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I try not to talk too much about politics as it's usually counter-productive but I'll put my 2 cents:

My first choice was Rand Paul, but I'm damn glad that Trump won.

All the people saying Trump is racist etc are a bunch of butt-hurt pussies. If you are a straight MAN and you voted for Hillary, you might as well cut your balls off as she does NOT speak for you.

These past 8 years have sucked as our great country has turn into a nation of total bitches. It's unacceptable.

All the cucks in California and D.C. protesting need to stfu and quit being a bunch of pussies. It's despicable.

When Obama won, I wasn't happy but did I go and riot? Fuck no.

We need to load all of these morons on a boat and ship them outta here. They're not worthy of being called Americans.
As a Mixed( Black/Native American) person I ended up voting for Trump. Originally I wasn't going to vote at all considering I was going to move out of the country in about 2 years or so. I already knew Clinton was corrupt as **** so I definitely wasn't going to vote for her. I knew the media wasn't being honest to begin with because many time over the months my co-workers would say "Hey, did you hear about Donald Trump saying blah blah". It wouldn't sound right so as soon as I got home I would go look up it up only to find out that the media has "selectively" edited the quote and take it out of context. This happened over and over, etc. I should say beforehand that I didn't trust the media much before this because of their lies about what was going on in Syria. Making it seem like the "rebels" were just Syrians rising up against the Syrian government when in reality German intelligence found out that something like 90% of the "rebels" are foreigners. Basically the U.S. was backing regime change again but just not calling it that.

ugh, then there was the Wikileaks. Oh my word, I don't know how people can read those emails full of corruption and still vote for that woman. They literally use the words "Pay to Play" when describing some of the deals they were making. Oh wait, I do know how they are rationalize it they either (A) Blame Russia or (B) explain how its important to have the first woman president (despite how corrupt she might be). Also exposed on why the Mainstream media was cheer leading for her. There was a email that told how her main campaign manager held a party for the major media personalities to talk about how they were going to basically win it for Clinton. It included people like Rachel Maddow, Wolf blitzer, etc. Practically was in collusion with each other.

The thing that really got me out to vote was the fact that the people around Putin in Russia were practically saying if Hillary won their was pretty much going to be WWIII. Of course none of the MSM reported any of this. This all because she wanted a a "No fly zone" in Syria and didn't mind shooting down "Russian" planes in order to do so. I find it funny, people kept on saying that Trump would start WWIII so we have to vote Hillary yet you have a Nuclear power saying that if Hillary does get elected it will lead to WWIII. Blows my mind. For more info here:

This whole thing has furthered cemented some preceptions I have had for a long time: (1) At least half of the people who vote don't actually research what their candidate has voted for in the past (*cough* Hillary supporting Iraq war, invasion of Libya and Syria, and antagonizing Russia *cough*) or what they have said in the past but rather just be fed by the MSM (Mainstream media) or deceived by whatever the said politician tells them, (2) Never trust the MSM, they are prostitutes who sell air time to the highest bidder, (3) "Most" , not all, college students are fricken morons or wimps. Even though they are the demographic with the lowest turn out to vote they are going out protesting, sorry, rioting causing property damage and beating up Trump supporters while holding signs saying "love" Trumps hate (Anyone see the hypocrisy here?). and (4) the words Misogynist, racist, homophobic, *Insert whatever "ism" I missed* just have lost their weight and I think most people, like myself, just don't even care at this point. Instead of dealing with situations that have significance they are now just down regulated to be using anytime somebody doesn't agree with you. I'm just tired of hearing them at this point because people use them so liberally now without any thought and not even when it suits the situation.

Either way, that's my opinion on why I voted for him. Seemed to my eye the least bought out and corrupt choice compared to Hillary. Also he wasn't a war-hawk who wanted war with Russia (*Hint* 10 of the biggest arm dealers in the US backed Hillary not Trump.. I wonder why Dodgy ). He would seem like he would be more focused on economic domestic issues. Fine by me, I think everyone is tired of the fricken wars already and "regime change" that has been going on for the last 16+ years right now.
It just seems like it's all spectacle now. Who knows in 2020 Kanye west will probably be a strong candidate
As the Future changes, Unusual Presidential Candidates in the Future of USA may run for President. Not surprisingly, Catyln Jenner may run as President. Big Grin
Despite ppl bitching about Trump being racist, I literally have several Hispanic, Indian, and Black friends who voted for him. They are all tired of this anti-man culture that's been springing up.

I mean think about how everyone celebrated Bruce Jenner CUTTING HIS BALLS OFF.

We should be celebrating true alpha males. Men who are men, who don't kiss ass. Another thing I like about Trump. Dude basically won at being successful.
(11-14-2016, 11:46 AM)James Bond Wrote: [ -> ]It just seems like it's all spectacle now. Who knows in 2020 Kanye west will probably be a strong candidate

Please God, NO.
I was just disgusted this morning watching Donald Sutherland talking on the Today Show about how "ashamed" he felt to be told he's the luckiest man in the world - because he's a "white man." It was nauseating, as if his "white guilt" would undo any injustice in the world. That kind of attitude is exactly the kind of thing that needs to be stomped out, and even more reason Trump is necessary now.

It's like someone saying to a black woman, "Oh, you poor unfortunate soul - you must be weak and your life must suck because you're a black woman!" It's insulting. Black women can be strong and accomplish whatever they set their mind to. Sure they have different obstacles to work with, but her obstacles won't change if I was to say to her, "F*ck me, and poor you!" We need to lift each other up, together, and focus on the positives instead of focusing on demeaning guilt-ridden bullshit like Sutherland was spewing.
Yeah it would be nice to see trump embody that^ it's politics and a wall doesn't mean all the nasty things one might think it does
White guilt IS racism. Basically it's a condecending mindset that another race is less and therefore should be treated differently.

An example and it's disgusting,
In Sweden a few years ago some politician wre trying to legislate a new law. The law was set in motion to ban gingerbread in kindergartens all over the country. Gingerbreads in Sweden are brown in color. The reason behind this was to prevent white kids from comparing pakistani kids to the gingerbread. Talk about lunacy. A kid who says "hey man, you're brown like a gingerbread" isn't racism, he's stating a fact. The politicians were creating a new form of hidden racism, insinuating that being brown skinned is somehow ugly or bad and projecting this onto the kids. All of this while trying to maintain a socialistic facade of equality. Fucking morons the lot of them.
Quote:I mean think about how everyone celebrated Bruce Jenner CUTTING HIS BALLS OFF.

Yep I hate that shit, I posted something about it on facebook at the time and got really abused and 3 people deleted me, personally I can't comprehend how more people than not apparently support it.
Catyln Jenner as the Future Presidential elect of USA ... Perhaps, by Popular Vote.... Not by Electoral Vote... Thanks to the Media Big Grin
(11-15-2016, 02:00 PM)DisneylandUSA Wrote: [ -> ]Catyln Jenner as the Future Presidential elect of USA ... Perhaps, by Popular Vote.... Not by Electoral Vote... Thanks to the Media Big Grin

The Electoral College is still here after Gore lost (who received even more of the popular vote than Hillary), and rightly so. Without it, the liberals in California and New York would rule every election, and the states with rural populations (such as farmers) would lose their voice.

Only the whiney liberals are bitching about the Electoral College (which includes the media and socialist professors claiming to be "political experts").
(11-15-2016, 02:27 PM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-15-2016, 02:00 PM)DisneylandUSA Wrote: [ -> ]Catyln Jenner as the Future Presidential elect of USA ... Perhaps, by Popular Vote.... Not by Electoral Vote... Thanks to the Media Big Grin

The Electoral College is still here after Gore lost (who received even more of the popular vote than Hillary), and rightly so. Without it, the liberals in California and New York would rule every election, and the states with rural populations (such as farmers) would lose their voice.

Only the whiney liberals are bitching about the Electoral College (which includes the media and socialist professors claiming to be "political experts").

Its funny that you mention that because someone pointed out to me (Actually several people though I will have to fact check for myself later) that in the primaries in 2008 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but Obama won the electoral in the primaries. I didn't see many people complaining about the electoral college way of doing things then but now that their candidate lost they are sprouting this nonsense. Not to mention its not even correct, after final totals came in Trump actually won the popular vote as well from what I'm seeing.

Also correct about why its there. If the electoral college wasn't there politicians would just go to the major cities or states with big population and totally forget about people in the smaller towns and states. A lot of the rust belt states and places like Idaho, Wyoming, etc would be completely ignored and have no political power whatsoever.It doesn't help when "educated" political scientist keep pushing for this crap as well without explaining why its there in the first place. I remember sitting in a political science class which was taught by a person with a PhD sprouting off that the electoral college needs to be done away because it based on elitism. WTF? So small town and states having a say is somehow elitist? Smh. From my understanding a lot of the original law makers studied the Roman empire a saw a this very same flaw in democracy there. I saw the same thing when I read the biography on Julius Caesar. Basically from my readings I found out that if you were outside Rome (where the majority of the population was) or in the outlyer counties then you were basically "FXXXXX". Most politicians didn't bother going outside of Rome most of the time because thats were most of the votes were.

Funny enough Julius Caesar(despite some flaws here and there) was actually one of the first that started to gather support from people in those areas which is why he was so popular (He granted Roman citizenship and benefits to a lot of the people in the outer territories). That why when he was assassinated and the conspirators thought "Well now we can go back to the status quo with us fleecing the people" they had to run for their lives afterwards because the people and even the military turned against them. Thought I would mention that because I'm seeing some Erie similarities right now between what I read and with people calling for Trump's assassination on twitter and that one general who had to remind the troops (before the election) about their oath to protect the US.
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