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Full Version: Confusing dmsi results, whats different compared to magnets
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The aura is driven by sexual energy as well, but you need to eat nonetheless Smile

The times I've been consciously sniping girls are when my sexual drive is through the roof. Now that doesn't happen because I'm not that goddamn horny anymore.
so i joined ur club of no escalation guys it was the first time i had a girl come over and not fuck

she was a 33 small petite blond good body but face not so (no make up wrinkles)

i just didnt feel attracted and didnt do anything, although her body was fuckable

i dont know what this dmsi is doing at all Rolleyes

feels like i am regressing with women

gonna switch to b next week and then eventually drop dmsi completly if nothing changes this cant go on like this

after watching this video i wonder if my past results came from my physice and physique alone

cause always when i was trained i had girls when i was out of shape then not

like now i started my cycle like 2,5 weeks ago and suddenly getting attention again while running dmsi long before but no attention

dunno kinda confused

edit: so much new girls i hang out and i do nothing, just sit there passive dont even talking as if i have no game no experience, i think the affected side ns fucked everything up

thank u dmsi for making me a good listener thats what i always wanted poeple ask me why is still run it, well i gues because it numbs me not to go crazy about how bad i suck with women lately its like my pre sub time and all magnet programing is erased
(06-12-2017, 11:21 AM)Dzemoo Wrote: [ -> ]

after watching this video i wonder if my past results came from my physice and physique alone

cause always when i was trained i had girls when i was out of shape then not

like now i started my cycle like 2,5 weeks ago and suddenly getting attention again while running dmsi long before but no attention

dunno kinda confused

edit: so much new girls i hang out and i do nothing, just sit there passive dont even talking as if i have no game no experience, i think the affected side ns ***** everything up

thank u dmsi for making me a good listener thats what i always wanted poeple ask me why is still run it, well i gues because it numbs me not to go crazy about how bad i suck with women lately its like my pre sub time and all magnet programing is erased

It has to do with your tesosterone levels being higher. I know this from personal experience. Higher test = more ioi's and attraction in general. However the person I know who banged more people than anyone I know (around 80 chicks in 4 years) is very feminine and gay looking and acting.

however This doesn't discredit shannons subliminals because most of my results like AM and SM and WM were before I had any steroids in my system. i was very low test person before. below average guarenteed.

somebody here referred to you as a Barbaric warlord from the past. In reference to your sexuality & percieved personality.

It's because barbaric warlords in the past had much higher testosterone then people nowadays. Higher testosterone makes you more primal, animalistic, animal magnetism, and sexual energy and body language.
(06-12-2017, 11:21 AM)Dzemoo Wrote: [ -> ]

after watching this video i wonder if my past results came from my physice and physique alone

cause always when i was trained i had girls when i was out of shape then not

like now i started my cycle like 2,5 weeks ago and suddenly getting attention again while running dmsi long before but no attention

dunno kinda confused

edit: so much new girls i hang out and i do nothing, just sit there passive dont even talking as if i have no game no experience, i think the affected side ns ***** everything up

thank u dmsi for making me a good listener thats what i always wanted poeple ask me why is still run it, well i gues because it numbs me not to go crazy about how bad i suck with women lately its like my pre sub time and all magnet programing is erased

Same here, man.
I switched to b after dreams stopped on a, having weirde sexual dreams on b

1. being in a Club and women being witches using black magic on me

2. being in a FKK Club fucking gays,trans and few normal women getting in conflict situations with the pimps there

Escalation is crazy on b, while it was nonexistent on.a i kinoed a latina the whole night and number closed her, she brought the topic of sex, anal and sex with out condom up

After a few messages on whatsapp she stopped responding, Text game is weak on dmsi but there is no way around it so this needs ti improve

Slightly more aggressiv

The Problem with dmsi We only have two Version one full healing with aura (like am6) and one with out any like old 4 g magnets We need a Version only with fear destruction like 5 g magnets and thats it
Why is Dzemoo banned? Nevermind, I don't care to know why. Interesting thread and insights.

I'm led to believe that Dzemoo was a Narcissist. Most of the 'sexiest' women (the ones we want to fuck the most!!!) display heavy Narcissist traits, like the ones he is mentioning treating him like shit in this thread. Most of the time, Narcissists lie and project their own insecurities on people and turn violent or hostile at the drop of a dime.

The only way to satisfy a real Narcissist is to appease them and kiss ass because they take no prisoners - it's kill or be killed, personality wise. And guess what? It all stems from a very fragile sense of self. I'm studying personality disorders so I can slay these human vampires. The only way to win with them is if you have extreme self-esteem and understand how to use their condition against them, or not engage at all.
Having studied the "beast" he actually doesn't fit the true narcissist definition. I even confirmed it with conventional method. Why do I say that? he actually take advice from people from time to time. A true narcissist is unable to see others point of view and thinks every problems come from others and never from himself.

In our current society we tend to use the "narcissist" term to every person with too much ego and not enough care for others. There is a whole range of others psychological problems that are similar to a narcissist but are not the same. For example some people can appear narcissist because they are intensely focusing on themselves to the point that they forget others. But a true narcissist will be behave like he never does any mistake, like he is the perfect incarnation of absolute truth, some kind of godly figure that you should venerate, though there is different degree of severity of narcissism, not all of them go that bad but you should see that pattern appearing. You should see that behavior for around 1/12 person, and the extreme pattern for around 1/48 person.

Having said that most people have some ego problems that make them care more for themselves to a point that it is unfair to others (hurt others). People with no ego problems are extremely rare. Where it gets tricky is that there is also an healthy ego that can appear similar to narcissism at first glance , and that's what the AM sub is striving for.
He had been a toxic influence for a long time and continually was trying to have a go at people but the last straw was a few days ago when he wrote a full on abusive post to Shannon.

The narcissist thing makes sense. I have no desire to appease someone like that though.
I haven't read most of post but I do feel that He needs to focus on healing himself emotionally more than fucking girls outside.. Whats the point of fucking others when u r already fucked inside.

His first post mentioned that his friends and everyone are distancing. . I really don't think that's healthy or anywhere near being sexy..
(05-31-2017, 04:38 AM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]I can't say i've really had the hate like you're talking about. But the weird and unpredictable behaviour from girls yep. I mean girls can be weird anyway, but it seems more with DMSI.

Like a girl being attracted to me that I talked to at a market, later that day we went to the beach even though she said she had a bf, letting me touch her heaps and just seemed 'on'. Then messaging me a bit like she's chasing for a few weeks, telling me shes single now and asks me out, then when I see her next the vibe is just like friends and it goes nowhere. WTF.

Or on Version B a girl messaging me several days in a row, then it come out that her partner apparently said she can **** a random guy as long as condoms are used, basically insuniating that is what's going to happen. Organized to meet and on the day she pretended "I didn't agree to meet you there" when she ***** clearly said she would.

Or a girl i've been seeing the last month or so, seemed all good.. having sex, messaging me heaps all keen. Then last night she goes "I'm wondering why you like me?" and I told her "That's better to talk about in person" and asked if she's getting insecure and she's like "I'll just tell you when I see you".

And the last few days we've talked she's mentioned about seeing me friday as we organized last week and suddenly today sent a message saying she's busy friday and when I asked her about it she didn't reply.

Totally opposite to her behaviour so far up until now.

It's some mindfuckery.
Hey Benjamin, are you still noticing these weird behaviors ?
Not as much. Though i'm at a Stage i'm not so much focusing on new girls than healing my abandonment issues.

The girl I was seeing that went weird did contact me again after I stopped talking to her saying she misses me. We organized for her to come down and see me, then I switched to B again which was when she went weird the first time and she didn't show up then when I was like "What's the problem now?" she blocked me. So something definately made her uncomfortable.

But Shannon said that happens when you grow, you connect with different people. The thing is the girl i'm seeing now is higher quality and there hasn't been those weird things with her.
Ok. That's...interesting, and disturbing at the same time.
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