RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 10:09 AM)THolt Wrote: (05-11-2020, 09:48 AM)Shannon Wrote: (05-11-2020, 12:52 AM)Hanpan Wrote: (05-10-2020, 12:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: (05-10-2020, 11:23 AM)Hanpan Wrote: Hey Shannon - hope everything is going great.
Did you ever get a chance to look at my question above?
If it didn't get answered, I didn't see it. 
ARA is not on my short term radar. But it is too useful, and the improvements being made to the skeleton script too great, not to eventually rebuild. Perhaps a good idea for a focus fire.
No worries :
I assume that it won't be out before June, right?
Hopefully, I will only need it for a few weeks to settle into my new job before switching back to LTU again.l
I'm just working on the three programs left in my round robin queue. I don't even know what day it is most days. So I would have no idea until shortly before it is released. 
So you must have finished Secret prototype 8?
SSE-P8 now exists and is undergoing testing. I am currently working on FRM 4.9.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Hanpan - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 09:48 AM)Shannon Wrote: (05-11-2020, 12:52 AM)Hanpan Wrote: (05-10-2020, 12:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: (05-10-2020, 11:23 AM)Hanpan Wrote: (05-01-2020, 04:21 AM)Hanpan Wrote: Hey Shannon
I had a great experience running ARA for a few weeks this fall when I was exceptionally busy at work.
I just got a new job which is great. I assume that I will be very busy for the first month or two. At some point (around Christmas I believe) you mentioned that you were thinking about re-designing and re-releasing ARA.
Is that still on the drawing board?
Hey Shannon - hope everything is going great.
Did you ever get a chance to look at my question above?
If it didn't get answered, I didn't see it. 
ARA is not on my short term radar. But it is too useful, and the improvements being made to the skeleton script too great, not to eventually rebuild. Perhaps a good idea for a focus fire.
No worries :
I assume that it won't be out before June, right?
Hopefully, I will only need it for a few weeks to settle into my new job before switching back to LTU again.l
I'm just working on the three programs left in my round robin queue. I don't even know what day it is most days. So I would have no idea until shortly before it is released. 
Makes sense - a new ARA would't really make any sense unless a new FRM is finished. Just figured it would be very easy to do once FRM is done.
I'll probably ask you again around the 25'th
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 10:23 AM)Zubrowka Wrote: (05-11-2020, 09:47 AM)Shannon Wrote: (05-11-2020, 12:23 AM)Zubrowka Wrote: Hi Shannon,
I have a rather personal question I'm hoping you could help me with - how have you motivated yourself to strive toward where you are going for so many years?
I'm asking because there have started to formulate a dream inside my mind, and right now it feels so far away, and so unattainable, that even that I know that I feel motivated right now, I know that I will face times while going after it that will be harder. I just wanted to know what parameters that you know will be in your life that have made you move forward to your goal as you often have a way of seeing things in a light that I find motivating, and I think may help me formulate my own motivation for going where I deeply know that I want.
The first thing you should do is consider that all things already exist; all possible options are expressed and they all exist with equal "reality". The question is not if they are attainable; the question is, have you done the right series of choices and actions to experience them?
The second thing to understand is, what we understand as "time" is not linear; in fact, it doesn't really exist at all. It is the illusion generated by the limitations of the human body to process the information it is receiving. The closer you get to the "conscious mind" the more limited our awareness becomes, and the more that level of awareness perceives "time" as a "point of now". The deeper you go, the more it can handle, and the more that "point of now" becomes understood as a "smear" of time which extends to varying degrees into what the "conscious mind" understands as the "past" and "future". Go deep enough and "time" isn't perceived anymore because there is not a limit to what can be processed of "what actually is". All things happen "now", and all things possible happen.
Then the question is... which possibility do you choose to focus your awareness into? Since time doesn't exist and all possibilities happen, the only consideration is which one you want to experience. This makes a few changes to typical thinking that result in motivation. For example:
If everything I could possibly choose to do actually happens, then all possibilities already exist, and each is equally likely to happen as long as I focus myself into it.
To focus myself into it, I have to do the right sequence of things, and I have to do the right things.
Since all I have to do is the right things in the right sequence, any goal I choose becomes possible. While certain external factors may require that I spend more or less time or energy achieving my goals, there is always a way to achieve them, as long as I do the right things in the right order.
Therefore no goal is unrealistic or impossible as long as I refuse to keep trying to achieve it and I figure out the right steps and sequence of steps.
"Far away" and "unattainable" are illusions. The first one results from the illusion that time exists and that there is no quick way to shift from one major reality to another. Time does not exist, and in fact there are ways to completely shift from one major reality to another. Examples of this happening have been recorded in many places, and because they are not understood for what they actually are, they are usually called "magic" or "miracles". In reality. what they are is simply choosing to stop experience (focus into) a probability where X is not true, and start focusing into a probability where X is true. Major shift in experienced reality in a short time.
This is an innate ability all of us have. Some don't understand how to do it because they haven't developed enough awareness of the way things actually function. Many who do understand enough refuse to do so out of fear; changing too much too fast scares them, so they hide in the "devil they know" instead: stagnation. It's the general equivalent of stepping from an escalator going one direction to a different escalator going another direction. Simple, easy, perfectly natural - if you know how and you are willing to.
"Unattainable" is a self imposed limitation we create to hide from the Scary Unknown . We create imaginary prison cells with our beliefs and then allow those prison cells to limit us to things we are already familiar with so we don't have to face the fear of what we are not already familiar with. This keeps us where we are, doing what we are already doing. The reality is that those prison cells, no matter how real and impossible to escape they may seem, are always of our own creation. And just as we created them, we can dissolve them. There is nothing "unattainable" unless you refuse to attain it. The rest is just a matter of taking the right steps in the right order.
Sometimes those steps take years. Sometimes they require decades. Sometimes a whole lifetime must be spent making those steps to attain one's goals. But it is always possible to achieve them, if you do the right things in the right order.
It also helps to know what the energy tides are and will be, because they influence your efforts. As with a rowboat going through the surf, it takes more effort when the waves are against you, and less when they are at your back. More effort means more steps, and less effort means less steps. But again... always possible, with the right steps in the right order.
So what motivates me is two things. First, what I want already exists. I already have it, but I have to deal with the limitations of my conscious mind in terms of "time". I just need to take the right steps in the right order, and finish making the journey. There is no way to fail if you do that. You just need to focus your awareness into that probability line. That's it.
Second, I want that outcome. I have parts of me afraid of the unknown, and afraid of what happens if I do the things that will be necessary to achieve that outcome, and they are working against me. But I recognize what they are doing, and I compensate for that while I am making my move toward my desired outcome. I want that outcome more than I want to hide from it. I want that outcome more than I am afraid of achieving it. It's that simple.
Once you understand that all possible outcomes exist and only depend on your choices for their "probability of happening", anything is possible. ANYTHING. And without the artificial limits of belief that "X isn't realistic or possible", people have achieved amazing and "impossible" things routinely through human history. Some of them include controlled heavier than air flight, radio communication, computers, artificial intelligence, the Internet, supersonic travel, space flight, landing a human on the moon, cellular phones, lasers, satellites, GPS, making a rocket booster land itself on a moving boat in the ocean after it is finished doing it's job, and many others. If you go back far enough in time, every one of those would have been met with "That's impossible!" even by the most erudite "experts" of the day, as long as they did not understand what I have stated above.
If it's possible, why settle for anything less than what you REALLY want? The problem once this is really understood fully isn't whether it is possible, but... what the hell do I want?
So ultimately, once you divest yourself of artificial limits based on fear based faulty thinking, the only thing left is, what do I want, and am I willing to do what it takes to achieve it?
If you choose what you really want, then the question of motivation only needs to get past your fear of "what if". Once you have gotten past that, the world is your oyster.
So you have your goal. Now you understand that "far off' and "unattainable" are really just fear based excuses based on artificial limits. Divest yourself of those limits, and do what is necessary to achieve your goal. It doesn't matter how "far off" or "unattainable" it is; if you break down how to get there into small enough steps, and keep your eyes firmly on that next step, and that next step, you'll get there. Every time. Just can't let anything stop you.
Hope this helps. Probably not what you were expecting.
Thanks for taking the time to write that out. I will save it and read it a couple of times to digest it, but it shed light on the situation more than enough regarding the limitations we put on ourselves.
I suggest you save it and read it once a week, month, year... whatever keeps you on top of the right thinking.
Quote:The question I still have though - is that I think I know what I want - but is it what I really want? Is it what I am "supposed" to do? Do you think all of us have a purpose - like a journey where we will experience our highest potential, compared to other possible journeys? Like you are doing subilminals for example - this maybe because of certain things happened in your life became your "ultimate purpose" combined with some skills that you were born with. How do I know what is my purpose and that I have chosen the right one?
Too many people get hung up on finding their "purpose" and in looking for it, they never act on anything else. This can result from faulty beliefs or fear or both.
What you are "supposed to do" is succeed, thrive and be genuinely happy. How you do that depends on what makes you happy and healthy. That is what your "purpose" is. Achieving that state through all the BS out there.
To figure out what that is, ask yourself, "What comes most naturally to me? What makes me feel most alive? What, if I could do it every day, would make me wake up ready to run off and do it because I love doing it so much?"
There are two schools of thought on this. School A says, "Do what you love." School B says, "Fuck what you love, do what makes you money."
Doing what you love will always make you money if you do it right. Doing what makes you money but isn't what you love will keep you alive, but you will never really live. Those who advise doing what makes you money over what you love don't understand the distinction. They live lives ruled by fear based thinking disguised as "pragmatism" and "realistic" and "fact based". They would rather have security than happiness. They would rather not fail than to fail, learn, grow and then succeed beyond their wildest dreams.
The only examples they can point to of "doing what you love" as a bad idea are people who didn't understand the other half of the equation: If you would wake up every morning and go start "working" without even remembering to shower, shave, brush your teeth and eat because you love doing that so much, that is what you're supposed to be doing. But if that happens to be research, then you have to find a way to either make it pay, or get someone to fund you while you do it. You can't ignore the "you still have to pay the damned bills!" aspect of reality.
People are frequently sold a half truth because it is what makes the seller money. "The Secret" is a great example of that. "The Secret" is one of the Laws of the Universe, and as a Law, it MUST happen, if you understand it and interact with it correctly. The problem arises that all of the other Laws of the Universe must also be understood and properly applied as well. You can't just cherry pick what looks like fun! Doing so results in a lot of contradictory results. That's why half of the population praises "The Secret" and the other half damns it for being silly wishful thinking. It was presented as "all you need to know and do", because that would sell. It's not all you need to know and do, and very few people will ever understand that. To understand that and know what else you must know is to either correct the issues that you had making the Law of Attraction work, or to multiply it beyond your wildest dreams if you did manage to make it work.
I am where I am because I followed my bliss. At times, I followed it blindly, without understanding all of what I am telling you here. Those times, I failed, and when I tried to understand why I failed, I learned what I am telling you. But it has been following my bliss that led me to where I am, and what I am doing. One of the things that I most love to do is to discover things. The thrill of discovery, not just because it's like a treasure hunt, but because it's fun to realize, "I did that!" and sometimes, "I am the first person to ever do or think of that!". Everyone will have different sources of bliss. But whatever yours is, you must identify it and then use it to motivate you to act and achieve your goals. You must also build around it some way of making it pay the bills. Passion, enthusiasm, excitement and bliss are only half of the equation. You still need to pay your bills and your taxes.
I can only do what I do because I have those people I work with to help me make the whole thing work. Without Andrew, several aspects of the business falter. Without Ben I would never have time to do research and development, or build subliminals, or answer questions. Without Steve, I would not have as much help testing these programs, and sometimes he will help us fixing things if he can. Without our accountant, we couldn't pay our taxes. And so on and so forth. I have built up a support network of various people doing various things so that I am free to do what I need to do to make the money while following my bliss. Both sides of the coin are being attended to. And over time, as I learn more and more about business, they are being balanced better and better as well.
What makes you happiest, what most naturally and positively motivates you, that is what you're "supposed" to be doing. But you also have to pay the bills.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Zubrowka - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 10:47 AM)Shannon Wrote: (05-11-2020, 10:23 AM)Zubrowka Wrote: (05-11-2020, 09:47 AM)Shannon Wrote: (05-11-2020, 12:23 AM)Zubrowka Wrote: Hi Shannon,
I have a rather personal question I'm hoping you could help me with - how have you motivated yourself to strive toward where you are going for so many years?
I'm asking because there have started to formulate a dream inside my mind, and right now it feels so far away, and so unattainable, that even that I know that I feel motivated right now, I know that I will face times while going after it that will be harder. I just wanted to know what parameters that you know will be in your life that have made you move forward to your goal as you often have a way of seeing things in a light that I find motivating, and I think may help me formulate my own motivation for going where I deeply know that I want.
The first thing you should do is consider that all things already exist; all possible options are expressed and they all exist with equal "reality". The question is not if they are attainable; the question is, have you done the right series of choices and actions to experience them?
The second thing to understand is, what we understand as "time" is not linear; in fact, it doesn't really exist at all. It is the illusion generated by the limitations of the human body to process the information it is receiving. The closer you get to the "conscious mind" the more limited our awareness becomes, and the more that level of awareness perceives "time" as a "point of now". The deeper you go, the more it can handle, and the more that "point of now" becomes understood as a "smear" of time which extends to varying degrees into what the "conscious mind" understands as the "past" and "future". Go deep enough and "time" isn't perceived anymore because there is not a limit to what can be processed of "what actually is". All things happen "now", and all things possible happen.
Then the question is... which possibility do you choose to focus your awareness into? Since time doesn't exist and all possibilities happen, the only consideration is which one you want to experience. This makes a few changes to typical thinking that result in motivation. For example:
If everything I could possibly choose to do actually happens, then all possibilities already exist, and each is equally likely to happen as long as I focus myself into it.
To focus myself into it, I have to do the right sequence of things, and I have to do the right things.
Since all I have to do is the right things in the right sequence, any goal I choose becomes possible. While certain external factors may require that I spend more or less time or energy achieving my goals, there is always a way to achieve them, as long as I do the right things in the right order.
Therefore no goal is unrealistic or impossible as long as I refuse to keep trying to achieve it and I figure out the right steps and sequence of steps.
"Far away" and "unattainable" are illusions. The first one results from the illusion that time exists and that there is no quick way to shift from one major reality to another. Time does not exist, and in fact there are ways to completely shift from one major reality to another. Examples of this happening have been recorded in many places, and because they are not understood for what they actually are, they are usually called "magic" or "miracles". In reality. what they are is simply choosing to stop experience (focus into) a probability where X is not true, and start focusing into a probability where X is true. Major shift in experienced reality in a short time.
This is an innate ability all of us have. Some don't understand how to do it because they haven't developed enough awareness of the way things actually function. Many who do understand enough refuse to do so out of fear; changing too much too fast scares them, so they hide in the "devil they know" instead: stagnation. It's the general equivalent of stepping from an escalator going one direction to a different escalator going another direction. Simple, easy, perfectly natural - if you know how and you are willing to.
"Unattainable" is a self imposed limitation we create to hide from the Scary Unknown . We create imaginary prison cells with our beliefs and then allow those prison cells to limit us to things we are already familiar with so we don't have to face the fear of what we are not already familiar with. This keeps us where we are, doing what we are already doing. The reality is that those prison cells, no matter how real and impossible to escape they may seem, are always of our own creation. And just as we created them, we can dissolve them. There is nothing "unattainable" unless you refuse to attain it. The rest is just a matter of taking the right steps in the right order.
Sometimes those steps take years. Sometimes they require decades. Sometimes a whole lifetime must be spent making those steps to attain one's goals. But it is always possible to achieve them, if you do the right things in the right order.
It also helps to know what the energy tides are and will be, because they influence your efforts. As with a rowboat going through the surf, it takes more effort when the waves are against you, and less when they are at your back. More effort means more steps, and less effort means less steps. But again... always possible, with the right steps in the right order.
So what motivates me is two things. First, what I want already exists. I already have it, but I have to deal with the limitations of my conscious mind in terms of "time". I just need to take the right steps in the right order, and finish making the journey. There is no way to fail if you do that. You just need to focus your awareness into that probability line. That's it.
Second, I want that outcome. I have parts of me afraid of the unknown, and afraid of what happens if I do the things that will be necessary to achieve that outcome, and they are working against me. But I recognize what they are doing, and I compensate for that while I am making my move toward my desired outcome. I want that outcome more than I want to hide from it. I want that outcome more than I am afraid of achieving it. It's that simple.
Once you understand that all possible outcomes exist and only depend on your choices for their "probability of happening", anything is possible. ANYTHING. And without the artificial limits of belief that "X isn't realistic or possible", people have achieved amazing and "impossible" things routinely through human history. Some of them include controlled heavier than air flight, radio communication, computers, artificial intelligence, the Internet, supersonic travel, space flight, landing a human on the moon, cellular phones, lasers, satellites, GPS, making a rocket booster land itself on a moving boat in the ocean after it is finished doing it's job, and many others. If you go back far enough in time, every one of those would have been met with "That's impossible!" even by the most erudite "experts" of the day, as long as they did not understand what I have stated above.
If it's possible, why settle for anything less than what you REALLY want? The problem once this is really understood fully isn't whether it is possible, but... what the hell do I want?
So ultimately, once you divest yourself of artificial limits based on fear based faulty thinking, the only thing left is, what do I want, and am I willing to do what it takes to achieve it?
If you choose what you really want, then the question of motivation only needs to get past your fear of "what if". Once you have gotten past that, the world is your oyster.
So you have your goal. Now you understand that "far off' and "unattainable" are really just fear based excuses based on artificial limits. Divest yourself of those limits, and do what is necessary to achieve your goal. It doesn't matter how "far off" or "unattainable" it is; if you break down how to get there into small enough steps, and keep your eyes firmly on that next step, and that next step, you'll get there. Every time. Just can't let anything stop you.
Hope this helps. Probably not what you were expecting.
Thanks for taking the time to write that out. I will save it and read it a couple of times to digest it, but it shed light on the situation more than enough regarding the limitations we put on ourselves.
I suggest you save it and read it once a week, month, year... whatever keeps you on top of the right thinking.
Quote:The question I still have though - is that I think I know what I want - but is it what I really want? Is it what I am "supposed" to do? Do you think all of us have a purpose - like a journey where we will experience our highest potential, compared to other possible journeys? Like you are doing subilminals for example - this maybe because of certain things happened in your life became your "ultimate purpose" combined with some skills that you were born with. How do I know what is my purpose and that I have chosen the right one?
Too many people get hung up on finding their "purpose" and in looking for it, they never act on anything else. This can result from faulty beliefs or fear or both.
What you are "supposed to do" is succeed, thrive and be genuinely happy. How you do that depends on what makes you happy and healthy. That is what your "purpose" is. Achieving that state through all the BS out there.
To figure out what that is, ask yourself, "What comes most naturally to me? What makes me feel most alive? What, if I could do it every day, would make me wake up ready to run off and do it because I love doing it so much?"
There are two schools of thought on this. School A says, "Do what you love." School B says, "***** what you love, do what makes you money."
Doing what you love will always make you money if you do it right. Doing what makes you money but isn't what you love will keep you alive, but you will never really live. Those who advise doing what makes you money over what you love don't understand the distinction. They live lives ruled by fear based thinking disguised as "pragmatism" and "realistic" and "fact based". They would rather have security than happiness. They would rather not fail than to fail, learn, grow and then succeed beyond their wildest dreams.
The only examples they can point to of "doing what you love" as a bad idea are people who didn't understand the other half of the equation: If you would wake up every morning and go start "working" without even remembering to shower, shave, brush your teeth and eat because you love doing that so much, that is what you're supposed to be doing. But if that happens to be research, then you have to find a way to either make it pay, or get someone to fund you while you do it. You can't ignore the "you still have to pay the damned bills!" aspect of reality.
People are frequently sold a half truth because it is what makes the seller money. "The Secret" is a great example of that. "The Secret" is one of the Laws of the Universe, and as a Law, it MUST happen, if you understand it and interact with it correctly. The problem arises that all of the other Laws of the Universe must also be understood and properly applied as well. You can't just cherry pick what looks like fun! Doing so results in a lot of contradictory results. That's why half of the population praises "The Secret" and the other half damns it for being silly wishful thinking. It was presented as "all you need to know and do", because that would sell. It's not all you need to know and do, and very few people will ever understand that. To understand that and know what else you must know is to either correct the issues that you had making the Law of Attraction work, or to multiply it beyond your wildest dreams if you did manage to make it work.
I am where I am because I followed my bliss. At times, I followed it blindly, without understanding all of what I am telling you here. Those times, I failed, and when I tried to understand why I failed, I learned what I am telling you. But it has been following my bliss that led me to where I am, and what I am doing. One of the things that I most love to do is to discover things. The thrill of discovery, not just because it's like a treasure hunt, but because it's fun to realize, "I did that!" and sometimes, "I am the first person to ever do or think of that!". Everyone will have different sources of bliss. But whatever yours is, you must identify it and then use it to motivate you to act and achieve your goals. You must also build around it some way of making it pay the bills. Passion, enthusiasm, excitement and bliss are only half of the equation. You still need to pay your bills and your taxes.
I can only do what I do because I have those people I work with to help me make the whole thing work. Without Andrew, several aspects of the business falter. Without Ben I would never have time to do research and development, or build subliminals, or answer questions. Without Steve, I would not have as much help testing these programs, and sometimes he will help us fixing things if he can. Without our accountant, we couldn't pay our taxes. And so on and so forth. I have built up a support network of various people doing various things so that I am free to do what I need to do to make the money while following my bliss. Both sides of the coin are being attended to. And over time, as I learn more and more about business, they are being balanced better and better as well.
What makes you happiest, what most naturally and positively motivates you, that is what you're "supposed" to be doing. But you also have to pay the bills.
Again, thanks. This will probably also become something I will resort to reading from time to time. And it made things clearer about how to look at it. Very sound advise as always. I think it's thanks to LTU5 that I have been starting to ask "the real questions" - and also have taken active steps toward finding out what I enjoy doing, it's awesome to have someone to ask about them when they pop up too. Cheers and thanks again, hope you have a good week.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 05-11-2020
Thank you for asking, and making it worth my time to explain.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Have at ye - 05-11-2020
Those were some good, sexy posts.
(05-11-2020, 10:47 AM)Shannon Wrote: Once you understand that all possible outcomes exist and only depend on your choices for their "probability of happening", anything is possible. ANYTHING. And without the artificial limits of belief that "X isn't realistic or possible", people have achieved amazing and "impossible" things routinely through human history. Some of them include controlled heavier than air flight, radio communication, computers, artificial intelligence, the Internet, supersonic travel, space flight, landing a human on the moon, cellular phones, lasers, satellites, GPS, making a rocket booster land itself on a moving boat in the ocean after it is finished doing it's job, and many others. If you go back far enough in time, every one of those would have been met with "That's impossible!" even by the most erudite "experts" of the day, as long as they did not understand what I have stated above.
Heheh, on this point - and goals that are less practical/scientific - it's funny to consider which historical figures Fred Nietzsche, the whiny philosopher-troll, used as examples of people who were following their "will-to-power". Let's take Julius Ceasar, for example. His particular goal notwithstanding (and a pretty stupid one at that, all things considered - I'm going to take a cue from a certain historian and define it, in short, as pretty much "I want to be GOD"), the entirely amazing thing about JC is that, technically, given the "most probable outcome" scenario and the odds he was up against in what he did (and the haphazard manner in which he approached them, TBH; he was clever, but he wasn't a "think ahead" type of guy, really, and that's what got him killed in the end), he should have gotten his ass handed to him multiple times over, doing what he was doing (conquest of Gaul, marching on Rome with a standing army and all that). And yet he did not get his ass handed to him. 
And he sure as heck did achieve his goal ("I want to be GOD") because he was introduced into the pantheon of Roman ancestral gods. Post-mortem. Remember the Ides of March. From this, we can take another lesson: the fact that one should "follow their bliss" does not give free leave to act like a total psychopath. [EDIT: because "the means define the end" more so than "the end justifies the means"]
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 05-11-2020
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - ncbeareatingman - 05-11-2020
Shannon, I Love it that yer working on FRM 4.9 Bachman-Turner over drive..."Taking Care of Business!!" and of course that down the road, UMS2 will include DRS and FRM some extra's. wow. awesome!!TCB!!
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 05-11-2020
I'm making good progress with FRM 4.9 too. Now if only I could get past how quickly and easily exhausted I am becoming lately...
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - ncbeareatingman - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 04:44 PM)Shannon Wrote: I'm making good progress with FRM 4.9 too. Now if only I could get past how quickly and easily exhausted I am becoming lately...
Got cha! maybe its MIRv3 doing it. healing you and all and the energy recourses it take to heal your lungs,body and all??? dunno at this point really what program you are using,but a guestimate is that one. Keith.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - KingDavid93 - 05-11-2020
(05-09-2020, 02:21 PM)Shannon Wrote: (05-09-2020, 09:23 AM)KingDavid93 Wrote: @Shannon
It’s very interesting I can hear voices speaking in the background during some parts of MIR 3.0- first time I’ve heard any voices in the background on one of your subs- although I’ve heard mentions of such phenomena in the past on the forum (is that supposed to be happening?)
Also was FRM 4.8 included in MIR or was it turned off?
If you only hear it occasionally, what you're experiencing is a quirk in the software I use for vocoding. It will occasionally adjust the volume slightly slower than it should. This results in being able to faintly hear the "bees buzzing" underlying subliminal audio consciously.
But I'll be glad to check it. Which track, and what time within the track?
FRM is off.
Mir 3.0 trickling stream hybrid flac from 18:15 till around 18:40 that’s one of the occurrences I’ll let you know if I notice any others
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 04:50 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: (05-11-2020, 04:44 PM)Shannon Wrote: I'm making good progress with FRM 4.9 too. Now if only I could get past how quickly and easily exhausted I am becoming lately...
Got cha! maybe its MIRv3 doing it. healing you and all and the energy recourses it take to heal your lungs,body and all??? dunno at this point really what program you are using,but a guestimate is that one. Keith.
I stopped using MIR v3 a wile back because I needed to use LTU instead.
I think it's turbulence from running the experimental I am testing so close to LTU.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 05:21 PM)KingDavid93 Wrote: (05-09-2020, 02:21 PM)Shannon Wrote: (05-09-2020, 09:23 AM)KingDavid93 Wrote: @Shannon
It’s very interesting I can hear voices speaking in the background during some parts of MIR 3.0- first time I’ve heard any voices in the background on one of your subs- although I’ve heard mentions of such phenomena in the past on the forum (is that supposed to be happening?)
Also was FRM 4.8 included in MIR or was it turned off?
If you only hear it occasionally, what you're experiencing is a quirk in the software I use for vocoding. It will occasionally adjust the volume slightly slower than it should. This results in being able to faintly hear the "bees buzzing" underlying subliminal audio consciously.
But I'll be glad to check it. Which track, and what time within the track?
FRM is off.
Mir 3.0 trickling stream hybrid flac from 18:15 till around 18:40 that’s one of the occurrences I’ll let you know if I notice any others
Thank you. Please also be aware that you are violating Rule #15.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - KingDavid93 - 05-11-2020
(05-11-2020, 05:56 PM)Shannon Wrote: (05-11-2020, 05:21 PM)KingDavid93 Wrote: (05-09-2020, 02:21 PM)Shannon Wrote: (05-09-2020, 09:23 AM)KingDavid93 Wrote: @Shannon
It’s very interesting I can hear voices speaking in the background during some parts of MIR 3.0- first time I’ve heard any voices in the background on one of your subs- although I’ve heard mentions of such phenomena in the past on the forum (is that supposed to be happening?)
Also was FRM 4.8 included in MIR or was it turned off?
If you only hear it occasionally, what you're experiencing is a quirk in the software I use for vocoding. It will occasionally adjust the volume slightly slower than it should. This results in being able to faintly hear the "bees buzzing" underlying subliminal audio consciously.
But I'll be glad to check it. Which track, and what time within the track?
FRM is off.
Mir 3.0 trickling stream hybrid flac from 18:15 till around 18:40 that’s one of the occurrences I’ll let you know if I notice any others
Thank you. Please also be aware that you are violating Rule #15.
That’s just the way it came out but ok I’ll check for it next time