07-23-2016, 10:04 AM
Primal sounds good but I don't want to have women raping me and forcing me to blow a load in them. Just saying.
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
07-23-2016, 10:04 AM
Primal sounds good but I don't want to have women raping me and forcing me to blow a load in them. Just saying.
(07-23-2016, 09:02 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: Those of you experienced enough to understand the vast differences in male and female psychology will grasp where I'm coming from with this. Everyone else is gonna cry, moan and scream bloody murder. But... I agree with the first part you're saying, procreation is the ultimate IT factor but I disagree with you when you say that it requires a primal alpha. We have to remember that people fit into 2 categories r selected - desire to sleep with as many dangerous/aggressive men as possible in order to have as many children as possible with a biased towards birthing males who will also go out and impregnate as many women as possible. k selected - desire to sleep with less men to have less children but to provide more resources to the few children they do have If anyone really wants to get into more details about it you can watch this video: In the western world, and increasingly in the developing world, women are more k selected but especially the attractive ones. I saw your epigenetics thread and while there is still a lot of debate in that field its widely accepted that a minimum the mothers own health and resources affects the child with things like stress, hormone levels, food, toxins, etc. Its not an accident that when you go to a place like Manhattan or La Jolla, CA that even though most parents are average or even ugly that their offspring are attractive. That said I think there is a balance to be had here, too many, especially those in the PUA industry, are too binary in their thinking of "chodes" and "alphas" thanks in part to the marketing gimmick deployed of "you dont need looks, money, muscles, or status to get laid". While true you dont need those things they greatly help you, this is why PUA coaches deploy things like negs, indifference, and other "high status" behaviors, to make you look like you're a high status guy to a girl you just met. This idea that women like dangerous criminals is very outdated and flawed and based mostly on the concept that women like "bad boys" because most guys who started PUA in the 90s were shy "nerds" who were frustrated that women weren't making the moves. A little bad boy is fine and fun, but the idea that you need to treat women like shit is coming from a group of guys who were talking about the frustration of their dating lives in the early 90s on newsgroup forums. I work in software, pretty geeky, but to be using newsgroups in the early 90s required some next level geekdom. To them a bad boy was any guy who was relaxed, care free, and had 0 approach anxiety. To them playfully teasing a woman was being "an asshole" even though the woman is laughing and having fun. Funny enough in the earlier days of goodlookingloser forums you can see this as well, guys would be popping steroids, getting tattoos they dont like, and practically dressing up like cholos and thugs because they thought it would help them: ![]() That didn't work out well for them lol because their success rate was horribly low and when they did get success it was limited to fat single moms with 3 kids and they decided to go a different way which they now call "nervous nice guy game" Im not joking, go look on their forum, they approach women like bumbling love struck nice guys who are scared and their success rates are WAY higher than the whole exaggerated "bad boy" routine. You mentioned a314 and instant jerk making women wanting to have you cum inside of them, its not the IJ that did that its a314 and very specifically the golden batch of rev.23. Its super high status and commands respect and many other users over at the pheromonetalk forum have reported this. It ALWAYS attracts the hottest chicks, they go out of their way to isolate you from other women, and when they bang you they dont want any condoms. Its also very good at the fallout effect, too good in fact, many reports of stalking like behavior. The good news that with a314 it really only attracts k selected women who WANT to get pregnant, but they have enough common sense and control not to actually do it and like you reported, many users with a314 get requests to cum inside the woman but they're always on birth control. r selected women really dont like a314 which is good, because they tend to never use birth control. Compare that to the more aggressive/threatening pheromones (KANE gel, SOB, bad wolf) these pheromones give even the users themselves some trouble because when they apply it they get a sense of anxiety and fear of a "dangerous alpha" being present but after a week or so of use they get used to it. But as great as a threatening vibe as they put out they require the user to be extra friendly, outgoing, and dont attract the model quality women that titan/tusc/atlas/a314 do and definitely dont have women begging you to come inside them. I still have a bottle of rev.23 and save it for special occasions where I know there is going to be a large number of model caliber women because its very very very effective on them while Kane and SOB get me tons of respect from guys it only attracts single mothers with daddy issues and even when I try and game the attractive ones they have a lot of aversion and distrust of me and my success rate goes way down. ![]() if anyone wants to see my last a314 success vs. my last SOB "success" feel free to PM me, I dont want to post them here because they are published on instagram and you never know who reads these forums but Ill give you a quick summary: a314 = signed model i met a charity fundraiser who swore up and down she was on birth control and even asked all her friends if they had plan b before we left to her room so I could cum inside her. We went 4 rounds before she finally swallowed plan b. SOB = trashy stripper with a busted face and multiple kids as well as mental issues, after sex she asked if I wanted some coke. Im not proud of the SOB bang, but that phero mix makes you horny as all hell and youll bang anything. Its too dangerous in both the women it attracts and the impulse and sex drive it gives you. A recipe for disaster ![]() I understand why many guys think they need to be a cocky bad boy asshole but trust me, you dont want the type of women who are attracted to those types of guys. Both in their aesthetic appearance and their personalities. Remember that the whole "bad boy alpha" stereotype is coming from huge geeks in the 90s who hung out in newsgroups and thought playfully teasing a woman made you an asshole on par with a steroid popping criminal who assaulted women. I think there are still archives floating around of the old pua groups and its laughable what they thought "bad boys" were. Later on when guys would actually try the whole criminal bad boy routine it failed miserably. If, and this is a HUUUUUUUUUGE IF you only had to choose between 1 absolutely binary personality - tatted up drug dealer or passive nice guy who stands in the corner and does nothing, then yes tatted up drug dealer will get you more sex but it's really not that binary. Tatted up drug dealer gets more success because he will approach 100 women, make a complete ass of himself, and not give a fuck about rejection. When he finally comes across woman #101 who says yes that's not seduction, skill or attraction, that's just pure numbers game. If I had to boil the best "aura" for success with attractive women it would be a professional athlete. More mature, refined, and poised than a high school jock, but still has that little edge/spark in him that lets him have fun without resorting to being a worthless thug. Not to mention the status/wealth to back it up. If you want to see this in action for yourself head over to pheromonexs and buy the full size version of ascend which is a high status blend and note the women it attracts. Ask for a free sample of SOB and then pay attention to the type of women it attracts. There is a world of difference. BTW I dont recommend a314 to anyone anymore, androtics has gone downhill in quality rapidly. pheromonexs, liquid alchemy labs, and apexpheromone are the go to suppliers these days. (07-23-2016, 10:39 AM)bits Wrote: r selected - desire to sleep with as many dangerous/aggressive men as possible in order to have as many children as possible with a biased towards birthing males who will also go out and impregnate as many women as possible. Even women with a sexual inclination towards k-selection will STILL prefer breeding with the highest quality (re: aggressive, alpha) male she can attain. And THEN, she'll lock down a mate that doesn't necessarily turn her on sexually, but will provide for herself and her children. Sorry guys, that's fact. The idea of "the good girl" is a myth. Even the most reserved, demure woman you've met has most likely spent some time with the cocky, bad boy alpha. Thus, to reach the goal we want, the best solution is to go aggressive with the aura. EDIT: Unfortunately, because the universe is a perfectly balanced equation (or at least strives to reach that equilibrium), there will be a "counteraction" for having such an aggressive aura. And that counteraction is: Get ready for relentless amounts of AMOGing from other men. They might even perceive you as a rapist. I'll never forget the time I decided to wear APi and Evolve on the same day and go to the bar... dunno how I got out of there alive. As men, we really need to get over this "women are wonderful" effect and look at life as what it is -- a massive competition, albeit one we can learn and grow from. In my opinion (and I suspect Shannon's already included this in DMSI), the sub should reconnect men with their innate masculine drive, the drive that's been beaten and shamed out of them. The reason why women go for the extreme "abusive" man is because the alternative is the completely emasculated, "I WANNA SHARE MY FEELINGS WITH YOU, MY BEAUTIFUL SNUGGILYWUGGINS UNICORN" male. (07-23-2016, 10:39 AM)bits Wrote: ... Is this your version of a "primal" male? If it is so, then, my friend, no wonder that you aren't in full support. To be a primal male that a woman so wants to f*ck and wants to have kids with don't have to treat women like shit or be a criminal or whatever. The primal part is better not put it words. It's just the mindset, the attitude of a man, or let's simply say the aura he carries around himself no matter what his profession is, how he looks, how much money is in his bank account, or how fast does he drives his car. You can be a geek and be a primal male. You can be a whoever you want to be, and not have tattoos, and not take steroids and be a primal male.
07-23-2016, 11:07 AM
(07-23-2016, 11:03 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote:(07-23-2016, 10:39 AM)bits Wrote: r selected - desire to sleep with as many dangerous/aggressive men as possible in order to have as many children as possible with a biased towards birthing males who will also go out and impregnate as many women as possible. I disagree, a little aggressiveness is good, too much always backfires. I've seen it over and over again. Todd can explain it better than I can: Guys who just game game game game never get laid, its the guys who game + build enough comfort that get results. (07-23-2016, 11:07 AM)LeonidasXVI Wrote:(07-23-2016, 10:39 AM)bits Wrote: ... Well we need some clarity then are we talking about having an aura of a cocky fratboy, a bad boy criminal, or a masculine man? Because those are all very different things. I'm responding to this: Quote:Narcissistic, violent, full of testosterone? THIS will get you your raging bathroom sex. I don't believe that makes a man masculine. Before MSI is made to project the aura of a narcissistic and violent man it would be much better served to have it create an aura similar to am6 or sm3. (07-23-2016, 11:11 AM)bits Wrote:(07-23-2016, 11:07 AM)LeonidasXVI Wrote:(07-23-2016, 10:39 AM)bits Wrote: ... A masculine man, of course. But who are we to judge that that cocky fratboy ain't a man? Similarly, who are we judge to that wimp, who we call wimp isn't a man? No one. (07-23-2016, 10:39 AM)bits Wrote: I'm responding to this: What does really comes to your mind when you hear the word, violent? We don't make the rules, we play by it. Things were physically cruel back in the days. We cannot change that, and we cannot change the effect that it had on us biologically. Upon us, and upon women. Now, of course being violent, in today's world doesn't mean that we'll go around swinging clubs and killing people. Violence, try not to look at it in a negative frame for a moment, can actually mean, in today's world, being full of belief and self-assertiveness. Maybe to succeed in business, or walk on that stage and give a kick-ass speech. Not being afraid to tell a woman she is beautiful if you feel like it, no matter how she reacts. Or tell her otherwise, if you chose to. World is full of possibilities when we let go of negative associations. (07-23-2016, 11:11 AM)bits Wrote: I don't believe that makes a man masculine. First, I never said that's what makes a man masculine. But everyone has an opinion on what masculinity is, including people who want to mislead men by changing masculinity into something that serves their needs -- hence the issue with the manginas we have running around. So, we'll probably agree to differ. The topic at hand is: What the aura needs to do in order to get women to diverge from their own innate sexual strategy and essentially act like a man. (07-23-2016, 11:11 AM)bits Wrote: Before MSI is made to project the aura of a narcissistic and violent man it would be much better served to have it create an aura similar to am6 or sm3. Apples to oranges, man. Shannon has explained this multiple times. SM3 and DMSI have the same goal, but they go about two completely different ways of doing it. SM3 is specifically designed to turn YOU, the male into a seducer. It reprograms your very essence into an individual that will pursue women for the purposes of having sex with them. The auras in SM3 are built to serve THAT specific goal. This is in concordance with natural, primal law -- men compete, women select. DMSI's aura is designed to attract women and turn THEM into the competitors, while WE select. It's bending natural law, that's why Shannon made the claim that creating this is arguably harder than going to the moon. There's no precedence whatsoever. So, the original question was: What's that "IT" factor to make a woman switch from selector to competitor? My answer: Hit her at the deepest, most primal level possible. Her evolutionary reason for existing -- the continuance of the human race through procreation. Sex as pleasure, that exists on a much higher level -- and I believe DMSI is hitting that spot right now. I can personally rock the hell out of DMSI, but that's because I don't have a problem escalating when I want. I see a woman I like, I pursue. Don't give a crap if she rejects me. As Kanye said: "There's a thousand [of] yous, there's only one of me." But we'll see either way in 30 days. People's results are getting crazier and crazier, so it's very likely that Shannon's already nailed it and we're just all jackin' our intellectual d*cks.
07-23-2016, 12:08 PM
(07-23-2016, 11:28 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote:(07-23-2016, 11:11 AM)bits Wrote: I don't believe that makes a man masculine. What's that "IT" factor to make a woman switch from selector to competitor? Prostitution. ![]() (07-23-2016, 11:28 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote:(07-23-2016, 11:11 AM)bits Wrote: I don't believe that makes a man masculine. No i think we agree completely, maybe we just differ on how we interpret things. I agree with you 100% on masculinity being redfiined thanks to feminism and the so called "nu-male" movement but I don't think the right answer to overgrown mangina "males" is an aggressive and violent aura. Some women like that, but not many, and the ones who do tend to be ugly and have severe issues. The right balance of assertive, confidence, dgaf attitude, and status would be ideal IMO which is why I used the stereotype of a pro athlete. I agree with you on hitting women on a "primal" level but maybe you and I just view primal in completely different contexts. People often say a314 hits women on a primal level but its nowhere near the signature of things like instant jerk or SOB which are more in the direction that I think you've got in mind. a314 is pure status, its the ruthless king who is loved by his people and feared by his enemies. Things like SOB and instant jerk are more like the handsome drug dealer or facebook rockstar performing for free at dive bars. Given the choice between the ruthless but beloved king, the handsome criminal, or a mangina I think 95% of women would go king criminal Probably not even consider the mangina and just go lesbian. The king has good masculine balance but the other 2 not so much.
Rather than listen to PUA, I like to look at videos women make on "hot guys" and focus on the reoccurring themes. For example, in this one:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckDX1OoFR00 -cocky -shoulder swagger -slow smirks -intensity -playfulness I pick Vampire Diaries and The Originals as young women are my targets and those shows are pretty much chick crack. Plus they're pretty good once you get into them ![]() I think a sense of danger is important to the aura. Like chaos said, you should hit them deep in the primal centers. Take logic out of it (if possible). Women are turned on by 1.) high status 2.) good genetics 3.) being desired
07-23-2016, 06:48 PM
There's a lot of truth to that. I see this whole discussion as just being relevant to certain people and their mindset. Some of what is said in PUA is ridiculous and parts are based on evidence. The term neg wouldn't be around if it hadn't lead to some positive circumstance. Some people are able to handle it when communicating others not. Before I would think neg is ridiculous, why would I ever say that to someone, I wouldn't want it said to me! After a while people become experienced and know how to handle the shit with a smile
![]() (07-23-2016, 09:02 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: Those of you experienced enough to understand the vast differences in male and female psychology will grasp where I'm coming from with this. Everyone else is gonna cry, moan and scream bloody murder. But... What astonishes me is the congnitive dissonance between what you said and the response given to this post. What is in bold above is a clear description of a woman sexually raping a man against his will. But nobody thought twice about it. or even called it what it is. Nobody batted an eyelash, and yet had the genders been reversed, he would have gone to prison FOREVER, and possibly even been murdered in prison for it. Meanwhile, we have women screaming left and right that a peck on the cheek is rape, and tampons are rape, and all this... and if Chaos actually tried to get this taken seriously in any lawful setting, he would be laughed at, probably even by his own lawyer. Chaos didn't even realize it was rape, by the sounds of it. How fucked up is this society, when we have men actually being raped and not even knowing it, and women screaming rape over stuff that isn't even remotely definable as rape by any sane being.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-23-2016, 07:46 PM
Um... I mentioned it was rape on this very page. >>
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