(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]Alpha360, plants do not have emotions. You have no idea what you're talkikng about. They have no pain receptors.
When you're killing an animal, you're killing another creature with ears, eyes, taste, nose and the ability to think and feel pain. A pig is as smart as a three year old child and a dog.
I don't know if plant have emotions, I should have said "maybe they have emotions", I never studied plant in depth to know that, this was mainly Hercules argument not mine. I just thought I would agree with him because it sounded correct. My bad maybe. But what you are saying there doesn't prove plants doesn't have emotions. It proves they don't feel pain like we do. Like I said they are lower evolved. I still think there something that happen when we kill a plant, I don't know if emotions is the correct term. Again very negligible compared to animals but there is still something.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]You ever see a cow laying on the grass chilling wagging it's tail? Looks allot like a dog. Humans have been brainwashed into thinking meat is the healthy way to live, the meat and dairy industry funds the medical industry so that they make more profits.
And lets be honest, how many of you are eating pure organic wild meat. Which is still not healthy but not nearly as bad as the slaughterhouse meats you eat full of hormones, negative suffering energy from being tortured to death and seeing other animals die right before you die, and fed a poor GMO diet.
I agree with that. I mainly want to eat plants because of health and karma which I believed are linked.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]I don't care if you hate animals but don't deny that it's bad for you. Human intestines are very long unlike other meat eaters so the disgusting meat doesn't go in and out quickly like a lion for example. It takes a long time to travel and it's not healthy for our body's.
Our canines are from evolution not natural & they aren't nearly as strong or as big as a real carnivore. We are also the only animal that has to cook there meat or else they would DIE eating it.
Very interesting. But I didn't die from eating not cooked beef and I did eat a lot of it for a long time. And a lot of french do the same. So maybe you are exaggerating here but I agree about your main idea.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]It's also common believe that we ate primarily meat as cave men. While we did eat meat many civilizations survived primarily on non animal sources.
We are vegetarians by nature that developed the ability to eat meat, through manipulation (fire) and evolution.
Go to any hospital I guarantee you won't find any sick vegans. I guarentee they ate a primarily meat diet if they have Cancer and some other illnesses.
Well vegans still get sick but not as often and not for the same reason. I wouldn't expect to be disease free because I eat only plants. I also think a lot of plants can cause disease if you eat the wrong one. I also I think different individuals have different diet requirement, one plant can kill one and can heal another. This is mainly why I see India's knowledge so appealing because they described all those things in some books. While in the west the main idea is to think that meat is bad and all plants are good what ever plant it is, at least the common vegetarian in the west. I think this is the reason a lot of western guy fail to become full vegan; or vegetarian.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]I've been a vegan for the last 4 months and the 4 months prior I was vegetarian. I'm 160 lbs 5'6 and quite muscular. I don't eat any meat or dairy or fish.
All fish have allot worms and bacteria in it's body btw from the garbage they eat.
![[Image: 13935139_318729171806283_860593748947949...e=584B211C]](https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13935139_318729171806283_8605937489479495364_n.jpg?oh=8da8c8af76f6a13c742c9e4ba60198f8&oe=584B211C)
So you don't eat butter and milk too I guess?
I personally would put fish in the same categories as meat maybe a little less problematic as long as the fish is healthy. Which might be rare nowadays.
But butter and milk I'm still not sure about it. I need to study more about diet anyway, I'm walking half blind here.
(08-21-2016, 12:12 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ] (08-20-2016, 12:40 PM)Hercules Wrote: [ -> ] (08-20-2016, 06:59 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: [ -> ]I agree animals are not a great example. But when I read that thing on internet it made me think.
I think the only country who kept a part of how we lived 8000 years ago is India. Though a lot of it have been corrupted and it is why I think they have so much problems today. The caste system has been corrupted completly and most of them dont understand how that system was working.
In india for example eating meat is considered to be a lower thing. Ghandi for example refused that his child eat an eggs even if that eggs could saved his life. Extreme but it shows what kind of beliefs they have.Ghandi was extreme in approach. So most religious people there don't eat meat.
If you study india diet you will notice they have one of the most varied diet, with tons of spice.
I have been eating meat all my life but when I see their culture and the knowlegde there is in their books its quiet mind blowing. Though most indian are ignorant about how they really lived back then. So in that context india are not different than other country. Most indian follow what they have been tauch even it is completly corrupted and doesnt make any sense anymore.
No large civilization has existed mainly eating veggies. None. 99% of earths civilizations in history ate meat. In Egypt, Mesoamerica, Mesopatamia and China they ate meat. As for the Karma thing you have to understand that science has proven plants have emotions and when one tree is chopped down in the forest the others start responding with chemichal messagages designed to reach the other plants.
Main reason why meat gives us disease today is because of the excess processing of the food and feeding of hormones to the cattle.
Another thing is, virtually all the longest livers in the world have eaten meat regularly.
Actually you're incorrect. Most human civilizations ate primarily non meat sources but ate meat randomly as well. But they survived mostly through veggies, fruit, nuts, fish NOT meat.. Only civilizations that lived in conditions that didn't support allot of vegetation ate primarily meat.
https://www.insidescience.org/news/what-...really-eat - proving egyptians were vegetarians. you're spreading misinformation bro.
"By analysing the carbon atoms in mummies that had lived in Egypt between 3500 BC and 600 AD, the French research team were able to determine that ancient Egyptians were largely vegetarian."
http://spartanideas.msu.edu/2014/04/21/w...tians-eat/ -
"Based on the ratios of isotopes, Touzeau et al. 2014 argue that the middle class Egyptians subsisted primarily on a ovo-lacto vegetarian diet: this means that they ate primarily plants, fruits, vegetables, as well as animal byproduct such as milk and cheese. Meat consumption made around 20% of their diet, although in some it was as high as 50%. However, in contrast with modern omnivores (i.e. us!) where are diet is 64% meat, they are more heavily vegetarian even at their highest percentage."
Thanks for the info, this seems to fit with my theory. Maybe if could go back in time further we would noticed they ate even less meat.
(08-21-2016, 11:42 PM)Alpha360 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]Alpha360, plants do not have emotions. You have no idea what you're talkikng about. They have no pain receptors.
When you're killing an animal, you're killing another creature with ears, eyes, taste, nose and the ability to think and feel pain. A pig is as smart as a three year old child and a dog.
I don't know if plant have emotions, I should have said "maybe they have emotions", I never studied plant in depth to know that, this was mainly Hercules argument not mine. I just thought I would agree with him because it sounded correct. My bad maybe. But what you are saying there doesn't prove plants doesn't have emotions. It proves they don't feel pain like we do. Like I said they are lower evolved. I still think there something that happen when we kill a plant, I don't know if emotions is the correct term. Again very negligible compared to animals but there is still something.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]You ever see a cow laying on the grass chilling wagging it's tail? Looks allot like a dog. Humans have been brainwashed into thinking meat is the healthy way to live, the meat and dairy industry funds the medical industry so that they make more profits.
And lets be honest, how many of you are eating pure organic wild meat. Which is still not healthy but not nearly as bad as the slaughterhouse meats you eat full of hormones, negative suffering energy from being tortured to death and seeing other animals die right before you die, and fed a poor GMO diet.
I agree with that. I mainly want to eat plants because of health and karma which I believed are linked.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]I don't care if you hate animals but don't deny that it's bad for you. Human intestines are very long unlike other meat eaters so the disgusting meat doesn't go in and out quickly like a lion for example. It takes a long time to travel and it's not healthy for our body's.
Our canines are from evolution not natural & they aren't nearly as strong or as big as a real carnivore. We are also the only animal that has to cook there meat or else they would DIE eating it.
Very interesting. But I didn't die from eating not cooked beef and I did eat a lot of it for a long time. And a lot of french do the same. So maybe you are exaggerating here but I agree about your main idea.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]It's also common believe that we ate primarily meat as cave men. While we did eat meat many civilizations survived primarily on non animal sources.
We are vegetarians by nature that developed the ability to eat meat, through manipulation (fire) and evolution.
Go to any hospital I guarantee you won't find any sick vegans. I guarentee they ate a primarily meat diet if they have Cancer and some other illnesses.
Well vegans still get sick but not as often and not for the same reason. I wouldn't expect to be disease free because I eat only plants. I also think a lot of plants can cause disease if you eat the wrong one. I also I think different individuals have different diet requirement, one plant can kill one and can heal another. This is mainly why I see India's knowledge so appealing because they described all those things in some books. While in the west the main idea is to think that meat is bad and all plants are good what ever plant it is, at least the common vegetarian in the west. I think this is the reason a lot of western guy fail to become full vegan; or vegetarian.
(08-21-2016, 12:06 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]I've been a vegan for the last 4 months and the 4 months prior I was vegetarian. I'm 160 lbs 5'6 and quite muscular. I don't eat any meat or dairy or fish.
All fish have allot worms and bacteria in it's body btw from the garbage they eat.
![[Image: 13935139_318729171806283_860593748947949...e=584B211C]](https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13935139_318729171806283_8605937489479495364_n.jpg?oh=8da8c8af76f6a13c742c9e4ba60198f8&oe=584B211C)
So you don't eat butter and milk too I guess?
I personally would put fish in the same categories as meat maybe a little less problematic as long as the fish is healthy. Which might be rare nowadays.
But butter and milk I'm still not sure about it. I need to study more about diet anyway, I'm walking half blind here.
Yeah I don't eat any animal products. I'll have it extremely indirectly like through a cookie but only if I'm starving and I have nothing else I can eat (like If i was at work or something)
Fish is unhealthy because of the worms/bacteria in there flesh, also because of mercury and other chemicals that are now in almost all the fish in the sea I believe.
Yeah but obviously one would want to know what they eat before they eat it, meat or veggies you don't eat something without finding out it's not poisonous.
Fruit and veggies are commonly known and proven by science to put your body in an alkaline state in which Cancer does not thrive and grow. Fruit smoothies and fruit are some of the best best things you can eat.
Also there is something very primal and holistic about eating vegetables and fruit for me and nuts. I feel so full & healthy and literally everything I eat is FULL of minerals and antioxidants and Vitamins.
Maybe it's just a mental thing but I feel great after my meals now. No more processed food either because it's almost impossible to eat processed food as a vegan unless you buy allot of store fake meat substitutes.
Some btw that taste EXACTLY like hamburgers. The burger substitute is identical in taste and look but it is completely cruelty free.
Being a Vegan is difficult for a few reasons, societal pressure and stigma, If you don't know how to cook it can be difficult, and less choices when you eat out. Sushi has lots of options though for vegetarians/vegans and most big cities have lots of options. Veganism is becoming mainstream and in demand so businesses are adapting.
I for one will never harm another soul on this planet ever again unless they attempt to harm me or family / friends. And it feels good knowing that.
If you do your research there are lots of great food options that taste amazing that you can learn to cook and also there is more then enough natural foods with AMAZING protein and vitamin content. The only vitamin you can only get from animals is Vitamin B12. But you can buy chewable pills that taste good and that is the solution to that "problem"
Also unrelated earlier today I found out 1 in 440 Canadians die from Cardiovascular disease each year. That's a huge number. And meat is PROBABLY a big reason why that happens.
Btw ALL herbivores in nature have LONG intestines tracts like humans. All Carnivores have Small intestine tracts.
"Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores."
there was an experiment done in the 60's by a scientist named backster who hooked up a polygraph/lie detector to a plant and observed that various stimuli produced different outcomes on the polygraph, thereby hinting there's some form of perception/emotion that plants have that we are unable to perceive.
the actual science experiment is $30 to purchase, but here's a quick read link, although it's not the original source.
I saw that video in my recommendation bar and it annoyed the hell out of me.
Vegetarianism is sustainable, veganism almost insane. Unless you are a breatharian yogi.
You can muscle test certain foods and see if it is beneficial or detrimental for you, btw.
One thing which amazes me is that a special breed of cow in India produces gold in it's urine.
I think Shannon already had created a natural release HGH. That goes back to the ages of 2nd and 3rd generation subs, in CDs and into his older store.
Right now, I think there is plenty of applications in sports for sportsmen and sporstwomen; particularly I found one user not to require any other "dubious supplements" (like drugs which are allowed but technically their ingestion IS CHEATING).
I have no idea if Shannon moved that into the sports section which is private in his store.
Carlos Mosquera
Nah 3g programs are discontinued. The sports section only had 3g programs so there's nothing in there now.