09-09-2016, 09:19 AM
Mat422...I got an subliminal from another company( and NO im NOT gonna say who or where,so no breaking any rules here) and it was ALL about removing limitations,its an incredible subliminal of which I Havent used in years since I started Shannon's work,however the deal was that it removed a helluva lotta limitations and there was no filtering, I felt like I would have to be a million aire,becoz otherwise,I'd just tell people what I thot any time of the day or night,any where.
I Know Shannon in time could create just as good of a 'power tool' as this removing limitations sub or better...and make it more 'balanced', as it were..dunno if that the proper word in this case. for shure the sub I used was a trade off. remove the limitation for being more creative,expressive etc yet more assertive aggressive,ect,also was the results.
Alpha Male could've done that for me,even though Im already an Alpha by Birth. we'll see. good suggested desire Mat422.
I Know Shannon in time could create just as good of a 'power tool' as this removing limitations sub or better...and make it more 'balanced', as it were..dunno if that the proper word in this case. for shure the sub I used was a trade off. remove the limitation for being more creative,expressive etc yet more assertive aggressive,ect,also was the results.
Alpha Male could've done that for me,even though Im already an Alpha by Birth. we'll see. good suggested desire Mat422.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"