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I can make a mid-stage update. But I think I have a decent idea.
I should name the modules that I'm completely satisfied with, and consider to have accomplished. These are the 9-10 out of 10.
Then, I will name those module with which I have tremendously difficulty. These are the 0-4 out of 10. This will be those where I need serious work. These will be my focus during the run.
Modules I've maxed out:
24. Better With Maths & Numbers:
29. Disconnect From Negativity Within
37. Get Out Of Debt
40. Negative Stress Relief
42. Stop Using Recreational Drugs & Alcohol
49. Maximum Learning Speed
51. Persistence & Perseverance
57. Paced Working & Entrepreneurial Efforts To Steady The Approach/Drive/Motivation & Prevent Burnout
71. Select One Overarching Primary Goal/Purpose
72. Maintain Consistency In Everything You Do Towards Your Goal
84. Spend Wisely & Always With An Eye To How It Will Enhance Your Success & Position In Your Field
86. Be Open To The Possibility Of Being Wrong, Recognize It &
Make It Right ASAP When You Are
Modules that Need Serious Work:
2. Maximum Productivity:
3. Ultra Success
7. Maximum Sales Success
13. Laser-Like Focus & Concentration
18. Courageous
22. Successful Negotiator
26. Become A Money Magnet (ish)
39. Think Like A Millionaire
41. Seize The Day
53. Self Discipline(ish)
58. Disconnect From Distractions
63. Networking Skills
64. Natural Socialization
73. Have The Courage To Ask For/Expect/Demand Fair Compensation For The Value You Bring To Market
Stage 1, Day 18,
It's been 15 days since starting Draft #3, and I'm at 120 pages. Not bad. I also plowed through 14 pages, which is the most I've done. I'll try to keep going until I feel tired.
I'm having real trouble sounding smart in my chapter on Linguistics, especially the main portion.
Stage 1, Day 19,
I got through 25 pages today; these were much lighter pages, but I finished them nonetheless.
Wait.. r u running DMSI or BASE?
BASE; I started using it 20 days ago

Stage 1, Day 20,
It seems like I did 12 pages; not a problem. I'm out of the woods! I just need to re-arrange and edit the content I've written after this point, and then go back and write Chapter 5, which is mostly original content. Then, Draft #3 will be done. And after, I will go back and complete Draft #4, and source my references. After, I will format, index, and I'll probably do 3 more passes for relevance and coherence
I went to go see Wonder Wonder, which is why I've had less time. It was a good movie, and it was very moving at times. Gal Gadot is a beautiful person, in and out.
Stage 1, Day 21,
I did 18 pages today, despite being rather distracted. I've completed the main portion of the book, minus Chapter 5, and I've finished one of the Appendixes. I'm partway through the other one.
There are now a total of 238 pages (cut down from 270 or so at its largest). I'm at page 176.
The entire book will be much "longer", considering that my book is at Font size 10, and I'll likely scale up to 11.
EDIT: I should mention that the start of this week led to a few interesting surprises; I'm organizing an event where we're gathering prizes to auction off, and sponsorship money. Out of the blue, of one the contacts I emailed one month ago gets back to me and sends us 500$, as well as a signed jersey for a popular hockey player. Got unsolicited phone calls for people joining our lunch program (separate). But today, at work, I did very little, because there was very little to do.
I feel worthless and unable to provide value to people. I can't wait to finish this damn book so that things can change.
Pretty soon, I'll submit a design to 99Designs in order to get a book cover. That will probably light me up.
Stage 1, Day 22,
I'm at Page 207 out of 218. I just blew through some of this fluff!
I'm almost done Draft #3, except for the fact that I need to complete the bit on 'Media and Propaganda'.
EDIT: I'm feeling as though trying at business is pointless, but then I have glimpses of possibility. I'm feeling dull, bodily weak, and unmotivated. Hmm.
I finished Draft #3, all except for the bit on media manipulation. All-time low level of motivation; can't bring myself to do anything right now.
EDIT: I realize how much I feel like a victim right now; all these dumb feelings are being thrown at me heh
Stage 1, Day 23,
I was feeling faint all day, even though I attended BJJ today.
I did nothing productive today, no motivation, no energy in my muscles.
I took a nap after supper and felt somewhat better.
Went to watch someone from my gym who did MMA fight; it was streamed, he's fighting out of Ohio. He won; it's his last amateur fight, and he'll be turning pro for his next fight.
Gonna go to bed with this sub blasting, and hope that I wake up better off.
sStage 1, Day 24,
I spent a large portion of the day at family functions. All three of them had dogs, so my allergies flared up big time, and I had to take two allergy pills, which drained my energy big time.
I'm 9 pages into Draft 4 after about maybe 1 hour of work. I need to have the motivation to dive deeply into Chapter 5. Plus, there are elements in Draft 4 I need to revamp, which include a major overhaul in Chapter 3. I will go by quickly, and I believe that I could get it done by next Sunday.
In other words, motivation is down and I'm going to bed.
Stage 1, Day 25,
I'm 30 pages into Draft #4. 21 pages of this progress happened in one day. That's insane, considering that it was an incomplete night of work. I believe that I can finish the book before the end of the week. Maybe. If there's not too many new things I want to add.
This should be exciting.
Stage 1, Day 26,
I'm 76 pages into Draft #4. That makes 36 pages today. It's going very well. I'm feeling pretty optimistic. I sense that this will continue into Chapter 2, and I will only have a major hurdle during Chapter 3. I've added a few paragraphs in Chapter 1, and there's about 10 pages left.
Stage 1, Day 27,
I'm 120 pages into Draft #4. That makes 44 pages today, an exceptional day. I finished Chapters 1 and 2, and I've outlined the portion of Chapter 3 that has been tricky for me. I feel very good about this. But, I want this book to be done with! I'm likely going to finish chapters 3 and 4 tomorrow. I'll likely make Chapter 5 the second half of Chapter 4. Then, I'll complete the Appendixes, which should not take long, and then I'll draft the section on Propaganda (probably a whole-day project). That will complete Draft #4.
Draft #5 is going to be a rewrite of all the sections I've highlighted in blue, which is less than 10% of the entire book. So, that will probably take less than a day. Then, I'll need to insert my references the proper way. Then, I fill format it properly. Then, I need to read it start to finish in a proper way.
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