I'm going to talk about the new girl I just met recently, I got her birth info today and I think it's going to be an interesting girl to say the least.
Here is how I met her:
I did a course on compatibility 2 weeks ago and I learn a lot things with that. I'm going to use that information here.
The most important thing in a compatibility is the moon.
I have my moon in Gemini, which means that I will be compatible with girls who has their moon from Gemini to Sagittarius (the opposite from Gemini). It's a bit more complicated than that because I should use the Nakshatra but I will use the sign as it is more simple.
If a girl has her moon on the other side which is Capricorn to the first part of Gemini she is going to be incompatible with me. By incompatible I mean that she will take the role of the male most of the time and I will take the woman role most of the time. It will be harder for me to be the male and her the female. My last girl friend has a moon in Pisces and I can attest that it was a fight between us.
For the the male to be the male naturally the female moon have to be after the male moon, the maximum is 7th sign from the male moon. On the 8th sign it's not the case anymore, if her moon would be in Capricorn for example then her moon would incompatible to mine. The worst being if her moon is just behind yours, for me it would be if her moon would be in Taurus.
The girl I met yesterday is very compatible with me because her moon is in Virgo and according to my software it's even more than that. Because we have a total point of 32 points due to our moon placement 32/36 points. I had 26 points with my ex, and due to that we liked each other a lot.
Important part:
When I met her I was surprised by her behavior and now I know why. She has her moon with Rahu. Which is the hardest thing to deal with for a female. As the moon is the most important planet for a girl (the moon being the social planet)
Here is the description of moon rahu conjunction:
Due to that I don't think it's going to be a relationship that is going to last but it should be fun anyway.
She also has a conjunction with Mars and Venus which should make her a very sexual person. Which I also noticed in her eyes when I met her.
Another thing is that our Mars compatibility is great. When that is the case the sex should be effortless. At best I will have a sex friend or a lasting relationship if I want to endure that moon rahu craziness.
There are 4 main thing that kill a woman natural ability to be a woman:
- If her moon is wrongly placed: Moon conjunction with Saturn or rahu or Sun to a lesser extent. Her moon is dilapidated in the first 3° of Scorpio.
- Her 4th house is trashed by Saturn or Rahu. Saturn on the 4th house do that.
- The ascendant, moon and Sun are all male sign.
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius are male sign, the others are female sign.
The more females sign she has the better. The more she will be feminine.
- The ascendant is trashed by Saturn or Rahu.
There are 4 main thing that kill a man natural ability to be a man:
- If his Sun is wrongly placed: Sun conjunction with Saturn or ketu or Venus to a lesser extent. His Sun is dilapidated in Libra.
- His 10th house is trashed by Saturn or Rahu. Saturn on the 10th house do that (I have that).
- The ascendant, moon and Sun are all female sign.
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces are female sign, the others are male sign.
The more male sign he has the better. The more he will be masculine.
I noticed only person who has 3 female sign here, it's AlphaScorpio. It doesn't mean he won't has any relationship though but that it will be hard for him to take the man role in a relationship. Most of the time he will attract a woman who has her moon incompatible with him (8th to 12th from his moon).
- The ascendant is trashed by Saturn or Rahu.