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Thought perished!
For the first day today I'm noticing the - for lack of a better word - aggression. It's all under control and I have enough self control to put it to good use. The other thing I'm getting at the moment is this constant fluxing of emotions. All good emotions, it feels as if my body is much more alive and fluid emotionally. Not emotions connected to thoughts either, my mental activity is very calm and cleansed, but my physical body is alive with this sloshing around of emotion. I feel the emotions totally physically and they're more of an 'atmosphere' than a distinct feeling that you can label. It's odd to have the warm fuzzies at the same time I have the Stage 1 Alpha Male aggressions. Subtle joy, peace, enjoyable melancholy, ecstatic energy that makes it hard for to sit still, these are the atmospheres constantly changing within me. I know these are the kind of feelings I associate with Charisma - could it be that? I definitely didn't get this when I used the 2009 set, I don't know if it is the result of a script change. Beneath all this, there is still that unshakable, graceful comfort that won't go away.
I'm thinking more and more I need to be my own boss, Freelance is something I'm looking into. Or at least work for a company where I'm more in charge of my own day to day work activities. There's been a huge power shift at work recently, with myself actually holding more power over my boss. He knows he can't replace me - especially for my current wage - yet he knows I'll walk if he shows me the disrespect he's shown me in the past; I've told him verbally in no unclear terms. This has being building for some time, but it's starting to come out now. I've realised the same thing about jobs that I learnt about Women several years ago; that if you are high value, you don't need to be needy. I'm starting to value the rarity of my skill set more, and have developed greater self belief in what I can offer companies. The UK is looking like it may have a double dip recession; our country borrowed extortionate amounts of money during the boom (with our chancellor saying we've seen the end of boom and bust) now we're in one of the biggest bust's ever and our national debt level is staggering. We currently pay £120 Million a day just on interest. The new government is trying to get a handle on the debt by spending tax on it; this means more tax and less public services. Over here we have the National Health Service, higher education and other things which are paid for by the tax payer and a lot of these services will be cut and job losses with follow. Despite all that, with the unemployment figures going up all the time, I feel in a position where my current company need me more than I need them.

Freelancing is one area that has been visiting my mind as of late. I do like photography but I have no idea how much freelance photographers make. If I could get a job shooting photos for a company and then branch out on my own, it would be great. It would putting one of my talents to work instead of having it sit dormant.
I'm sure in your case, the urge to branch out and freelance will continue to build slowly over time until it hits critical mass.
It sounds like the UK is in a jam like the US is... Trillion Dollar deficit and rising taxes... gotta love it Tongue
(01-28-2011, 08:20 AM)ronatello Wrote: [ -> ]Freelancing is one area that has been visiting my mind as of late. I do like photography but I have no idea how much freelance photographers make. If I could get a job shooting photos for a company and then branch out on my own, it would be great. It would putting one of my talents to work instead of having it sit dormant.
I'm sure in your case, the urge to branch out and freelance will continue to build slowly over time until it hits critical mass.
It sounds like the UK is in a jam like the US is... Trillion Dollar deficit and rising taxes... gotta love it Tongue

Freelance photographers get what they are worth. That depends heavily on what you are shooting, where you live, how good you are, how good your equipment is, how you present yourself, your people skills and how you advertise. Let's not forget your reputation.

Wedding photographers work for themselves in most cases, although to do it legally requires a business licence, etc. Working for yourself can be said to be freelance work. I know freelancers who charge $20 an hour and I know freelancers who get over $250 an hour. Depends on a lot of factors.

Depends on the particular subject, country, financial climate, etc. also.

Working for a company as a photographer usually won't make you bubkus. Especially and portrait mills. They set it up for consistency, and any monkey can then press a button and get a sellable shot. Consequently, any monkey is what they hire, and what they pay for. You're not in it for the money. At least I hope you're not.

At the same time, the stock photography world is currently undergoing a shift that makes it harder and harder for anyone but the stock agencies to make money anymore.

The only people making money in photography are the ones who have great marketing skills and an aggressive, go-get-it personality. It's still possible, but the preponderance of super-automated point-and-shoot cameras is steadily turning photography into a "why the hell should I pay some one for that?" in the minds of a lot of people, because they no longer see the skills required or understand the difference between what a skilled photographer can do, and what a point and shoot camera can do. And I hate to say it, but the future of paid photography is going to be even dimmer as consumer digital cameras become capable of automating a doing a "good enough" job at things that currently require photoshop and skill.

Better get out there and start selling yourself, my friend.


Be careful. You need to understand that it's a risk to step out on your own, especially in a climate like we have today. Things are becoming progressively less stable. Sooner or later, things are going to "self correct" and we will have a very different situation than we do now. Whether that is good or bad is unknown.

Be careful. You need to understand that it's a risk to step out on your own, especially in a climate like we have today. Things are becoming progressively less stable. Sooner or later, things are going to "self correct" and we will have a very different situation than we do now. Whether that is good or bad is unknown.

Sound advice Shannon.

Freelancing isn't a short term, or even a medium term goal, but it is something I'm looking towards doing in a few years when I've built up experience and a large portfolio. It's CAD, 3D design stuff I do, and despite the economy there's quite a few job vacancies around for this sort of thing; my short term goal is to fill one of these vacancies and leave my current employer. I feel I've grown too much to work there now.

What is your opinion on the self correction? I've been reading Marx and Engels a bit recently, and whilst I agree on some of their points, disagree on others, I can't help but escape the feeling that they where both humanitarian to the core. It's hard to see the humanitarianism behind what got us into this current mess. I believe we've now got to be more focused on sustainability than growth.
Hey Widlfower, don't forget there's a "Find Your Perfect Job" subliminal located in the business & finance section of the store. I thought about getting it for my dad but he probably won't want it lol. Anyway, I think as time goes the Charisma sub should actually help you achieve just that since Charisma is big part of business success. Plus, you could use Charisma for 32 days, drop it, and then rotate Ultra Success into the rotation.I'm looking into finding another job as well, but as Shannon said the economical climate is hazardous, so be careful in whichever route you take man.Wink
a new job sounds nice right about now. I think I wanna try that become an entrepreneur sub
Entrepreneur isn't fir finding a new job. It's for starting your own business.
I should have rephrased my last post.

I don't like my job too much anymore. I want to make some money and work for myself. I want to do something where I can create my own schedule and not have to work under anyone.
Thanks for the suggestion K, I might use a sub like that in a few months. I'm sticking with the Charisma sub for now though. It's making a big impact, alongside the Alpha Male set. I can't tell what's causing what, but I'm definitely feeling the effects. People are definitely friendlier to me though.

My boss is incredibly childish; slyly talking about me indirectly to other employers wanting me to overhear and constantly trying to undermine me and get me to take the bait. I really don't think I can work there much longer and I have zero interest in taking him up on his constant invitations for an argument. I've applied for other 10 different, relevant jobs tonight alone - all better paid - and I'm feeling super motivated to move on. It's amazing how much can change in a year. Or is it, it's amazing how much I've changed in a year? Either way, I didn't bust my ass at University for 3 years to do a job that comes with such little respect, and the Alpha Male sets (09 and 11) are making me realise that.

I've been super tired for the past 3 days and I've not been able to figure out a reason why. Could this be to do with 4G and something I need to acclimatise too?
I'm starting to realise that auras may be more powerful than I've imagined before. More powerful - and accurate - than my worldview has been able to account for so far. In the past I've considered an aura to be something others pick up through body-language and the like. However, I've noticed that if I hold a thought about myself, whatever it is, I see it mirrored back to me with startlingly clarity.

Just too many coincidences; I wrote about a night in my other Alpha Male journal where several people all approached me and told me I was good looking, the prominent thought I was holding in my mind was "I'm good-looking". At other times, in other places I've had totally different remarks.

I had one day recently when several people said things to me along the lines of "use that big brain of yours", "now, your an intelligent guy, so ...", you can guess what kind of thought I was repeatedly thinking about myself. They all seem to come in clusters. And they all seem to be about what I'm thinking about myself, which is why I'm still referring to it as an aura rather than telepathy of some sort. I only get information about myself fed back to me, I don't get any other thought's echoed back, say I'm thinking about the weather or something.

I'm thinking once the Charisma sub kicks in I may have to order a custom sub to test this theory out further. I wonder how the affirmation's "I now consciously hold the thought that I am ....", or "I am always consciously aware and thinking that I am ..." would work.

Wildflower can u tell more on the specific effects of the charisma sub?
Also r the effects of woman magnet mergin with the new Alpha set in any interesting way of note?
(01-31-2011, 03:24 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: [ -> ]Wildflower can u tell more on the specific effects of the charisma sub?
Also r the effects of woman magnet mergin with the new Alpha set in any interesting way of note?

I can't separate what's caused by the Charisma Sub or what's caused by the Alpha sub. Some are obviously the Alpha, like my confidence going up a few notches, my walking changing and zero negativity. Other effects may be the Alpha sub, the Charisma sub, or both, like people being more friendly to me, myself saying some of the little, quirky things I'd sometimes hold back, more confidence in expressing my personality, etc. The effects of Women Magnet are still as they where, but I'm a playful, laid back Alpha anyway, and that's the kind of Alpha the set brings out of me. I haven't felt much of the Stage 1 aggression, other than on a few occasions.
Quote:I'm starting to realise that auras may be more powerful than I've imagined before. More powerful - and accurate - than my worldview has been able to account for so far. In the past I've considered an aura to be something others pick up through body-language and the like. However, I've noticed that if I hold a thought about myself, whatever it is, I see it mirrored back to me with startlingly clarity.

Just too many coincidences; I wrote about a night in my other Alpha Male journal where several people all approached me and told me I was good looking, the prominent thought I was holding in my mind was "I'm good-looking". At other times, in other places I've had totally different remarks.

I had one day recently when several people said things to me along the lines of "use that big brain of yours", "now, your an intelligent guy, so ...", you can guess what kind of thought I was repeatedly thinking about myself. They all seem to come in clusters. And they all seem to be about what I'm thinking about myself, which is why I'm still referring to it as an aura rather than telepathy of some sort. I only get information about myself fed back to me, I don't get any other thought's echoed back, say I'm thinking about the weather or something.

It really makes you wonder what people are truly seeing. We all go about our lives in the first person perspective for the most part and we never truly get to see ourselves from an outside perspective other than the things others say to us.
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