(11-15-2016, 04:58 PM)DarthXedonias Wrote: [ -> ]I've thought about this a lot and came to the conclusion that a lot of this is stupid. We already know that slavery for example was in Africa and other places before Caucasians even showed up but what is most interesting me is something realized after reading a lot of historical books.
There's a difference between the slavery that was practiced overseas and what happened here in America. Biblical slavery, Roman Slavery, et. al. was essentially a social class. There were laws to govern how slaves could be treated.
In the United States, slaves were chattel -- property. They had no rights. They weren't even looked at as human, which naturally led to the widespread mistreatment and downright cruelty of them. And worst of all, the institution of American slavery was intrinsically linked to race.
Why? The simplified version:
Well, in early American history, whites were pretty much enslaved also -- in the form of indentured servitude. The difference is, you could work your way out indentured servitude, but it was still a pretty shitty way to live. That being said, many white indentured servants began teaming up with black indentured servants and started fucking shit up. So, the powers that be created a system allowing white indentured servants to easily escape their servitude and become farmers, while damning black servants to chattel slavery. A divide began to form between the former allies as a new social class began to form. At the end of the day, the white indentured servants could think to themselves, "well, at least I'm not black."
Those systems still exist today, whether you experience them as a white person or not. As a black man in society, I'm not just going to bend over and take obvious injustices just because you think you're entitled to things for being white. Sorry, not happening. Some people out there really expect us to simply accept the idea of being inherently inferior and just go along with it. Not happening.
It's like the two officials that was removed from public office in West Virginia for calling Michelle Obama an "ape in high heels." Michelle Obama, whether you agree with her husband's policies or not, graduated from Princeton University with a BA and got her JD (law degree) from Harvard. Two time Ivy League graduate. She's more intelligent and worth more than the mayor of some backwater bullshit town. Why is this relevant? Because it means, no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I play by society's rules, I'll never be seen as more than an "ape" because I'm black -- despite the fact that the people who throw that kinda garbage is essentially useless.
The concept of white guilt is kinda silly and I personally don't ask any white person to apologize for being white. However, many of you refuse to acknowledge a few facts, and as a result, the opposing side (the left) begins to act out. Same way Trump rose to power. White Americans clearly felt that the left had taken things too far and manifested the embodiment of white masculinity to fight back.
I get it. I voted for the man.
But, I voted for the man because the left is completely out of touch when it comes to masculinity, economics, and yes to an extent, race relations. I didn't vote for him so that America could suddenly become a circle jerk over the idea of whiteness. In the last few days, I've had to question my decision. Here in the south, confederate flags are flying high again. In a nearby city, someone sprayed "Black lives don't matter, and neither does your vote," on a church wall. Someone sprayed a swastika on the local Mexican market in my town. People are getting bold.
I'll put it like this: I bust my ass, I build a business here, I pay my taxes, I'm joining the damn military to defend this country -- to defend my family, children and yours, and if any one thinks for one minute that I'm going to feel fear or believe that I'm inferior because of how much melanin is in my skin, you're out of your mind.
This isn't the 1950's, where you could call a black man "boy" and if he defied you, you could call up Jim Bob and the Boys and have yourselves a good ol' hanging. Call me a "boy," and you'll get to experience my killer left hook, right cross combo -- and Jim Bob can show up at my door if he wants -- I'm a fairly trained marksman.
Just remember that Trump is a better choice than Hillary, but he's not the "savior of White America." Your culture has some hard truths to face too, just like black people, just like mexicans, just like everyone. Like someone said above, everyone has skeletons.