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I think it's hilarious. I ask what you guys want, and you tell me, and I build it - and you don't want it anymore (Woman Magnet). And so I ask what you want, and you tell me, and I build it, and you don't want it anymore (Sex Magnet). And yet here you all are, everyone who's used it reporting the same ridiculous success getting laid (everyone who wanted to, at least). Now everyone's gonna want "Girlfriend Magnet". lol

I have to agree with you, at least in part, that overeating deals with a neurosis of the oral stage. There's more to it than that, and not all cases are focused in that, but it does have a big impact.

It's funny because i'm like "Bullshit, i'd love to have alot of girls after me for sex." Because i'm not getting it at the moment really.

If I start getting that I may get over it, but it's a 'high quality problem' i'd love to have.

I've now finished Sex Magnet, and I'm starting 'Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend', along with ' Absolute self confidence'

1. Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend
2. Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend
3. Absolute Self Confidence
Then return to 1. and repeat.

I'll keep you guys informed on the results. I'm excited to see how the 4G ASC compares to it's predecessor, and, also, to see if the manifestation sub can 'redirect' my sex magnet experience. I have a much healthier attitude towards sex after sex magnet. I feel like I've got of at the right station - couldn't take me completely to my destination, but was an important step of the journey. Now boarding the final train.
I like your metaphors. BTW I remember reading a while back that Shannon suggested giving each subliminal the same amount of exposure. I could be wrong.
I swear I thought you started SM a month after I did (July)...
(01-06-2012, 06:05 PM)WildFlower Wrote: [ -> ]I've now finished Sex Magnet, and I'm starting 'Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend', along with ' Absolute self confidence'

1. Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend
2. Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend
3. Absolute Self Confidence
Then return to 1. and repeat.

I'll keep you guys informed on the results. I'm excited to see how the 4G ASC compares to it's predecessor, and, also, to see if the manifestation sub can 'redirect' my sex magnet experience. I have a much healthier attitude towards sex after sex magnet. I feel like I've got of at the right station - couldn't take me completely to my destination, but was an important step of the journey. Now boarding the final train.

Hi Wildflower,

I'm curious to see the affects of this one as well. I'm in the first stages of AM 2011 so I won't be able to use any of the Attract Your Perfect series for a while. Can't wait to read about your experiences!

This SM, glad it hasn't become S&M yet, sounds like a very tempting journey that anyone would enjoy.
Boromir, it did become S&M magnet in my case.
Absolute Self Confidence 4G is as powerful as they come. I remember the 3G version being pretty quick hitting, but the 4G version is particularly instantaneous. It's such a great confidence builder that I've had to stop using it. It doesn't seem to plateau; I feel if I used it continuously I'd move in to new realms of greater and greater confidence. Just when you thought you couldn't become anymore confident a whole new pasture of confidence reveals itself. Ad infinitum. Well, I felt I as at a place where my confidence was stable and sufficient, yet I could tell the subs effects where continuing to build - so I stopped. I feel it will be a sub I will use every six months for a 2-3 week quick burst; just enough time to keep my confidence topped up. In place Absolute Self Confidence I'm now using seek the challenge, so my new playlist looks as follows:

1. Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend
2. Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend
3. Seek the Challenge

I feel Seek the Challenge will really complement the other sub I'm using. One passively working on my goal, with the other getting me to actively do something about achieving it. I also look forward to what other directions Seek the Challenge will push me in. I'm really motivated and driven at the moment, so I'm half scared how Seek the Challenge is going to effect me.
Dude you'll love seek the challenge. I wish I could do it again but looks like that won't be any time soon.
(01-29-2012, 07:29 AM)Spiral Wrote: [ -> ]Dude you'll love seek the challenge. I wish I could do it again but looks like that won't be any time soon.

I don't think I know what I'm letting myself in for Big Grin.
How did it go for you?
I'll take a look in your journal now, for inspiration. Did you drop it for Sex Magnet?
I may have made only 1 or two posts on it man. did it for maybe 2 weeks. But man it gave me alot of motivation to push things forward. That's all I gotta say. And yes it was before SM so you may find it in my old alpha Male journal.
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