On the front I wrote: gracias, Ignacio, tu eres un angel guardian
I hope that's correct, my Spanish is rusty.
I drew this on a post card it's pencil and ink. The Chinese is supposed to say little king ( I hope that's what it means ).
(07-27-2015, 01:38 PM)kyng009 Wrote: [ -> ]Also I've been needing a small MP3 player for jogging and in the mail was an invitation to some real estate conference, which is my career, where all attendees receive a small MP3 player...additionally there's chance of winning one of 50 laptops.
Hey I'm happy about the player and making contacts, who knows I'll probably learn something as well.
Pretty sure I got the same flyer/advertisement in the mail today. They show an iPod shuffle and there's a hot blonde chick and some guy on it and it's related to HGTV I believe. Sure seemed like a scam to me and I have zero business/affiliation in/with the real estate industry. Careful chalking stuff up to the sub. I have my reservations about a sub that can change "luck," as I have expressed before in a different thread. Everything is statistics, math, and logic.
But hey, if you do go to the real estate thing, good luck. I've been wanting an MP3 player for running too...but not enough to spend even $20 on one ?
You could justify why not $x amount to spend on anything. Meaning I could go buy a $20 MP3 player, but the sub manifests positive desires and I remember thinking it would be nice to have a small player because I've been dropping my phone a lot on the treadmill.
The point being I thought it would be nice to have one but didn't need it enough to buy it, if that makes sense.
Have you bought an MP3 player? Why not buy a $20 one? Do you wish for a free one? What are you waiting for if you want it? There are plenty of wants in life, but does that mean to just buy an affordable version of everything I want? I could. The objective here though is to listen to the subs and go with the flow, this is my gut feeling. I manifested a free one and how do you know this manifestation is alone? What if it leads to meeting my soulmate, buying a winning lotto, or finding a 20 on the floor?
I will not let fear distract me. My gut is always right.
As to the pyramid scheme flyer, I am well aware of the marketing tactic, in fact I have made mistakes in the past and now learn from them. I go to meet the people, some are like minded and some need guidance, but mostly for meeting potential clients.
Luck, in my mind, is a small percentage chance goal. I use it as a label for the red zone. It has its place in mathematical statistics being the smallest chance of success with the outcome of success. The sub is increasing the percentage for success. You know for the guy who likeS going for the long shots and hitting more of them.
Luck as a mystical force that's good or bad is subjective...is it lucky to be struck by lightning? Metaphysically, Yes! Being good or bad is on you.
Chalking it up to the sub, I must chalk it up to the sub. I choose to believe this to send energy to thoughts positively reinforcing my faith in the sub be it through false pretense or repetition. Whatever the case may be, one must believe. It's in the word, one must be it to live it.
Thank you, I appreciate the concern, but good or bad I am prepared to accept the consequences of my thoughts. I am still listening to gratitude which is keeping me on track with my attitude.
Please take no offense, my response is out of respect and acknowledgement.
Oh, my bad, Shannon said you don't even have to believe cuz it's automatic.
I still think it helps rather than hinder though.
Cuz thoughts influence things.
Day 21 luck
Ok, so I've recently noticed that I have been road rage free lately. This is a huge improvement as I used to get out of my car to fight whoever caused it.
On the flip side. While I'm waiting for work, I've been giving hypnotherapy sessions part time. Well yesterday I had my first session with a cancer patient. He was in remission but had constant pain from fibromyalgia. I helped him deal with the discomfort.
Now I don't charge people who can't afford the sessions. I don't turn away anyone who I am able to help. His reaction was worth the effort I gave.
He said he was humbled by my presence, which no one has ever said to me...ever.
Best feeling to help someone to that degree.
Luck...I believe in this situation was this man as my first case study. It was the best case scenario, conditions, and he kinda helped it along for never being hypnotized.
Lately in my life I've also been getting treated to lunches, been bought beers, and I found 20 bucks in some jeans. Mine.
Thank you
Day 22 luckness monster
I've noticed that it takes time for these positive desires to manifest.
For example, I was wishing for good broker to work with. So I ran into a guy I used to shoot pool with and he hooked me up with his friend in Hoboken. I walked in and there was a gorgeous woman with a warm smile. The office was modern and beautiful. I will most likely work here cuz it just felt right.
Also, I seem to be missing opportunities. I over slept and missed a free dental cleaning.
Choosing between which bbq to go to cuz one has good food and friends, the other a few hot chicks were at.
The weather by me has been marvelous, clear sunny and not that hot.
I did a bunch of Disney style art for my friends daughter 's birthday party, the kids just loved it.
Yes, thing are going great, just gotta keep my impatience in check.
Sounds really great, man. I'm about to understand how important and powerful gratitude can be.
Yes, cuz I'll teach you. Joke. It is fundamental to happiness.
If you get a wish granted, u r happy and grateful for having received the wish.
Easy peasy
Since loa dictates likeness attracts...
Day 24 luck
I have been manifesting too much opportunity. I feel I am spreading myself thin.
Now I've got an insane amount of offers but they all need full time investment and I'm spinning.
Each offer isn't enough by itself. None promise a stable income for a variable amount of time. All offers lead to good income with time cuz of training. It's the time I don't have for all of them.
Decisions. This is what happens when u strictly follow your passion without a plan.
I'm completely grateful but did everything have to come at once? Probably my old binge mentality.
Now I'm in resistance mode. Dangerous. I'm procrastinating. Agoraphobic in a way.
My 'friend' tried to get me into our old hangout, I was banned from because I assaulted a child molester/rapist. Here's the kicker. No one knew about his evil and everyone looked at me as the bad guy. All of my so called friends stopped talking to me and the owner banned me. And a girl, 9/10, was starting to like me, was friends with him, so that ended before it began.
A few months later he was in the news involved with child porn and relations with under aged girls. Wish I still had the mugshot to post.
Talking about this sucks but I know it's helping.
The point of the post...resistance is rough...but it means I'm getting tough.
I will remember,if anything, to choose a step towards my goals and if that doesn't work, a step towards bliss, because I only gots two feets.
Thanks for reading folks.
Thanks, sometimes ya just get wrapped up in that whirlwind, like a plastic bag floating in the wind... I couldn't help that
Day twenty something...captain's log
So I've been drinking lots of beer and eating pizza with jalapeƱos the past few days.
( my stomach is yelling at me with pain... Why?!)
I'm all messed up. Gambling. Fighting with family for no reason at all. It was bordering on depression.
...and then something wonderful happened.
I was driving around completely emotional and was looking for food and beer.
A thought just kept popping in my head to go to an old hang out. Got there and there was this bartender I crushed on but I thought she quit. She is around half my age. So I never really pursue it, but would love her if I did. She is a beautiful Brazilian but it's her demeanor that attracts me. Anyhoo, that's not the good part, I checked my email and BAM!
So, I've been lala lately with life. Well one of my life's wishes/passions has been to work in TV/film. I just got a chance to work on a pilot and will meet with one of the creators next week.
4kingdoms- thanks to you. Because of ur advice, I turned off the computer sat quietly with my notebook and blast off! I just started writing my favorite things and sent out a bunch of emails to anyone, I was drunk so there was beer courage. And then it happened.
It was a good night.
Is it wrong to want to date someone almost half my age?
It's the only reason I haven't asked her out, well that and I can't tell if she's just being nice cuz she's working for tips.
Don't get me wrong, I've landed a TV weather girl and dated a print ad model, but this girl has me smitten shy.
Is ther still the voting on here?
Let me know if you think it's ok to pursue... I'm turning 40 and she just turned 21
Oh, I look like I'm 30, she doesn't know my age at all.
Is she showing any sincere interest in you?
...um I know the subliminal works.
This is my journal showing people my journey with the subs.
Why do you insist I don't believe they are working?
I'm a believer. I believe.
Oh and with the girl, um, sincere interest... I think so. It's been years since I've dated cuz of a long term gf. So I may be guessing. Normal iois extended eye contact, never mentions boyfriend, and I'm not sure but I think she kept bending over on purpose a lot right in front of me...again these are all things female bartenders to make better tips. I haven't rid myself of cynicism of reality.
Plus I'm waiting till I get steady work or win a lot of money.
I like to shower my women with money. Jk. But I'm a provider mentality guy first.
This is why I'm gonna listen to ayp someone once i start making money.
Trying to stay positive.
Quote:Is it wrong to want to date someone almost half my age?
Not at all, fuck society and their bullshit beliefs.
Benjamin, that's exactly what I needed to hear!
4kingdoms, you had me at 49...no homo, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm a race car, vroom, and you guys lit the green.
It really is like a family on this forum, but more honesty.
She told me she closes every Friday so that when I'll ask her out.
As for dating suggestions, she told me she loves chilling outdoors drinking wine at a beautiful vineyard. There are a lot of rooftop restaurants in Manhattan with the same feel. Otherwise...
Now I've got a few days to get some kind of income going so I can take her out.
I'm spending today figuring it out.
I think I might switch luck magnifier out for ultra success. I need more aggression, I've been way too passive. I have winners mindset, U.S., base 3g, and I just did 4 months of Asc before the thread.
Unfortunately I haven't manifested my money goals for which I chose the sub in the first place. We shall see.
(08-09-2015, 07:23 AM)kyng009 Wrote: [ -> ]As for dating suggestions, she told me she loves chilling outdoors drinking wine at a beautiful vineyard. There are a lot of rooftop restaurants in Manhattan with the same feel. Otherwise...
Now I've got a few days to get some kind of income going so I can take her out.
I'm spending today figuring it out.
If she likes outdoors and you're in Manhattan, you can do something in Central Park. You'll be able to get a better feel for if she's expecting you to be a provider or not based on what she's asking for while in the park, and it's large enough that you can make the walk as long or short as you feel. Rowboats, sketch artists, the Great Lawn, feeding ducks, Victorian Gardens mini-carnival at Wollman Rink, sometimes live music, all kinds of activities, and if she's still insistent on a "proper" dinner or something Tavern on the Green is on the west side of the park.