Asc 2:55 Sagittarius
Sun 9:56 Virgo
Moon 16:40 Gemini
Mars 2:38 Scorpio
Mercury 16:17 Virgo
Venus 24:21 Cancer
Jupiter 18:21 Virgo
Saturn 27:38 Virgo
Asc Sagittarius:
They are Social, freedom loving, curious, broadminded, blunt, tactless, playful, adventurous,traveling, philosophical, arrogant, thoughtless, selfish.
The lord Jupiter is combust with the sun so your health is weaken and it cause the mother to suffer.
What’s more obvious in your life would be the fact that you have 4 planet in one sign Virgo in the 10th house. So this virgo personality should be very apparent in your daily life and the 10th house too. Virgo is Emotionally awkward, specific, precise, caring, service oriented, attentive, critical, thoughtful of others, logical, distant, perfectionist, sensual. There are very intelligent people focus on material thing, they are very good at communication in general. They can be good doctor, healer, physicist, etc, they like detail, perfection (their own way of perfection).
In this 4 planets, there is something that attract attention, that is the very strong conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter (2°). This kind of conjunction create people like Richard bandler or Jim carrey. When they use communication the sky's the limit for them. One other things to mention is the 10th house. I saw another chart where there were 4 or more planet in the 10th house and the person was almost “born” behind camera, she was acting at a very young age behind million of people. It doesn’t mean you will also but this kind of people are born to be leader or put in a place above people. One thing to mention though is that both your Jupiter and mercury is combust with the Sun which should weaken their power very much. So don’t expect things to be perfect.
Since 2003 you are in your Jupiter period so from there you life has been strongly related to what I just said about this 4 planet. Feedback are welcome It’s hard to predict stuff with 4 planet conjunct. Since 17 september 2014 you have reach your sub period Jupiter/Moon.
Your moon is in gemini in the 7th house. Gemini is another communication sign, he loves information. He is Active, dualistic, easily bored, changeable, curious, hedonistic, thoughtless, playful,intelligent, multitasking, friendly, communicative, social. The 7 house is also a communication thing. It relates to other people, business deal with people, relationship, love which is similar to Libra. If you haven't noticed yet each house from 1 to 12 has the same kind of meaning with the 12 houses in the same order. Aries being the first and Pisces the 12th.
So I expect than from september 2014 this aspect from libra (7th house) should have appear in your life, maybe you are looking for love or you some new kind of transaction with a business partner.
Then with have rahu in the 9th house (sagittarius house). Rahu should behave like your Sun which is in Virgo in the 10th (because rahu is in Leo). Being in the 9th from 1985 to 2003 (rahu period) you must have been obsess with spiritual matter but with your personality I think you have strive to help people through your work or you have tried to find a job where you can genuinely help people. Being fair is something important for you, to have a meaning to your life.
Then you have your mars in the 12th house in scorpio his own sign.
Mercury virgo in the 10th:
Venus in cancer in the 8th :
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The native with Sagittarius lagna guides their life through some belief, philosophy, religion or law. They are very apt to do what they believe and their entire identities are wrapped around their ideals. They aspire to have purpose and meaning in life.
The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing sign of Gemini. The Sagittarius native must learn to test their ideals, beliefs, etc, and be flexible where necessary. In other words they need to investigate what they believe in to test and see if it really measures up and works. The native also needs to learn to have fun and play; that not everything has to have some grand purpose. Partnerships tend to be with more curious, experimental, and playful types, or with those who bring out these qualities in the native.
KETU IN THE 3RD HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 9TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 3rd indicates that the native in recent past lives has created security through the use of their rational mind. Through experimentation, study and thought the native has managed to create a paradigm that allows for life to take place in a safe and secure manner. In this lifetime, Ketu causes one to experience doubts about what exactly they know. When confronted by information that is contrary to what they believe they know there is initial resistance, as new information is threatening to the paradigm that is responsible for their security. After some time to think, however, they experience doubts about their knowledge and understanding. These doubts create an identity crisis over what they know. The eventual result of this is a deepening of their knowledge, but also the understanding that they have learned so much that all they know for sure is that they do not know anything.
Rahu in the 9th indicates that the native must define a belief system or philosophy that takes care of those areas they are unable to understand or create rationality for. The doubting of their information, through Ketu, forces them to develop faith and intuition through Rahu. The doubting of information indicated by Ketu in the 3rd also gives way for them to accept the information given by others, or teachers, indicated by Rahu in the 9th. However, as long as the native doubts their own information there will be a corresponding doubt of others' information as well. The key is do develop the faith and belief that at any given moment, though they will never know everything, that they will know what they need to fulfill their role at that time. Essentially, Rahu in the 9th indicates a need to broaden one's understanding beyond the mere intellect.
Ketu in the 3rd also suffers from indecisiveness. This is a result of Ketu waiting for that last bit of information to close the case, but the last bit never comes, there is always room for doubt, in fact it is the nature of the intellectual mind to doubt. In the end the native must learn to act on faith, the need for which is indicated by Rahu in the 9th.
Ketu in the 3rd also indicates that through the native exercising will and strength they have made things happen. Ketu now gives some doubts about how to focus their will, or what to focus it on, though there is a sense of adventure and impulse. Rahu in the 9th indicates the need for the native to focus their energy towards something of purpose; without some sense of purpose they will not make the most of their energies and skills.
KETU IN AQUARIUS, RAHU IN LEO: Ketu in Aquarius indicates a native who in recent past lives has attempted to create security by identifying with groups and peers of like-minded individuals. This has created security in the world, but now leaves the native feeling less secure with themselves as an individual. The native's security and self-esteem is conditioned by what their peers think, do, or say about the them. This results in a lack of satisfaction with oneself and the need to develop one's individual inspirations.
The opposing placement of Rahu in Leo urges the native towards self-inspiration and a self-esteem that is based upon their own nature, and not on the views of others. This self-inspiration may be so powerful that the native is unable to see any other goal but their own, or may even think that others should do the same as they. This is the height of insecurity.
Eventually, Rahu brings to attention the native's personal insecurities, which reveal that they are not entirely secure amongst the group. If they were so, they would have no personal insecurities. Ultimately, they need to feel secure when they can be themselves, with their differences and similarities, amidst the group, pursuing their own inspirations, while allowing others to do so as well.
KETU/VENUS: The influence of Ketu on Venus (with rasi aspect) indicates a nativity that has developed great tact and diplomacy when dealing with all mundane affairs of life as well as having enjoyed much of the pleasures the world can afford. In this life the native experiences a general discontent with worldly delights, even though there is an initial expectation of fulfillment from these things. In a spiritual nativity this influence may be conducive to developing spiritual devotion.
Venus is a planet of pride, under the influence of Ketu, humility is being developed and pride is never excessive.
COMBUST MERCURY: When Mercury is combust the individual experiences feelings of vulnerability when making requests. The self is identified with the function of speech and feels hurt and rejected when his requests are slighted or denied. The ego is fearful of having its request denied and therefore feeling rejected on a personal level. Even legitimate requests such as asking for a well-deserved raise, requesting from loved ones and returning an item to a store become difficult. After some time the individual feels taken advantage of and unfulfilled at which time anger and resentment set in. The individual must recognize that they must take direct responsibility for getting their needs and desires met by communicating them clearly and strongly. They are generally only able to communicate their desires and needs more overtly through hints, or in a joking manner. Combust Mercury presents the most trouble in personal relationships where a clear communication of needs and desires is important for maintaining harmony and in business affairs where money must be asked for. In essence, when Mercury is combust the native is angry because they are unable to maintain a fair exchange with others.
Generally the issues revolving around a combust Mercury develop in this lifetime when the native, as a child, felt rejected when making requests for things from the father, and the father answering something like this, "What do you want that for, its stupid, a waste of money, etc."
COMBUST JUPITER: When Jupiter is combust the native feels that they are unable to meet a set of ideals which their ego considers necessary for spiritual blessings. The self is attached to the need for perfect and noble behavior in order to be worthy of God's grace. They are unable to accept themselves with their own imperfections and feel that God will not either. There is little room for self-forgiveness and a resulting lack of faith in God's interest in their personal welfare. They may easily believe that others can receive Gods blessings, but that they are unable to believe that they themselves can. This creates a feeling of purposelessness in their activities, including their spiritual activities, because they feel that no matter what the effort they are still imperfect and therefore worthless in God's eyes. In essence when Jupiter is combust the native is angry at religion or God for making it impossible for them.
Generally the issues revolving around a combust Jupiter are developed as a result of experiencing some belief system that was presented in a dogmatic fashion. This belief system or the manners in which it was presented, would not have allowed for the normal feelings and desires which all humans have. Being of perfect behavior, word and thought would have been stressed with no practical methods being taught to control the mind and transcend desires. The individual would then be left in despair, without hope for any possible salvation.
Another consideration of Jupiter's combustion is that the native will feel insecure about their knowledge or wisdom. This will cause them frustration and anger when confronted by something they do not understand. Rather than admit that they do not understand they are more likely to act as if it is unimportant at the moment and try to sneak out of dealing with their lack of understanding.