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So I am at day 2 at listening to DMSI.

First few random thought for having been on a 5G program for the last 6 months. The difference is stunning. Upon few seconds of listening, my mind state is altered. I feel more focussed and relaxed.

No FRM nightmares to report... I do have more many small dreams... but so far, I don't recall any of them...
idk if the dreaming activity increase is due to my subconcious to work more if it is because my sleep is less deep due to the loud audio during the night... I'm currently listening to the trickling stream hybrid track... and it does wake me up several times during my sleep.

I think that next night, I will flip to the silent track for that reason...

8 loops in a row is close to 9 hours and it is very long... I'm even not sleeping for that long. My typical night is more between 6-7 hours of sleep. That means that when I wake up, I still have 2-3 loops to listen. This is a bit cumbersome... but I'll adapt.

During day 1, at 2 random occasion, my main gf did sit on me and started rubbing herself on my D... Before going to bed, she did initiate sex and I gave her a very powerful vaginal orgasm... On Valentine's day, some Brazilian sex instructor email promoting his sexual strokes system did ended up in email box. I did purchase it and did experiment with the stroke system 2 times so far... It seems to improve my sex skills by a notch or 2... My partner pussy is definitely warmer and wetter when using it...
fast acting, dmsi
I got aggressive sexual advances from gf tonight. 2 times 2 days in a row is above regular frequency...

I was not feeling for it... so I did decline the offer... but she almost had me... She had her hands in my pants while I was playing a game on my phone... Very naughty...

When she finally gave up for tonight... She tried to plant a seed in my mind for having sex tomorrow...

my my my...
(02-18-2019, 07:26 PM)lano1106 Wrote: [ -> ]I got aggressive sexual advances from gf tonight. 2 times 2 days in a row is above regular frequency...

I was not feeling for it... so I did decline the offer... but she almost had me... She had her hands in my pants while I was playing a game on my phone... Very naughty...

When she finally gave up for tonight... She tried to plant a seed in my mind for having sex tomorrow...

my my my...

Looks like it's working
I'm looking for FRM nightmares but I don't have them... The DMSI ride is very smooth for me so far...

I did dream about the municipal inspector that was harassing me (I did talk about that story in my AM6 journal). He was inspecting my backyard in the middle of the night... when I realized that he was there.. This did piss me off... (TBH, it is not that far stretched from the reality. The guy is an ass). I must be dreaming about him because I'm currently in the process of hiring a lawyer to kick his ass...

Yesterday, I flipped to Silent track and I did sleep like a baby.
today was the first day that I did go to the gym since I started DMSI... Honestly, this is my daily dose of socializing with hot women... and I was excited to see what would happen under DMSI influence...

I did talk about the woman that is probably the hottest woman to my eyes currently at the gym in my AM6 journal:

She did find herself around me all along the course. Everytime that she was crossing my path, she had this naughty small smirk while looking at me. At the end of the class, when we were sharing the GHD bench and we had to do dumb bell presses on it. We were alternating using the bench and when one finishing, the other was giving the dumbells to the other. It must be accidental but when she gave me the dumbells, I did brush my hands on her soft breast...

I say accidental but OTOH, I don't remember last time that I accidentally brush a woman's breast with my hand when she hand me something... I like to think that we both wanted this to happen subconsciously and this happening has been a nice team work... She did put the dumbell close to her breast and I secretly wanted to touch it... So.... it did happen.... It must be DMSI making this happen... I want more of this... this was fun...
I woke up and felt horny this morning. I woke up with a big hard morning wood triple A quality. I realize that feeling this way is the fuel for sexual action. Not being in this state is like being in a restaurant without feeling hungry.

You need to be motivated in being sexual to be receptive to sexual signals that surrounding women give you...
This is something that I have noticed yesterday evening when interacting with the cute cashier at the grocery but I did noticed it again with 2 other girls at my gym this afternoon...

My sexual awareness when interacting with women has increased and this makes me inject some under the radar sexual vibe in my interaction with them. My intuition tells me that they pick it up and appreciate it.

Everything is subtle yet quite noticeable...

I may have noticed the same phenomenon back when I was running with 3.1-3.2 but this time, I feel more comfortable with this happening and it seems to happen more...
(02-20-2019, 06:13 PM)lano1106 Wrote: [ -> ]This is something that I have noticed yesterday evening when interacting with the cute cashier at the grocery but I did noticed it again with 2 other girls at my gym this afternoon...

My sexual awareness when interacting with women has increased and this makes me inject some under the radar sexual vibe in my interaction with them. My intuition tells me that they pick it up and appreciate it.

Everything is subtle yet quite noticeable...

I may have noticed the same phenomenon back when I was running with 3.1-3.2 but this time, I feel more comfortable with this happening and it seems to happen more...

It can be stunning how powerful this sub is when it's on
[Sorry about the multiple posts. The site did behave as if my post wasn't accepted. So I did try to post my story several times. It did that just before going down because of SQL errors...]

I did miss a nice opportunity this morning. For the first time since a very long time (I work from home), I took public transportation to go to downtown to meet with my newly hired lawyer that will defend me against the rotten municipal inspector that did give me trouble last fall.

I was sit inside a metro train and at one station a gorgeous latina girl did come in and did stand right beside me. She had luscious lips, was emanating a very strong sex appeal. Her winter coat was open. She had some sexy t-shirt exposing her whole belly. I could see her tan, a piercing in her belly button and small discreet tattoo near her hip. She was also wearing some very tight trendy jeans exposing pretty much a lot of her nice curves. With all this skin exposure, if I were to guess, I would say that was right now at her ovulation peak... Idk, she wasn't what guys would generally qualify as a 9 or 10... Maybe much a 7 but to me, she was turning me on big time. Just the thought of pushing her around in a bed and having sex was arousing me and it seems like this could be easy to happen. If I'm feeling something special for her. She might be feeling it too.

Anyway, I had my headphones on. Listening to some podcast... She was standing right in front of me. I did notice that she was some student and she was reading some manual with a bunch of highlighted content as if she was heading to some exam. I did sneak a little bit into the back of her manual that was facing me. I could be wrong but it did seem like some massage therapy student book. Her feet were pointing in my direction. Her whole body was pointing in my direction. I would take that as IOI.

Now, you know how it is in a public transport. The train stop at a station every 3 minutes. Some people leave, some others come in. She has been standing in front of me for about 10 minutes and I did not open her. When I left the metro, I did look at her and she did smile back.

I feel like I miss some good opportunity to meet someone that could have been very fun to know. What did stop me isn't fear or approach anxiety. I would say it is simply laziness. I was sit comfortably with my headphones on. She was studying (my excuse for not opening her) and I got to break some anti-social inertia. You know, when you are at a social event. You start talking to someone, then another one and you get into some social momentum mode. In public transport, you have the exact opposite. Everyone is in his/her own private bubble and no one talks to anyone else pretty much most of the time...

@Shannon I think that DMSI may be responsible for having presented me this hot opportunity to me this morning but I feel that the whole 'Let them come to you' approach does not work in all situations. I feel that taking action, feeling the urge to open and 'pull the trigger' is needed in situation like the one I was in this morning. I can't help but wonder if I would have behaved differently if I did start SM3 instead of DMSI... I'm not trying to escape DMSI and I commit to be on the program for at least 3 months but I feel like the combo DMSI+SM may bring something unique and versatile to a user... I wish that I did behave differently this morning. I'm curious if you can chime in here and tell me what you think about what I am saying here...

Beside that, I have been treated super well by everyone in the law firm that my appointment was at. That was fun. The celebrity module might be for something with this nice treatment...
Beside that, my fuse is short today.

for the last few days, my gf is walking around half naked in the house. More often enough for me to notice. Yesterday, she wanted to spend some romantic time with me. She wanted us to take a bath together. I'm definitely not a bath guy. I may take a bath once every 5 years or so. Otherwise my thing is the shower.

So, I just declined her offer. I told her go take her bath and I'll spend some time with you when you get out. And she did not like me not wanting to take a bath. She started to act sassy and rude and telling me that I should make an effort.

The situation is not fair. If I am flipping it, it is as if, I was asking her to do something that she hate doing and then getting pissed at her and giving her a bad time because she decline my invitation. She knows that baths aren't my thing. It is almost like it was a trap by design.

Today, we have avoided each other. AFAIK, we haven't even spoke at all together...

again, maybe it is DMSI provoking this. Deep down, despite being in an open relation, simply being in a relation, is making me put a self-imposed break when I see other attractive women
Entry for Feb 22:
When I did talk about my short fuse... I think that I just did put the finger on something. For the last 2 days, I am feeling stress. I think that what is stressful is the inner change that I am going through... I feel that DMSI is succeeding in changing me... This is causing stress maybe this is some part of me resisting but I feel the changes occuring despite the resistance...

No idea what I am resisting for... I love how I feel now. I'm seeing women in a more sexual way more easily and more often. Given that I am a big believer into the mirror neurons theory (ie: feelings are contagious like yawnings), that is the place to be if you want them to see you under a sexual light too... Being in a sexual frame and bring the ones that you are attracted to into your frame is probably a big part of the DMSI magic.

Beside that I am rediscovering the pleasure of flirting. I flirted with the coach and another girl at the gym. They were into it. Flirt is a big word. I was just casually talking with them and they were blossoming by my presence or flirting has become like a second nature to me in the space of less than a week. One was with her bf. She didn't stop looking at me and smiling as if she was my partner in crime.

I went to the massage therapy to take care of my stress. I did flirt with the receptionist and it was fun. I didn't flirt with my therapist but I had a sexual presence with her. I felt her distant... maybe not attracted. You can't attract everyone but I like to think that she is but somehow resisting it for some reason...

Bottomline, I was in a great mood and did felt flirty with all the women that I have seen today. I really like being like that.
Today, I am currently in my day #2 off. Tomorrow evening, when I go to bed, I'll start cycle #2.

Something is definitely happening. Maybe FRM working. My state is absolutely tolerable. but I feel irritable, a bit of anger and a bit of sadness. Similar to a mourning.

All these emotions are lights so this is tolerable but that is probably a good indication that the program stir something inside me...
Tonight, I am starting cycle #2. I got a hell of fun day today... I had sex and gave a massive vaginal orgasm to my partner.

My libido definitely did increase... I have been seeing more women as potential sex partners. There is one girl at the gym that kept smiling at me like she was inviting me to tease her which gladly did... On 2 occasions, she invited me to touch her new t-shirt... this is a bit unusual invitation but I interpret that as a mean to let us become more intimate...

I did stumbled into a cute mother when I pick up my young daughter at the kindergarden... Our kids are friends and my daughter did say something to me that made the woman madly giggle... She couldn't stop giggling. We started to talk... She did introduced herself... She half joked by saying that she was inviting both me and my daughter for dinner at her place. She told me that soon, it would be her boy birthday and that my daughter would be invited. We did follow each other since we left the place at the same time and the funny thing is that I just discovered that this nice MILF is living at max 2 blocks away from my place...

So to sum up... It was a nice DMSI day...
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