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Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Printable Version

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RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Have at ye - 09-21-2020

(09-21-2020, 04:17 PM)Benjamin Wrote:
Quote:LOL  I never thought the replacement filters would be this funny.  I'll have to adjust them.  Or Ben.  One of us.

I understand adjusting the filters, but why do you have to adjust me aswell? Do I need new filters?

goshdarn weewee fruitcake!


Well, *somebody's* getting adjusted either way!

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Jake2015 - 09-21-2020

(09-21-2020, 08:14 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(09-20-2020, 12:24 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(09-17-2020, 08:37 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(09-16-2020, 02:31 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(09-16-2020, 11:06 AM)Shannon Wrote: Hypnosis requires an extremely skilled practitioner to succeed with someone like you.  It doesn't surprise me that you did not achieve success with it.  I think your issue is fear, and the deep need for control to maintain "security" in the face of that fear, which prevents the necessary parts of you from cooperating with hypnosis.  I'd be surprised if your use of a hypnosis recording did anything either.

You're right so far no hypnosis has really ever worked for me whether it be for procrastination or any other issues and ive tried to find skilled hypnotherapists but clearly they may not have been the best. If you know of any that are the best and work via zoom/skype then please let me know.

The fear that I have I still have no idea where it stems from, since I was I believe very different as a child.  Its as if around puberty or just before that i seemed to have changed behaviour. Consciously nothing at all comes to mind as to why. I however before this wouldnt procrastinate perhaps (maybe I did but not to this degree) however as ive gotten older clearly the avoidance levels have increased for sure.

So yes please do add on more tech, boost the power further up, and do whatever it is you do to make UMOP the sub the one to break me free.


Do you feel also that if UMOP does work on me, that then the other subs here will?

And procrastination is just 1 of my many issues I want to clear, so will there be a sub eventually that can deal with root issues, irrespective of what they are so that then there is a new clear ground on which the other subs can build positive reinforced buildings upon? 


The practitioners of any field who are the best are going to be the ones who you travel to, not the ones who work on video chat.  In fact I wouldn't even call myself a hypnotist (despite having been certified, because I don't use and practice it), but I would never try to do a hypnosis session remotely.  You want the best?  You look at who is considered the best by other hypnotists (who would know).  I know of two highly thought of and sought after hypnotists, one is retired, and one teaches hypnosis at a college in Canada.  Can't remember his name right now, I think his first name is Mike.  I was planning to fly to Canada and study with him years ago, but time and funds have never been sufficient at the same time to do that.  The retired one isweeweeSutphen.

Then there's Richard Bandler for NLP, and I'm sure a number of his students are really well thought of, but I haven't been in either direction for a long time, so I'm not up to speed anymore.

The best also is not cheap, and in fact you may not be able to even get them to do personal consultations anymore.

You may end up deciding that "going in through the window" is easier than "going in through the front door".  What I mean by that is, trying to go directly after procrastination may not be the best way to approach this.  You may want to do something like LTUv6, E4, OF 5.75G or something along those lines.  However, when I release UMOP v2, I will be very interested in seeing how it affects you.  

OF is considered 5.75.1G; LTU v6 is 5.75.2G; and everything from then on will be 5.75.3G or later.  This level of subliminal should be able to achieve its goals, even with you, if you use it properly.  

Quote:And procrastination is just 1 of my many issues I want to clear, so will there be a sub eventually that can deal with root issues, irrespective of what they are so that then there is a new clear ground on which the other subs can build positive reinforced buildings upon? 

That would be OF 5.75G. Or LTUv6.  Maybe E4.  I have been really impressed with both OF 5.75G and LTUv6 so far.

Lol ive literally been procrastinating on replying to this reply @Shannon and now only after finally pushing out of my funk do I feel in the zone to reply :/

Thanks for the info regarding hypnotherapists. I couldnt find isweewee sutphen however I have tried sleep cds byweeweeSutphen in the past and they were absolutely hopeless.

Quote:LOL  I never thought the replacement filters would be this funny.  I'll have to adjust them.  Or Ben.  One of us.

Quote:You are still missing the point.  NO practitioner is going to be able to give you their best unless you are working with them IN PERSON.  CDs will work for "most people", but they can't adjust to you, as a skilled hypnotherapist can and will IN PERSON.
yeah I get it I meant that I had tried D. Sutphens from arizonas cds but yes in person skilled hypnotherapists ive failed to find that can work for me.

Quote:Richard bandler I came across early 2000s, only student of his I know of is a tv hypnotist and though his book was a good read in which a story he wrote with NLP had a good effect on my mind, I havent used his cds much eacher and that was for weightloss. Pretty much everyone in hypnosis says they use NLP these days and it all goes back to RBandler.

Quote:And Bandler was the student of Milton Erikson, IIRC, who was a master hypnotist.  Again... the results will come with enough skill in an IN PERSON consultation.

Quote:Ok so I rather "go in through the window" because 1) by using UMOP I will have a clear and direct correlation that the subs are working on me. I had tried E2 in the past and the other subs and was always left wondering if anything ever happened or if I was using them correctly etc. The doubt inside grew or perhaps it was the perfectionist inside me that did this but either way I hope that with UMOP i can see a direct link in sub usage and proven definable results as such. and 2) so that you can get results from my usage of UMOP2 that helps me (and others). I just really hope that you can mine more tech from beast or whatever it is you do to make UMOP2 alot more powerful than UMOP1, or the other subs I ever used such as E2 etc.

UMOP is in LTUv6 and it's already showing that it's much more powerful than v1.  Not necessarily perfect, but that may be because it's competing with so many other goals.  The changes have already been made.  There's more changes coming, but you keep talking as if you expect that the changes still need to be made to make stuff I'm working on now more powerful and effective than it was when UMOP v1 was released.  There's already been huge progress.

Quote:So will UMOP3 be 5.75.3G or later as you said above and thus hopefully effective on me? Or if not can you get it to 5.75.3G or later before releasing it to me?

Quote:It will be 5.75.3 or later.  Probably later before I build it.  I've made some improvements during the development of DMSI 3.3.3.
ok great so UMOP3 could hopefully break through to me Smile 

Quote:I apologise im unsure how to reply to your reply paragraph by paragraph as such so hope its easier to see im replying to it all here but in order of how you wrote to me.

Quote:Simply highlight the paragraph you wish to respond to and select the "Insert a quote" button at the top on the far right.  
thank you im trying it now as I reply.

Quote:Ok im glad you OF 5.75G. Or LTUv6.  Maybe E4. will be effective for root issues and perhaps work on me but due to my failed runs in the past I rather wait till as you said we get to 3G tech to be sure its going to work on me - how far away are we from that or can you make UMOP into that 3G or above please as soon as?

thanks again

Quote:Well 3G tech came out in 2004 or 2005.  I think we're ready with that then.  ;Wink But if you want to wait until 6G, then ask yourself this...

Are you just procrastinating?
hahah no no i meant 3G as in 5.75.3G. lol So basically you said something about this version 5.75.3G being the breakthrough to work for me, thus it makes sense I wait for the subs to get to this and beyond yes? Is E4 5.75.3G or 5.75.2G - as then ill wait for UMOP2 as its going to be either 5.75.3G or 5.75.4G

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Jake2015 - 09-21-2020

(09-21-2020, 09:23 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(09-20-2020, 12:32 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(09-17-2020, 02:50 PM)THolt Wrote:
(09-17-2020, 08:37 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(09-16-2020, 02:31 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: You're right so far no hypnosis has really ever worked for me whether it be for procrastination or any other issues and ive tried to find skilled hypnotherapists but clearly they may not have been the best. If you know of any that are the best and work via zoom/skype then please let me know.

The fear that I have I still have no idea where it stems from, since I was I believe very different as a child.  Its as if around puberty or just before that i seemed to have changed behaviour. Consciously nothing at all comes to mind as to why. I however before this wouldnt procrastinate perhaps (maybe I did but not to this degree) however as ive gotten older clearly the avoidance levels have increased for sure.

So yes please do add on more tech, boost the power further up, and do whatever it is you do to make UMOP the sub the one to break me free.


Do you feel also that if UMOP does work on me, that then the other subs here will?

And procrastination is just 1 of my many issues I want to clear, so will there be a sub eventually that can deal with root issues, irrespective of what they are so that then there is a new clear ground on which the other subs can build positive reinforced buildings upon? 


The practitioners of any field who are the best are going to be the ones who you travel to, not the ones who work on video chat.  In fact I wouldn't even call myself a hypnotist (despite having been certified, because I don't use and practice it), but I would never try to do a hypnosis session remotely.  You want the best?  You look at who is considered the best by other hypnotists (who would know).  I know of two highly thought of and sought after hypnotists, one is retired, and one teaches hypnosis at a college in Canada.  Can't remember his name right now, I think his first name is Mike.  I was planning to fly to Canada and study with him years ago, but time and funds have never been sufficient at the same time to do that.  The retired one isweeweeSutphen.

Then there's Richard Bandler for NLP, and I'm sure a number of his students are really well thought of, but I haven't been in either direction for a long time, so I'm not up to speed anymore.

The best also is not cheap, and in fact you may not be able to even get them to do personal consultations anymore.

You may end up deciding that "going in through the window" is easier than "going in through the front door".  What I mean by that is, trying to go directly after procrastination may not be the best way to approach this.  You may want to do something like LTUv6, E4, OF 5.75G or something along those lines.  However, when I release UMOP v2, I will be very interested in seeing how it affects you.  

OF is considered 5.75.1G; LTU v6 is 5.75.2G; and everything from then on will be 5.75.3G or later.  This level of subliminal should be able to achieve its goals, even with you, if you use it properly.  

Quote:And procrastination is just 1 of my many issues I want to clear, so will there be a sub eventually that can deal with root issues, irrespective of what they are so that then there is a new clear ground on which the other subs can build positive reinforced buildings upon? 

That would be OF 5.75G. Or LTUv6.  Maybe E4.  I have been really impressed with both OF 5.75G and LTUv6 so far.

E4 sounds like it may be good for you. Procrastination may not be the core issue but rather the symptom of a deeper issue like fear or something else. If you run E4 long enough it would definitely root out the issue

Thanks for adding to this @THolt and helping out.

E4 could take forever thats my fear, cos E2 never worked and then as I wrote just now in a reply to shannon it could also work in a way that I wont know if it was the sub or not. Plus Shannon said 3G tech and above would be almost certain to work on me and that just gives me more hope but then again we thought previous subs would work on me too so im still unsure what would work and when :/

Hmmm.  Seems you have some issues with fear.  Maybe OF 5.75G could help.

thanks @Shannon I think you said OF 5.75G is 5.75.1G, and its the 5.75.3G and beyond that are bound to work best for me, so just on this im feeling its best to wait for UMOP3 which will hopefully be 5.75.3G or higher and thus show signs of working for me. Especially as ive failed to show anything from the previous subs. I dont want to try something again in the hope it will work only to not work and spend that money again and fail. If that makes sense. Im hopeful that anything now beyond 5.75.3G will work as you said as you know whats happening behind the scenes.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - fab10 - 09-21-2020

(09-21-2020, 06:09 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(09-21-2020, 09:23 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(09-20-2020, 12:32 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(09-17-2020, 02:50 PM)THolt Wrote:
(09-17-2020, 08:37 AM)Shannon Wrote: The practitioners of any field who are the best are going to be the ones who you travel to, not the ones who work on video chat.  In fact I wouldn't even call myself a hypnotist (despite having been certified, because I don't use and practice it), but I would never try to do a hypnosis session remotely.  You want the best?  You look at who is considered the best by other hypnotists (who would know).  I know of two highly thought of and sought after hypnotists, one is retired, and one teaches hypnosis at a college in Canada.  Can't remember his name right now, I think his first name is Mike.  I was planning to fly to Canada and study with him years ago, but time and funds have never been sufficient at the same time to do that.  The retired one isweeweeSutphen.

Then there's Richard Bandler for NLP, and I'm sure a number of his students are really well thought of, but I haven't been in either direction for a long time, so I'm not up to speed anymore.

The best also is not cheap, and in fact you may not be able to even get them to do personal consultations anymore.

You may end up deciding that "going in through the window" is easier than "going in through the front door".  What I mean by that is, trying to go directly after procrastination may not be the best way to approach this.  You may want to do something like LTUv6, E4, OF 5.75G or something along those lines.  However, when I release UMOP v2, I will be very interested in seeing how it affects you.  

OF is considered 5.75.1G; LTU v6 is 5.75.2G; and everything from then on will be 5.75.3G or later.  This level of subliminal should be able to achieve its goals, even with you, if you use it properly.  

That would be OF 5.75G. Or LTUv6.  Maybe E4.  I have been really impressed with both OF 5.75G and LTUv6 so far.

E4 sounds like it may be good for you. Procrastination may not be the core issue but rather the symptom of a deeper issue like fear or something else. If you run E4 long enough it would definitely root out the issue

Thanks for adding to this @THolt and helping out.

E4 could take forever thats my fear, cos E2 never worked and then as I wrote just now in a reply to shannon it could also work in a way that I wont know if it was the sub or not. Plus Shannon said 3G tech and above would be almost certain to work on me and that just gives me more hope but then again we thought previous subs would work on me too so im still unsure what would work and when :/

Hmmm.  Seems you have some issues with fear.  Maybe OF 5.75G could help.

thanks @Shannon I think you said OF 5.75G is 5.75.1G, and its the 5.75.3G and beyond that are bound to work best for me, so just on this im feeling its best to wait for UMOP3 which will hopefully be 5.75.3G or higher and thus show signs of working for me. Especially as ive failed to show anything from the previous subs. I dont want to try something again in the hope it will work only to not work and spend that money again and fail. If that makes sense. Im hopeful that anything now beyond 5.75.3G will work as you said as you know whats happening behind the scenes.

Shannon suggested OF now, I bet he has his reason for that  Wink : maybe because standalone OF focuses all its power on fear removal alone, so if that’s the root of your problem it might work better for you than an upcoming sub containing FRM, even if it is .3 or .4. Maybe starting right away with OF could bulldoze your fear and open the door for the coming subs to work for you. Could it be that some subconscious fear is stopping you from starting OF and wait instead for something that does not even exist yet? I remember Shannon saying how fear will do anything to save itself and can play its card very smartly. 

It’s just my two cents, I can be a bit blunt at times but I mean well Blink , I hope I am not offending you.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 09-22-2020

(09-21-2020, 08:41 PM)fab10 Wrote:
(09-21-2020, 06:09 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(09-21-2020, 09:23 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(09-20-2020, 12:32 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(09-17-2020, 02:50 PM)THolt Wrote: E4 sounds like it may be good for you. Procrastination may not be the core issue but rather the symptom of a deeper issue like fear or something else. If you run E4 long enough it would definitely root out the issue

Thanks for adding to this @THolt and helping out.

E4 could take forever thats my fear, cos E2 never worked and then as I wrote just now in a reply to shannon it could also work in a way that I wont know if it was the sub or not. Plus Shannon said 3G tech and above would be almost certain to work on me and that just gives me more hope but then again we thought previous subs would work on me too so im still unsure what would work and when :/

Hmmm.  Seems you have some issues with fear.  Maybe OF 5.75G could help.

thanks @Shannon I think you said OF 5.75G is 5.75.1G, and its the 5.75.3G and beyond that are bound to work best for me, so just on this im feeling its best to wait for UMOP3 which will hopefully be 5.75.3G or higher and thus show signs of working for me. Especially as ive failed to show anything from the previous subs. I dont want to try something again in the hope it will work only to not work and spend that money again and fail. If that makes sense. Im hopeful that anything now beyond 5.75.3G will work as you said as you know whats happening behind the scenes.

Shannon suggested OF now, I bet he has his reason for that  Wink : maybe because standalone OF focuses all its power on fear removal alone, so if that’s the root of your problem it might work better for you than an upcoming sub containing FRM, even if it is .3 or .4. Maybe starting right away with OF could bulldoze your fear and open the door for the coming subs to work for you. Could it be that some subconscious fear is stopping you from starting OF and wait instead for something that does not even exist yet? I remember Shannon saying how fear will do anything to save itself and can play its card very smartly. 

It’s just my two cents, I can be a bit blunt at times but I mean well Blink , I hope I am not offending you.

Don't worry about ol' Jake.  He's going to find any possible excuse not to achieve his goals.  He does this because he fears that it might work.  Maybe he'll try 6G.  Or maybe he'll wait the 10+ years for 7G after that.  Who knows.  But hey, that's what procrastinators do, right?  And what better way to avoid solving the problem than to not use the program?

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 09-22-2020

(09-21-2020, 04:17 PM)KingDavid93 Wrote: Hi @Shannon

I noticed you mentioned in one of the journals about the potential benefits for running OF alongside LTU.

I think this may be useful for me as well- I say this because I don’t feel as “loose” as I did on pure OF-and because I had been able to go over a month without biting my nails, this habit returned back strong upon the switch from OF to LTU6 (like within a week all of my progress with the nail biting had gone away)

How would I know if this is the right path for me and how should I structure it?

It is strongly suggested that you only use both at once if you need to.  Using both at once WILL upset the balance of both, and while this can be useful, it causes them to compete for resources.  LTUv6 has less resources and processing power if you upfocus FRM by using OF, and OF has less focus and resources because you're also using LTUv6.

Having 13 titles in a single program, no matter what I do, none of them will have the same resource allocation as if you use one at a time.  I have done my best to make them all work together synergistically, but there are trade offs, as you see with going from a pure focus on OF to a focus divided 13 ways.

If you decide to try using OF with LTUv6, it will invalidate your option for a refund unless I specifically told you to do that, and that will be an almost never thing.  But if you choose to do it, this is how you should go about it:

1. Start by adding 1 (ONE) loop of OF to the beginning of your playlist of LTU loops.  Spend 2-4 weeks using it that way and get to know how it is affecting both programs.  

2. If that is not enough to help sufficiently with the fear resulting from LTUv6 working towards its goals, then add a loop of it to the end of your playlist also, so that you are using 1 loop of OF, then your loops of LTUv6, then another loop of OF.  Spend another 2-4 weeks observing how it affects both programs.  

3. If that is not enough to quell the issues caused by the fears, then you have two more options.  The first is to start using OF in the moment, as needed.

4. The second is to start running OF as standard (according to the directions) during the day, and LTU as standard during the night, or vice versa.  This is not going to be necessary or even feasible for the vast, vast majority of people.  It is likely to knock you down with exhaustion, also.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 09-22-2020

(09-21-2020, 04:17 PM)Benjamin Wrote:
Quote:LOL  I never thought the replacement filters would be this funny.  I'll have to adjust them.  Or Ben.  One of us.

I understand adjusting the filters, but why do you have to adjust me aswell? Do I need new filters?

goshdarn weewee fruitcake!


I need to adjust you because apparently, Australians don't exist.  Gotta adjust that.   Hehe

I'm working on three subliminals right now.  Care to clear the replacement filters for me?  We can turn them all off for a while and see how that goes, methinks.  Much appreciated.  Now back to work for me!  Got a lot of steel to shape.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - fab10 - 09-22-2020

(09-22-2020, 08:01 AM)Shannon Wrote:
Quote:LOL  I never thought the replacement filters would be this funny.  I'll have to adjust them.  Or Ben.  One of us.

We can turn them all off for a while and see how that goes, methinks.  Much appreciated.  Now back to work for me!  Got a lot of steel to shape.

That was my thought last night when your sub made me “work” instead of resting in my sleep  Roflmao 

I’m not sure about the SFW areas but in an 18+ forum populated, I dare say, by decent people, why do we need automatic filters at all? It looks to me that there is already very good human moderation and I do not think anyone would be shocked by the word sh*t written full out in a forum where adult topics are discussed.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Rusty - 09-22-2020

What would be a good sub to run for a situation i notice where if i speak to someone new and he explain stuff, i 
get inside my head and not pay attention to what he says  ( i also have ADD).

Is it trauma related? is E4 will make me more present and attentive while speaking to people of authority or being in social situations?

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 09-22-2020

(09-22-2020, 09:08 AM)fab10 Wrote:
(09-22-2020, 08:01 AM)Shannon Wrote:
Quote:LOL  I never thought the replacement filters would be this funny.  I'll have to adjust them.  Or Ben.  One of us.

We can turn them all off for a while and see how that goes, methinks.  Much appreciated.  Now back to work for me!  Got a lot of steel to shape.

That was my thought last night when your sub made me “work” instead of resting in my sleep  Roflmao 

I’m not sure about the SFW areas but in an 18+ forum populated, I dare say, by decent people, why do we need automatic filters at all? It looks to me that there is already very good human moderation and I do not think anyone would be shocked by the word sh*t written full out in a forum where adult topics are discussed.

Those filters were set in 2010 when we were just opening the forum and didn't really understand what was going to happen.  We were trying to keep it from becoming a place where people were being vulgar and rude and help prevent racism, etc.  Some of those goals are just not going to be stopped by such filters, and the rest it doesn't really matter for anymore.  So we can turn them off, for the time being.  So chalk it up to an artifact of inexperience.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 09-22-2020

(09-22-2020, 10:01 AM)Rusty Wrote: What would be a good sub to run for a situation i notice where if i speak to someone new and he explain stuff, i 
get inside my head and not pay attention to what he says  ( i also have ADD).

Is it trauma related? is E4 will make me more present and attentive while speaking to people of authority or being in social situations?

That could be a lot of things, but it seems likely that it could be an attempt to escape from something.  That would imply that the root is fear.  If the root is fear, then you would be best served by OF.

Laser Focus & Concentration has been shown to help people who have ADD, but it will not affect the cause.  It will temporarily cause you to focus.  

Without knowing what the cause is I can only guess as to what the solution is.  I wouldn't expect E4 to be the solution, but there is a small chance that it might be.  I would put my money on OF.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - THolt - 09-22-2020

(09-22-2020, 10:01 AM)Rusty Wrote: What would be a good sub to run for a situation i notice where if i speak to someone new and he explain stuff, i 
get inside my head and not pay attention to what he says  ( i also have ADD).

Is it trauma related? is E4 will make me more present and attentive while speaking to people of authority or being in social situations?

Yes. E4 will be able to clear through this issue and get to the root cause of this. It is likely a fear issue but there maybe some subconscious guilt or shame that could be holding you back too

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Benjamin - 09-22-2020

(09-22-2020, 08:01 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(09-21-2020, 04:17 PM)Benjamin Wrote:
Quote:LOL  I never thought the replacement filters would be this funny.  I'll have to adjust them.  Or Ben.  One of us.

I understand adjusting the filters, but why do you have to adjust me aswell? Do I need new filters?

goshdarn weewee fruitcake!


I need to adjust you because apparently, Australians don't exist.  Gotta adjust that.   Hehe

I'm working on three subliminals right now.  Care to clear the replacement filters for me?  We can turn them all off for a while and see how that goes, methinks.  Much appreciated.  Now back to work for me!  Got a lot of steel to shape.

Oh no.. now everyone knows I don't exist! Sorry you all had to find out like this.

I was just as shocked as you when I found out I didn't exist!

For reference i've attached the details below. Roflmao 

[Image: Australia-doesn-t-exist-post.png]

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 09-22-2020

They probably dumped them into the water, because they realised the ships couldn't sail any further because as everyone knows, that part of the world is upside down. Never mind how you can fall off the edge of the Earth if you're not careful, or never mind the Dragons there etc. too! But the criminals they dropped into the water were good with animals, as all "Aussies" seem to be for some odd reason. So they made friends with sharks and dolphins etc. so they wouldn't have any issues. Then they swam around the edge of the Earth upside down. And eventually ended up at some random island underneath the Earth, and started a new life there.

The movie Castaway was very loosely based on the story of "Australia".