I would like some useful, realistic recommendations from people here on how to overcome clinical depression without resorting to medication. My doctor recently added Wellbutrin/Bupropion in the morning to my existing regimen of Lexapro/Escitalopram before bed and I feel like I'm now ping-ponging between my previous pre-medication feelings of futility and uselessness and some weird, new robotic state where apathy and indifference are more likely to take hold, though it seems I have moments where I feel I've successfully ingrained messaging from previous subs and it is reflected in certain behaviors. Right now, as I type this the feeling I have, surprisingly, is shame that I couldn't overcome it through sheer brute force like I did previously.
I would not like to interrupt my current sub regimen, as I feel it is necessary for me to progress in the direction I want.
Also, as an aside, it seems I typed the British spelling of "behaviors" with the 'u' and only noticed when I re-read to spellcheck my post.
You can use Bach Flower, I found them to be really useful when I feel bad.
You can try Star of Bethlehem, Larch, Wild oat (or Mullein which is a better equivalent), gentian and wild rose (more than 5 at a time is too much)
If those doesn't work or don't appease all your problems you can try Rock Rose, Impatience (for aggressiveness, too much will) and Cherry plum.
Always use Star of Bethlehem in the first mix.
I didn't chose those randomly by the way.
Here is a website that offer to sell already mixed remedies, lowering the cost for a first try:
Have you looked into food intolerances? I know it's a fad at this point, but I got rid of gluten in my diet and my anxiety and depression improved a lot. I used to be on Zoloft. Absolutely hated it, just numbed me out.
Methyl-folate, full spectrum light therapy, vigorous exercise, and myo-inositol (12-18g/day, takes weeks to kick in)
For me it was dietary alteration. I was ingesting too much in the way of carbs, and not enough protein. When I started ingesting a ratio that was higher in protein than carbs, it balanced itself out.
For the record, I was also on Zoloft. I decided to get off it when I realized:
1. Nobody ever asked or tried to find out WHY I was depressed, they just wanted to throw pills at it, and
2. People treated me as invalid because I was on it and
3. I stopped knowing who I was - this guy who hurts so much he wants to die, or this guy who has no feelings?
4. I was going to have to be chained to this little blue pill forever if I did not find the solution myself.
Hope you find something that works for you.
What subs are you using?
First, throw your doctor in the trash.
Second, throw your prescriptions in the trash.
Third, if you cannot pronounce it do no put it in your body.
Substitute with:
Fresh foods
Be sure to hydrate! Once you are off all medications and are certain there are no/minimal traces in your system, you can then pursue the most advanced and taboo medical science known to man. An actual panacea for the mind/body/soul: urine therapy. Of course, that depends how bad you want it. Usually people only resort to this ancient cure (which is totally free and unprofitable btw) when they are deathly ill. When you are fit and healthy, it can practically turn you into a god. It's a body intelligence thing which revolves around the concept of homeopathy to balance body chemistry. Healer, heal thyself.
Urine therapy? Smh.
Hopefully you can't pronounce urine, lol.
I said it's taboo... Millions of Germans, Chinese, Indians and now myself can't be wrong.
Besides, it has plenty of creatine Mr. Bodybuilderman.
He wanted a cure, he got it.
For the squeamish, a couple drops under the tongue works. It's homeopathy.
(11-16-2016, 05:25 PM)RisingSon Wrote: [ -> ]I said it's taboo... Millions of Germans, Chinese, Indians and now myself can't be wrong.
Besides, it has plenty of creatine Mr. Bodybuilderman.
He wanted a cure, he got it.
For the squeamish, a couple drops under the tongue works. It's homeopathy.
Western medicine has looked at this time and again and veribly said it's not only wrong, but over time very detrimental to your health. Thank placebo effect (not to be underestimated) for your "cure."
EDIT: drops vs. cups is a world of difference (originally I assumed you were advocating the latter). Some people insist on drinking it by the liter. If you want to put drops of urine under your tongue, whatever, but drinking it in any significant quantity is no bueno.
What if I told you I recycled most of mine while following a light and raw vegetarian diet? And lived to tell the tale... In fact, I shine and have a wonderfully buoyant personality, some could even say manic, but the skin results alone... Wow!
Read a couple books on it. Urea is often harvested and put into skin cremes, horse urine is the source for the fertility drug Premarin.
There are thousands of biologically active constituents in urine, most not even recognized, that have wondrous effects when reintroduced into the system. And why shouldn't they, urine is simply a biproduct of blood filtration. This 'plasma ultrafiltrate' is what the fetus is surrounded in within the womb. For 9 months, you were a pee drinker!
A combination of E2, Ashwagandha, and meditation. Meditation got me to become more focused and present while E2 is working in the background. Ash because it has numerous benefits in regards to stress, anxiety, cortisol etc.
(11-16-2016, 03:25 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]For me it was dietary alteration. I was ingesting too much in the way of carbs, and not enough protein. When I started ingesting a ratio that was higher in protein than carbs, it balanced itself out.
I still have a small ways to go before my diet has protein > carbs to such a high degree (I still feel like there isn't enough protein, even with a daily protein shake and protein bar for breakfast, and a 4 oz piece of salmon as part of dinner), but I'm still working on it.
(11-16-2016, 03:25 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]For the record, I was also on Zoloft. I decided to get off it when I realized:
1. Nobody ever asked or tried to find out WHY I was depressed, they just wanted to throw pills at it, and
2. People treated me as invalid because I was on it and
3. I stopped knowing who I was - this guy who hurts so much he wants to die, or this guy who has no feelings?
4. I was going to have to be chained to this little blue pill forever if I did not find the solution myself.
Hope you find something that works for you.
1. I kind of had the opposite of this early on, but over time it became this and it still feels like doc's solution is pills.
2. I've told almost nobody off the forums about being on medication, though a couple of people at school are unsurprisingly ridiculing me about it, and one asked me to stop because "pills mess with your mind" and she wants me to go back to my "old self" again.
3. I definitely identify with this, not knowing who I was/am; feeling robotic feels very inhibitive.
4. I feel this too.
Thanks for the well-wishes, Shannon.
(11-16-2016, 03:25 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]What subs are you using?
I'm currently on what I call the "Sex Magnet Lite Protocol" (what I've mentioned and journaled about previously) but will almost certainly buy the real SM3 as early as Christmas. I haven't journaled just yet about two subs I ran, but I do plan on recounting experiences when I regain motivation.
@Others - I'm not looking to spend more money trying out different herbal and/or chemical remedies just yet. Thank you all for your suggestions, though, and I'll see what I can do about incorporating some of the no-extra-cost suggestions sooner.