaviour are profound. Even when I felt forced it wasn't anything pushing me. It was leading me. No resistance, no bold, persistent and paralyzing emotions. However a lot of thinking.
Lastly I decided to start recording what changes happened to me which will have impact on the rest of my life.
1. Some kind of masculine character building up. Anyone knowing about the subconscious, this is huge on its own. Seems to be early and ongoing process as it is slowly shaping but still I can see it already existing and giving results.
2. Vitality through the roof and suddenly as an extra found a Taoism practice which, I listen to Maverick or not in the future, will ensure this high level of vitality and sexual energy. So much high sexual drive, vitality and energy that I am in the process of managing/handling to other areas of my life rather than having sex and social and energetic for no reason every day.
3. Profound wisdom on decision making. On that aspect I want to say, I am very insightful person, analytical (obviously) and I have always provided insights and advice to people around me. These advices and insights I was pushing to people and even if they were correct they were ignoring. Since the last two weeks, same advices, same insights, people are asking me in advance for these and are following. Something changed in the way I express myself, my way thinking, reasoning.
4. Some new level of resilience. I don't panic when aspects of a situation go south, I have patience, I focus on a solution and execute. For me I call this moving forward as on my life I have been stuck or moving slow on many matters.
5. Respecting myself, my time, my energy more. With whatever that means. For example blocking toxic or unproductive activities, friends, conversations, actions, etc.
There are other changes as well but I didn't include everything for now for various personal and other reasons.
-Racktree said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 06-05-2023
Quote:In both cases, I stepped out of bounds. But it didn't feel like I was stepping out of bounds. In one case, it felt like I looked around and didn't see the bounds any more. Where did they go? Did they ever exist? In the other case, it was in hind sight that I thought, "Holy Shit. That conversation just occurred."
As I type this, I'm realizing just how amazing this is and how Maverick has the potential to really bring true fulfillment to my life. In some cases, it has some big & crazy effects (the conversation mentioned above was pretty badass). But equally important to true fulfillment...and this is what I didn't understand until this weekend...are the small things that are already within grasp but regularly ignored (an extended walk, a bird chirping, sleeping late, sunshine, the smell of freshly cut grass, a puppy, etc.).
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 07-26-2023
Quote:Growth is occurring in me. Overall, I'm more relaxed than I can ever recall being in my life. I won't go so far as to say I could calmly diffuse a bomb, but I can see getting to that place at some point if I run Maverick long enough. I know what you're thinking...."I knew it centers the user." No. It's not that at all. Any apparent "centeredness" is a symptom of something more complex than I can understand, let alone explain with my current vocabulary.
-NOMAD said this here
RE: Maverick 5.9g - Benjamin - 07-26-2023
Quote:In regards to something Duke said on his post on 21st of November 2022.
Quote:Quote:"Want to know what true freedom feels like? It's when you know you can walk away from anyone or anything without thinking twice about the what if. And the reason why you won't ask that what if is because you already know you can go farther and higher than you have prior to that."
Quote:I am experiencing this very case on actually two different occasions in my life right now and I don't give a single f. And these occasions are on matters that would shake an individual's self and life to the core. But I don't care. Because I know I can go further and higher. And its Maverick made me think like that, react like that, even trigger these occasions. (PM me if you want me to share more specifically what these two occasions are so that you understand how deep and important they are). This is very freeing and I didn't know I am thinking, acting and being like that until after I read this post.
-Racktree said this here