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I have decided to share my astrological report with you. It's an Extensive In-Depth Report which cost $250.

The mail I sent to him asking my report:
Hi, I'm born in Ermont, France the 22th february 1991 at 10h30 am.(there may be 5 min gap in the time). I would like to have a complete report about my personality. I would like to know my weaknesses and my strengths and how to deal with them. I would also like to know my dating capacity (I'm a male) and how to improve it. I would like to know the best way to improve myself spiritually (mantra, herbs, gemstone, etc), I would like to be an astrologer. I have been studying astrology alone for 2 month until now.

Here the Link to the Report

I also ask him about my Tinnitus, it was an additional 50$ question report:

Here is the Report

If you have read the extensive report I'm wondering which sub you think would best help me in my current position. I'm currently doing BIABW.

I'm still looking for people who would like to have free short report with me. I have improve a lot since I started learning astrology.
Would you do mine?

January 17, 1989. 2:19pm Greenville, Texas, USA
With pleasure, I was wondering about yours.
Asc/lagna 12:51 Gemini
Sun 27:43 Capricorn
Moon 9:12:16 Gemini
Mars 29:10:18 Aries
Mercury 11:35 Aquarius
Jupiter 26:06 Taurus
Venus 08:52 Capricorn
Saturn 7:33 Capricorn

Moon and Asc Gemini:
Gemini is mutable air. Mutable sign is associated with skill, contemplation, instability, changement and air is associated with communication, relationship, desire.
Gemini is Active, dualistic, easily bored, changeable, curious, hedonistic, thoughtless, playful,intelligent, multi­tasking, friendly, communicative, social.
Gemini are very good with woman unless they is another strong aspect in the chart which contradict this like me. It should explain why you are good with words but not when women are around, at least before you used Sub

The lord of gemini mercury is placed in the 9 house, which give you a focus on spiritual life, helping people, doing the right thing, to understand who you really are as an individual, what your goal is on this planet. It’s also near the 10th cusp which give you a focus on material accomplishment, being a leader, acquire wealth like your Sun Capricorn sign.

Sun Capricorn in the 8th
Capricorn is cardinal earth sign,
Cardinal signs tend to be adventurous and love discovering new things. The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These are the movers and shakers, the go-getters, the ones who like to take action. and do things. Earth signs are almost the exact opposite of fire signs. They represent the slow, steady, cool, dry energy of the earth, and they are usually very practical, pragmatic, and patient. Getting excited doesn't happen easily or quickly for these signs, and neither does getting angry. Capricorn are businesslike, practical, pragmatic, emotionally cool, selfish, using, planning, efficient, sensual, prepared, effective, materialistic.
The fact that your sun sign, Venus and Saturn are in the 8th house this should give a great deal of transformation in your life. The 8th house like Scorpio is associated with occult, death, sex, maturing our emotional security, manipulation, etc
The sun lord is Saturn which is in the same house.
Your sign Venus is in a 4° conjunction from the 8th house. So what I just said earlier should be focus on relationship, desire (Venus quality).

I think it’ll be no surprise for you.
The most apparent problem I see in your chart surrounding relationship is your strong conjunction (1°) between Venus and Saturn in the 8th house.
“Venus is the planet of relationship” and “saturn the planet of delays, pain, sorrow to resolve past karma. “ So this strong conjunction will delays relationship, create problem until it is resolved which is around thirty for most people.

Venus in capricorn:

Your mars is well place in Aries which should give you a strong capacity to get things done in general. It’s not perfect though because it has some aspect from Saturn and the sun.
Your mars is also conjunct the 12 house cusp, I’m not sure about that but it should give you some good skill, imagination to produce things, it is also related to expenses which should be good ones because your mars is well place.
Mars is also your atmakaaraka (representative of self). Which is usually related to what a person is meant to do in his life. Your mars is lord of the 6 house which is also a house of skill, ability to destroy your enemy, ability to heal yourself from wound, disease. Your mars is in the 11 house which is related to social security, having friends that can help us, having titles like grades which give social security as an individual. To give you an example of what I mean with the 6th and 12 house you can study Nikola Tesla horoscope:

Mercury in aquarius, usually it gives intelligent people.

Rahu in the 10th house in Pisces, Rahu is the major goal in life for a person. It is the undeveloped area of our life/skills , things we didn't do well in pasted life, things we are scared of. So it is a strong focus in our life especially right now for you because you are in Rahu period from June 2000 to March 2018. The 10th house like Capricorn is focus on business, material aspect of life. But with Pisces there it should give some opposite effects like faith, everything that is not earthly, seeing the big picture, not just the raw materialistic view which doesn't consider human emotions. (Pisces characteristic : Talkative, moody, confused, irrational, caring, loving, optimistic, dreaming, hedonistic, addictive, sensitive, delusional, dualistic, diffused, self destructive.)

Computer generated description:

Gemini as the lagna indicates a curious and experimental approach to life. Gemini natives tend to be multi-talented, and are in a state of determining which of their talents to focus and cultivate. They make their way through life through trial and error, experimentation as it were, based upon that which they understand through their active intellects. They are friendly, communicate, and fair in nature. Most importantly, their intelligence and knowledge direct their life.
The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing quality of Sagittarius. To believe and have faith in those things they do not understand or are unable to measure with their intellect. They must also learn to focus their minds and intellects on those things that will serve some purpose and that are not merely entertaining. This tends to give partners who are more philosophical or idealistic in nature, or partners who teach the native faith through their lives, or by demanding it as a result of not being as rational and explanatory as the native may desire.

KETU IN THE 4TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 10TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 4th indicates that the native in recent past lives has created security by stabilizing, or controlling their emotions and reactions to the events in life. As the result, the native appears strong internally. The native will generally have more success in creating security by going inward than to tackle things externally. There is a tendency to over-control the feelings and reactions, which may cause eruptions or moods to be triggered when the native can no longer take it. It is because the emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with detachment that these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow the emotions to flow freely, to let the feelings to feel what they may, without any fear of the pain that may be involved with this. The more the emotions and one's reactions are controlled by the native's thoughts about how they should feel, the more out of control and chaotic the external environment will be.
Rahu's placement in the 10th indicates this chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in the 10th the native learns to bring about a balance in their outer activities that reflects a balanced inner life. A controlled inner life, the security indicated by Ketu in the 4th, is not a balanced inner life, and the imbalances will be revealed by external factors being unstable through Rahu in the 10th.
Ketu in the 4th also indicates strong feelings about the things that are important to the native. Rahu in the 10th gives an ambition to make things happen with those things that the native feels so strongly about, and an outlet for doing so as well.

KETU IN VIRGO, RAHU IN PISCES: Ketu in Virgo indicates a native who in recent past lives has attempted to improve life by practically implementing their resources, skills and intelligence. They are also firm believers that the quality of work done indicates the return of their efforts. Work well done has been compensated, work left undone or done poorly has caused suffering, deterioration, etc. In this lifetime, therefore, the native is a skilled and diligent worker.
Rahu in Pisces indicates that the native must learn to surrender the fruits of their works. Rahu brings to light those areas that their current efforts seem to have no bearing upon; the work the native does will not have much effect upon the outcome. When faced by difficulties, this usually brings some feelings of hopelessness that things could ever improve, as the native feels like nothing they do makes a difference. At this point the native may become lethargic and dream of a better future, but what is necessary is to continue on with their activities, realizing that they must complete their karmas as indicated by Rahu's position in Pisces. Rahu always indicates those things we can only experience and work out in the material world, when in Pisces, those things are in a stage of completion and resolution.

KETU/MOON: The influence of Ketu on the Moon (with rasi aspect) indicates a deeper, probing, mentality that generally suffers discontentment in the world. When Ketu influences the Moon, the mentality is not so superficial as to be able to simply enjoy the pleasures of the world. The mind is always looking deeper, beneath the surface, and thus there is always a nagging discontent and questioning. This creates an introverted mindset, which in a spiritual nativity is conducive to spiritual practices. In other nativities, this may cause introversions and frustrations that may have violent or explosive eruptions. Generally it is found that natives with Ketu influencing the Moon have an interest in psychology.
Another noticeable trait of Ketu's influence to the Moon is to make the native very emotionally controlled and rigid. When they are in a negative mood, there is not a lot anyone can do to cheer them up, they pretty much have to suffer through the mood, after which they will get up feeling just fine. In fact the depths of their moods rarely correlate to what brought the mood upon them. There will usually be associated sub-conscious and past life feelings stirred up by that which triggers the mood. After the mood, the native will appear as balanced and controlled as usual, but one of the reasons the moods are so severe is that the natives do not flow with, and reveal, their feelings, until a buildup has occurred, and then the deep mood. These natives also have an ability to cheer anyone out of a mood; this is due to their ability to not let any feelings come through except those that they want to reveal.
In recent past lives, those with Ketu influencing the Moon have established a level of security and safety in the world by controlling their reactions to the many painful things in life. Controlling is one thing, feeling is another, so there is usually some pent-up pain in the native that is released when a mood is triggered. The developmental goal is to purge the mind from subconscious pain, remorse, regret, etc. and to develop a spiritualized mentality that truly remains at peace amidst the varying conditions and reactions of life, rather than a mentality that controls the feelings and reactions.

RAHU/MOON: The influence of Rahu on the Moon (with rasi aspect) results in some weakness in the mind that is in need of strengthening. This is generally the result of the mind not being centered in the heart, instead being centered externally or remaining unfocused. When the mind is centered externally there is discontent and depression that comes from the lack of fulfillment the world has to offer. When the mind remains unfocused there is a higher degree of psychic disorders, and/or a lack of clarity and concentration. Rahu influencing the Moon may give heightened psychic sensitivity but usually this is also accompanied by a weakness that make the native more sensitive to psychic disorders.
Other weakness of the mind caused by Rahu may be various types of mental derangement, but for any serious difficulties other malefic influences must also be indicated. In the horoscopes of natives with strong spiritual tendencies, Rahu influencing the Moon may give strong attunement.
The discontent that Rahu casts upon the Moon is also a cause of addictions. Addictions also serve to make the mind unfocused, which results again in psychic disorders. Rahu may also give a tendency to live in the imagination, in the realm of fantasy, wishes and hopes, which ultimately lead to discontent and depression because in the end the native still lives in the real world.
In female natives the conjunction of the Moon with Rahu creates a strong feminine magnetism, and a strong emotional transparency that is attractive to men. However, the woman herself feels ungrounded and insecure and is usually not emotionally healthy enough to enjoy a relationship.
The need for the native, when Rahu is influencing the Moon is to learn to keep the mind anchored in the heart, the one place of true satisfaction for it. With natives having spiritual tendencies this is an eventual possibility.
Still doing these?


07.29.1990 5:05pm
Simi Valley, CA-USA
Thanks maniac. So my biggest problem is delaying relationships? Sounds about right.
If you're curious, my Chinese zodiac is Yang Earth Dragon.
(12-17-2014, 09:25 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote: [ -> ]Still doing these?


07.29.1990 5:05pm
Simi Valley, CA-USA

Yes but you'll have to wait I have 2 other to do first.
(12-17-2014, 09:48 AM)Geodude Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks maniac. So my biggest problem is delaying relationships? Sounds about right.
If you're curious, my Chinese zodiac is Yang Earth Dragon.

I won't say the biggest, that one I'm not sure. But it's the most obvious. That kind of strong conjunction really appear very obvious for people around you in your behavior. It's often a strong part of the personality.

For example I when I see a strong conjunction of mercury and Jupiter I know they are very good with words, speaking, being playful etc. Richard Bandler and Jim Carrey have this conjunction. It's a much stronger conjunction for Jim Carrey and you can see his craziness more obvious.

I never learn Chinese Zodiac but I guess they have things that are the same but said with different terms, different perspective.

Asc/lagna 20:40 capricorn
Sun 7:00 Scorpion
Moon 20:38 Gemini
Mars 29:55 Leo
Mercury 05:11 Scorpion
Jupiter 12:31 Capricorn
Venus 00:48 Libra
Saturn 01:36:56 Aries

Capricorn Lagna:
They are focus on business, material affair, they are great leader. They don’t really care about emotion. They are Businesslike, practical, pragmatic, emotionally cool, selfish, using, planning, efficient, sensual, prepared, effective, materialistic. The lagna lord is saturn in the 4th house so there will be a focus on home in your life. The 4th house is related to emotional environment. It relates to mother, home and emotional happiness.
Difficult planetary placements will show the troubles one has in domestic matters. This house shows emotional identification and a sense of belonging. Your Saturn is debilitated so they have been problem in domestic matter. Ketu been there also show that in past life you certainly have struggle there too but know you focus on the opposite direction because rahu is in the 10h which has the same meaning as Capricorn your Lagna (focus on business, materialistic attitude). Your Rahu is conjunct with venus in Libra in the 10th house. Rahu represent the undeveloped part of your personality, the one you have to develop in this lifetime. Venus in libra will give a strong focus on style, relationship, art, sex and rahu will expand that the extreme. Venus is strongly aspected by saturn which like Geodude can delays relationship but It’s more strongly present with Geodude because it’s a conjunction.

Conjunction rahu venus like Artemis

Moon gemini it’s like Geodude and me but in the 6th house. I guess that would make you a very skilled person. Gemini are skilled and the 6th house relate to skill too. An interest in medicine and healing skills, as well as nutrition, diet and food
preparation are also related to this house. The lord is combust so that would create more problem in the area, more difficulty to integrate in the working environment.

The sun is in Scorpion in the 11th house. Scorpio relate to securing your emotion, being secure emotionally and the 11th relate to being secure socially. Scorpion can show a greal deal of emotion, and affect people easily even though they only feel their own emotions. Which make them great at manipulation (consciously and unconsciously). They can make great actor and singer because of that. The lord of the sun Mars is in the 8th house which is the scorpion house, the death house, the occult house relating to the dark side. all of that will make the scorpion side more apparent.
Then your mars is you atmakaaraka (representative of self). So you will certainly have a strong focus in this area all throughout your life. I notice a lot of people here have focus on this area which relate to transformation and subliminal transform us. Make emotionally secure. The goal of this house is being secure emotionally: emotional security. It means that what ever happen around us inside we are stay comfortable, secure. The 8th House is associated with our private intimate relationships with others—with unspoken emotions which tend to be suppressed during the course of the day. As such the 8th house is related to the ability to show sexual intimacy, and the strength of sexual desire. Planets placed here will show the ease or difficulty that we may experience in lowering emotional defences. There can be much emotional anxiety and trauma connected with this house. Planets placed here will be hidden in their
expression and reflect unresolved emotional issues. The 8th house also reflects the emotions evoked in others. Unforeseen breaks and changes to the pattern of one’s life are also associated with the 8th house. It is also related to an interest in occult and psychological powers, death and beyond death states.
Mars in leo:

Venus in libra:

Mercury in scorpio:

DEBILITATED JUPITER: If Jupiter is debilitated, there is a desire to find something of lasting meaning in the material world; this not being found results in feelings of purposelessness, lack of faith and hope. That which a debilitated Jupiter affects in the horoscope suffers due to a lack of the faith necessary to get through hardships, and also due to giving up because no grand purpose is seen in continuing.
Jupiter has its debilitation cancelled so the native AlphaMind finds that meaning and purpose in life can come from the simple things.

DEBILITATED SATURN: If Saturn is debilitated, the native's focus and determination is weak, they are not secure in their activities. There is rarely the perseverance necessary to achieve the desired end; small mistakes and obstacles loom large. Debilitated Saturn may appear humble, but it is not truly humble, but rather an inability to manifest determination. That which debilitated Saturn affects in the horoscope suffers due to negligence, and indifference.
Saturn has its debilitation cancelled so the native develops focus and determination as well as detachment and sincere humility.
Saturn is lagna lord, the lagna represent your physical body so I guess you have some some weakness in your body.

COMBUST MERCURY: When Mercury is combust the individual experiences feelings of vulnerability when making requests. The self is identified with the function of speech and feels hurt and rejected when his requests are slighted or denied. The ego is fearful of having its request denied and therefore feeling rejected on a personal level. Even legitimate requests such as asking for a well-deserved raise, requesting from loved ones and returning an item to a store become difficult. After some time the individual feels taken advantage of and unfulfilled at which time anger and resentment set in. The individual must recognize that they must take direct responsibility for getting their needs and desires met by communicating them clearly and strongly. They are generally only able to communicate their desires and needs more overtly through hints, or in a joking manner. Combust Mercury presents the most trouble in personal relationships where a clear communication of needs and desires is important for maintaining harmony and in business affairs where money must be asked for. In essence, when Mercury is combust the native is angry because they are unable to maintain a fair exchange with others.
Generally the issues revolving around a combust Mercury develop in this lifetime when the native, as a child, felt rejected when making requests for things from the father, and the father answering something like this, "What do you want that for, its stupid, a waste of money, etc."
The 6th lord mercury is combust so it gives troubles with subordinates, or weakens our immunity and resistance to disease. I see four time some weakness to your physical body so I think you should be careful about this.

I see a strong ressemblance from your horoscope and her :
In the main chart she has only Two different sign different from yours : Mars and Moon. But don’t get over excited this doesn’t mean you are like her, there is a lot more than that in a horoscope that define an individual, I barely scratch the surface.

Computer generated description:
The native with Capricorn lagna has a life of activities and rewards that is based upon their previous karmas. Capricorn is the natural 10th house of the zodiac, the house of greatest activity as well as the most powerful house. But Capricorn is an even sign, meaning its nature is receptive, not initiative. This is because Capricorn is receptive to the effects of the actions taken previously, and the accumulation of previous actions is the most powerful activating force there is. The native with Capricorn lagna has a sense of responsibility towards their actions that may cause them a lot of worry, attachment and suffering because they have a tendency to feel immediately responsible for something that is far more powerful than any momentary use of their will. They will always fall short of their expectations and suffer from insecurities as long as they see themselves as the doer and responsible right now for what is. On the other hand if they are performing well, they may attach and identify with the results of their works and this may give rise to pride, but then the lagna lord Saturn will force them humbly to their knees. It is detachment from the fruits of their works that is their key to happiness. The fruits are not only the material rewards, but also the reward of what others think about them for their actions, and what the native thinks about themselves due to their actions.
The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing qualities of Cancer. While being detached, the Capricorn native must feel, and be sensitive. They must learn to change as their needs and feelings require, and not just change to meet the needs of one's duty. Most importantly they must learn how expectations that their inner needs be met by externals creates unhappiness, and that they must fulfill these needs within themselves. Partnerships will be with those much more overtly sensitive and emotional, or with those that bring the native's feelings to their attention. Relationships very much serve to make them aware of their sensitivity and needs.

KETU IN THE 4TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 10TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 4th indicates that the native in recent past lives has created security by stabilizing, or controlling their emotions and reactions to the events in life. As the result, the native appears strong internally. The native will generally have more success in creating security by going inward than to tackle things externally. There is a tendency to over-control the feelings and reactions, which may cause eruptions or moods to be triggered when the native can no longer take it. It is because the emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with detachment that these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow the emotions to flow freely, to let the feelings to feel what they may, without any fear of the pain that may be involved with this. The more the emotions and one's reactions are controlled by the native's thoughts about how they should feel, the more out of control and chaotic the external environment will be.
Rahu's placement in the 10th indicates this chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in the 10th the native learns to bring about a balance in their outer activities that reflects a balanced inner life. A controlled inner life, the security indicated by Ketu in the 4th, is not a balanced inner life, and the imbalances will be revealed by external factors being unstable through Rahu in the 10th.
Ketu in the 4th also indicates strong feelings about the things that are important to the native. Rahu in the 10th gives an ambition to make things happen with those things that the native feels so strongly about, and an outlet for doing so as well.

KETU IN ARIES, RAHU IN LIBRA: Ketu in Aries indicates that the native in recent past lives has created his security through personal initiative, strength, and will. Much of this was done with only the goal in sight, the consequences, or price was generally not considered. In this lifetime the native will experience doubts that serve to curb their impulsiveness. Also in this lifetime events will transpire that force the native into situations that require courage and strength to fulfill a goal that has a high price, a price that may be higher than the native may want to pay. This, though, is usually the result of the previous karmas of impulsively or willfully pursuing a goal, without thought for the consequences.
Rahu's position in Libra indicates that the native is in need of developing the talent of seeing that every action has a price, and that that price must be willingly paid. The key to living a happy life is to determine the price of their desires and actions, so that they will know what they are getting themselves into, or if indeed they even want to pursue their desired actions.
Ketu in Aries, indicates a native that has acted through its own initiative, strength and will. As a result of this they may view the many things that happen in their lives, or that effect others, as their own fault, or due to them. Rahu in Libra has to teach that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the law of karma. Much of what happens is not due to them, or their fault, but only the natural workings of the law of karma that allows all men to reap the due rewards of their actions.

KETU/SATURN: The influence of Ketu on Saturn indicates a nativity that has experienced security as a result of being an authority in some manner or field. In this life, Ketu's goal is to free the native from the need of being an authority figure in order to feel secure. Ketu does this through confrontations with those that cause the native to doubt their capacity as an authority figure. These doubts result in the native having the only choice of learning to be happy and secure without being an authority figure.

KETU/SUN: The influence of Ketu on the Sun (with rasi aspect) is to free the native from ego identification. Ketu creates strong self-doubts that cause the native to feel a lack in everything they do. There is a strong need to establish perfection in their actions. This perfection is never realized, as Ketu is presided by the Absolute aspect of God, and thus a level of accomplishment that would satisfy him is not to be found in the material. All other levels of accomplishment leave a nagging feeling of doubt; what the native is aware of is what he did not do, the perfection they did not accomplish. Until the native is able to free themselves from the attachment of seeing themselves as the doer these painful self-doubts persist. Once the native understands that a perfect accomplishment consists of the results of one's karmas, plus or minus any merits or demerits, plus any grace, then he becomes free of these doubts that are really just the result of being attached to one's role and seeing themselves as the doer.
Ketu influencing the Sun is also indicative of the native having a degree of importance or influence in their recent past lives, as well as having felt accomplished in manifesting their destiny. Again the doubts given by Ketu cause the native to be hidden and feel insecure in order that they free themselves from the limited security given by importance, power and influence.

KETU/MARS: The influence of Ketu on Mars (with rasi aspect) creates a nativity that in recent past lives has established a security foundation based upon one's strength and will. In this life the native generally has some insecurity and doubts revolving around the use of their will and this causes their will to become humbled. They are generally inclined towards peace, but they may actually have violent thoughts, which may even surprise themselves. There is generally some inability to harness their will according to their demand and this may cause great frustrations and explosions in temper. Often, there will be thoughts of great adventure and heroism, when it comes down to the real thing, however, the native either withdraws, with doubt, from the challenge, or experiences some lack of fulfillment even if becoming the victor in the challenge.
Mars and Ketu are both violent planets that tend to break and injure things; therefore the areas of life that are under the influence of both Ketu and Mars tend to suffer some injury or damage. This completes the karmas of breaking, fighting, etc. from the past lives.

KETU/MERCURY: The influence of Ketu on Mercury (with rasi aspect) indicates a nativity that in recent past lives has established a security foundation in the world that was based upon their intellectual understanding of things, the nature of the world, etc. In this life they experience great doubts with their rational understanding, and they always feel like there is a bit of information missing that they need before they can close the case, make a decision, etc. This forces them to rely on their gut feeling, intuition, taking a chance, etc. in short to force them to go beyond the need of the intellect.
The intellect, having provided such security in the past, is rigid when confronted with ideas or concepts that are at variance with the native's paradigm or understanding, as these new ideas are felt as a threat to one's security. This causes initial resistance and even debate with those bringing new ideas or concepts, and the Ketu/Mercury native will always be able to win an intellectual debate, but later, when alone, the native experiences doubts once again that force them to acknowledge something outside their understanding.
At worst, this combination may cause one to be indecisive, and experience anxiety if they are unable to listen to their intuition, or do not have faith in a greater guiding principle than their own intellects. On the useful side, this combination gives a great research mind and the capacity for deep thinking.

RAHU/VENUS: The influence of Rahu on Venus indicates a native with a very powerful desire nature that causes disruption with what they want, particularly with regards to relationships. There is generally a tendency to experience powerful hypnotic attractions to individuals of the opposite sex. These attractions are the result of one aspect of the person to whom the native is attracted to seem like the all, when in fact it is only one small aspect that the native is attracted to. This small aspect is something that the native is attempting to develop within himself at the time of the attraction. The result is a tendency to "fall in love" before seeing the person completely for what they are, which results in eventual disappointment or discontentment. Maintaining balance and harmony in relationships are found to be difficult for the native and they need to develop some discrimination with regards to whom they fall in love with, as those people they fall in love with rarely validate their love or fulfill their desire.
Venus represents conscious desires. Rahu represents subconscious desires, primal desires, hopes, wishes, fantasies, strange longings, etc. Putting these together may result in a very compulsive desire nature, which has little chance of fulfillment. The resulting discontent may eventually serve to motivate the native towards some spiritual fulfillment, provided there are strong spiritualizing factors in the horoscope.

RAHU/MARS: The influence of Rahu on Mars (with rasi aspect) indicates a native who is in need of developing the healthy use of their will and power. The native usually has an explosive potential and many power struggles with people. The native may have a lack of confidence in using their will. This may create abusive situations in life as well as anger and frustration whenever one's will is thwarted or challenged. The insecurity revolving around the use of their will that causes their self-esteem to feel threatened may lead to aggressive and abusive behavior. The native needs to learn a proper application of the use of the will, part of which is to know when to use it and when not to.
Rahu influencing Mars indicates ideas in the mind that something must be had at any cost, the option of not having or not winning is out of the question. This may cause over aggressiveness or excess impulsiveness.

Your chart:
Thanks Maniac!! The analysis is accurate, but I can't connect my chart. Apparently every time I click the link it will only offer me upload the drive not having a picture like Geodude's.
It wasn't the good link, it's ok now.
Hi maniac360,

Will check mine out please?

Female born January 11, 1968 at11:30 am in Las Vegas Nevada.

Once told (years ago) that I am a Capricorn with an Aries rising with the potential to do great things. I have faith that Shannons subs will get me there
I'll I have 2 more in queue first.
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