(08-04-2015, 05:36 AM)Guero Wrote: [ -> ]....Absolutely nothing. Not one thing has changed about me since using these products. In fact, I might be even more introverted. So after 2 years of nightly subs that are supposed to be soooo powerful on the mind, I can wholeheartedly say it's a complete placebo effect.
Guero, you are guilty of the same logic error that a lot of "scientists" are committing more and more, which is:
"There are only two possibilities, and it's not this one, so it's that one."
Wrong. There are ALWAYS possibilities you have not thought of, because you cannot possibly understand all of everything there is to know. That was one of the most profound pieces of wisdom my mentor ever gave me: There is always something on some higher level of knowledge or understanding that can explain it differently.
Your statement that "...I can wholeheartedly say it's a complete placebo effect." is based on the wild assumption that:
1. There are only two possible options (it always works, or it is only placebo).
2. Everyone is exactly the same as you in all ways.
3. You know everything there is to know about the mind, humans, how they work, yourself, and everything else - which is how you arrive at certainty in a black and white option in a world where things aren't just black or white.
So you did not get results. There are a lot of possible reasons. But saying that if it's not one, it's the other is faulty logic and black and white thinking. And it reveals why you didn't get results.
Let's consider the fact that different personalities and types of personalities have differing levels of strength, focus and willpower. This is a no-brainer, it's so obvious.
Those with a high level of strength, focus and willpower will be able to better resist change than others, if they so choose. Likewise, when and if they decide to change, it will be much faster and much more difficult to affect afterwards.
Now then, you getting no outward results that you detect from these programs after that long tells me two things.
A. You very likely have an extraordinarily high level of capacity for strength, focus and willpower in your personality, and
B. You have a very solid reason for preventing these programs from affecting you.
Remember, these programs are and always have been just a set of statements that are instructions for your subconscious mind. I've said this before, and I'll say it again:
If you buy something complicated that you need to assemble, and you refuse to follow the instructions that are known to lead to a finished assembly, it's a pretty good chance you will end up with something other than what you wanted. And is that the manufacturer's fault that you did not follow the instructions? According to the "logic" you're using here, it is. You're saying, "I did not choose to follow and execute the instructions these programs were giving me, so the programs must not work."
Now, why do some people get results and others don't? Because some people follow and execute the instructions, and others don't. And why would you not follow and execute the instructions? There's only one possible answer. You don't want to.
For some people, this boils down to a fear of not knowing what exactly the instructions are (even though subconsciously, they do know what the instructions are). Some people have this boil down to being afraid of losing control of themselves, even though by resisting they are demonstrating how preposterous this fear is. And so forth. But it always boils down to fear.
And, fear is the leading cause of black and white thinking. People who think in absolutes always do so out of fear. Once they start realizing their fears are unfounded and deal with those fears, they start realizing, hey, there's not seven colors in the rainbow, there's infinite colors! Hey, it's not just day or night, there's dawn and dusk, too! Hey, it's not just right or wrong, there are circumstances to consider as well! There are damned few true absolutes in this world.
So I would say that it is much more likely that it's not a placebo, it's you refusing to execute the instructions because you choose not to out of some fear - most likely fear of losing control of yourself. And because that fear is subconscious, you may not consciously know it's there without some self analyzation.
If I had the power to make everyone react according to the instructions of my subliminals all the time, as your black and white thinking assumes is Option A, then I would be the most powerful man in the world and I would go out of business because I would not need to earn a living. I could simply make people do my bidding and live that way. Free food forever!
But it isn't like that and it never will be. People have different levels of strength, different levels of fear, different levels of maturity and different pasts that lead to different points of view. They have different physiologies and different personalities, and some of those will be more likely to accept and execute the suggestions (not commands!) in the script, and some will be less likely. You, sir, are one of less than 1% of the population capable of resisting to the degree that you say you have.
Others can, will and do have a different experience. Why? Because placebo effect is not the only possible explanation, and it's not even the most likely.