Quote:I came up with the sexual escalation from reading one of your posts you made a few months back, you were mentioning how you would like it included in a future set and Shannon's reply was that you probably wouldn't need it after finishing the 09 Alpha. It really looks like you do need it after all, huh?
IMO, I think some of the sexual things, like eye seduction, sexual confidence/escalation/and dominance are important for an Alpha Male to have, especially considering the program itself mentions working on making a person sexy but from what WildFlower went through, didn't seem to be a whole lot?
I don't need it. Could benefit from it, though, yes. The 09 alpha set, and Women Magnet set have made a difference with it comes to me being more open about my sexual interest, just not to the extent I want. I don't think they where planned for that though. And honestly, I would probably say I'm a special case in that regard anyway; showing direct, concrete interest has always been one of my major sticking points. Not that I need to show interest at the moment; girls are very forward about their intent as it seems they can pick up on my subtle - women magnet - projections. I imagine some of the shyer girls are missing out though. Trust me, I did go through a 'whole lot'; There is a big difference between being more sexy and being more of a pursuer. Eye contact; walk; talk; aura; humour; body language; etc, all of these have undergone major changes both through the Alpha set and Women Magnet.
Anyway, I think we are missing the point here. From what I can gather the debate is how much
surface Alpha can be included in the set without detracting from the major work of the
core Alpha. Being more a peruser with Women is one of the many surface changes which I think the set could benefit from, but I by no means see it as a core trait. Charisma; Ambition; passion; sexual confidence; and the others mentioned on the list, if there in enough room for these then I think the Alpha set would become twice as incredible - I'm bubbling with excitement at the thought of it. Core work is crucial though; confidence; self belief; lack of neediness; etc. Without these the rest is a house built on sand.
Well I wonder how much Sex Magnet is going to cover things like sexual confidence, dominance, and escalation?
Quote:EDIT: I would be so grateful of you,Shannon, if you made a seperate subliminal that dealt with Sexual escalation/Confidence/Dominance directly. I believe Wildflower made a suggestion to this. and this has been a sticking point of mine. This has plagued me my whole life.
It's obvious to me where I developed this "do not show interest; interest = neediness" belief from - seeing all the try hard's fail. I've perhaps leaned to far in the other direction though. Discretion is often needed in these situations as to how much is too much; how much is too little; and how much is just right. Goldilocks and the three bears. It isn't a one size fits all either; there is a time to be aloof and mysterious, and a time to "go out and get em'". I do fear, though, that a sexual escalation sub for someone who hasn't gone through the Alpha set, or someone who has that value naturally, could be a disaster. Hot blooded without the smooth, alpha maturity is just desperation and not at all attractive. The Alpha who remains cool, calm and under control in the vast majority of circumstances, but then, at others takes the risk and goes for the kill, expresses his interest, is - I imagine (no homo) - unbelievably sexy. Like I said, without the core, you won't be able to pull it off.
(01-04-2011, 01:23 PM)WildFlower Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:EDIT: I would be so grateful of you,Shannon, if you made a seperate subliminal that dealt with Sexual escalation/Confidence/Dominance directly. I believe Wildflower made a suggestion to this. and this has been a sticking point of mine. This has plagued me my whole life.
It's obvious to me where I developed this "do not show interest; interest = neediness" belief from - seeing all the try hard's fail. I've perhaps leaned to far in the other direction though. Discretion is often needed in these situations as to how much is too much; how much is too little; and how much is just right. Goldilocks and the three bears. It isn't a one size fits all either; there is a time to be aloof and mysterious, and a time to "go out and get em'". I do fear, though, that a sexual escalation sub for someone who hasn't gone through the Alpha set, or someone who has that value naturally, could be a disaster. Hot blooded without the smooth, alpha maturity is just desperation and not at all attractive. The Alpha who remains cool, calm and under control in the vast majority of circumstances, but then, at others takes the risk and goes for the kill, expresses his interest, is - I imagine (no homo) - unbelievably sexy. Like I said, without the core, you won't be able to pull it off.
Wild, I too went through all of that a few months back and still do struggle from time to time. However... I realized, by playing too hard or by showing no interest, I didn't get what I wanted, because they thought I was either uninterested OR I was a complete asshole trying to ditch them to show that I wasn't so easy... I realized, the more I became a ladies man, the more I was able to show interest without being a loser. Now I show interest, usually after the girl has come to me. From that point on, I'll be somewhat of a tease and the sweet girl who leads guys on, but I don't hurt them at the same time.
The other night when I was with my date. I was thinking, god I wish she'd kiss me at New Years, I want to make out so bad (a state of neediness, obviously). I let things unfold and she didn't kiss me. Later on, I was in my head wondering why she's not advancing. She obviously liked me, was giving me strong eye contact, flirting, I wanted to advance things so bad. So what I do? I said screw it, I want it, I'll take it! I invited her outside with me while I smoked a cig, she scooted closer, I wrapped my arm around her, she got even closer and more comfortable then I grabbed her kissed her, let everything else unfold and invited myself to sleep over. I had to stop thinking about what it was I needed to do in order to get the girl to come on to me or to do something, like I felt like I NEEDED verification that what I was doing wasn't wrong. Yet, she told me later on how disappointed she was when I did not kiss her at midnight! Shy girls are especially hard when it comes to this.
When I realized the power I had a few months back, it was incredible, I could literally do anything I wanted to these girls and they did not freak out. I would tell them to scoot over and sit next to me, put my arm around them, and let things happen. Another time, I grabbed a girl to sit next to me and started fingering her under the table at a restaurant. I even grabbed a girl and wrote my number down her arm. All of these are moments where I told myself, f- it, I want it so I will take it, after wards they all told me the same thing, I have been waiting forever for that!
Need to get in your head immediately, that you have too much power as a man to let women have their way with you. Sometimes, you need to tell/show them what to do.
(01-04-2011, 01:20 PM)Ryan Wrote: [ -> ]Well I wonder how much Sex Magnet is going to cover things like sexual confidence, dominance, and escalation?
I imagine Sex Magnet will be to Women Magnet, what Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women Sexually is to Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women. One thing we learnt from Women Magnet is, you must lay down the alpha bedrock first.
While on the subject, Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women does cover expressing and acting on interest in part:
"I now give myself complete permission to fully express my masculine sexiness and desirability, and I now do this effortlessly."
"expressing my masculine sexiness and desirability continually and quickly attracts beautiful women to me and gets them to immediately act on their attraction to me in direct and obvious ways. "
" I always notice and boldly and immediately act on and take full advantage of. "
Quote:Wild, I too went through all of that a few months back and still do struggle from time to time. However... I realized, by playing too hard or by showing no interest, I didn't get what I wanted, because they thought I was either uninterested OR I was a complete ***** trying to ditch them to show that I wasn't so easy... I realized, the more I became a ladies man, the more I was able to show interest without being a loser. Now I show interest, usually after the girl has come to me. From that point on, I'll be somewhat of a tease and the sweet girl who leads guys on, but I don't hurt them at the same time.
The other night when I was with my date. I was thinking, god I wish she'd kiss me at New Years, I want to make out so bad (a state of neediness, obviously). I let things unfold and she didn't kiss me. Later on, I was in my head wondering why she's not advancing. She obviously liked me, was giving me strong eye contact, flirting, I wanted to advance things so bad. So what I do? I said screw it, I want it, I'll take it! I invited her outside with me while I smoked a cig, she scooted closer, I wrapped my arm around her, she got even closer and more comfortable then I grabbed her kissed her, let everything else unfold and invited myself to sleep over. I had to stop thinking about what it was I needed to do in order to get the girl to come on to me or to do something, like I felt like I NEEDED verification that what I was doing wasn't wrong. Yet, she told me later on how disappointed she was when I did not kiss her at midnight! Shy girls are especially hard when it comes to this.
When I realized the power I had a few months back, it was incredible, I could literally do anything I wanted to these girls and they did not freak out. I would tell them to scoot over and sit next to me, put my arm around them, and let things happen. Another time, I grabbed a girl to sit next to me and started fingering her under the table at a restaurant. I even grabbed a girl and wrote my number down her arm. All of these are moments where I told myself, f- it, I want it so I will take it, after wards they all told me the same thing, I have been waiting forever for that!
Need to get in your head immediately, that you have too much power as a man to let women have their way with you. Sometimes, you need to tell/show them what to do.
Absolutely! Nice story!
Teasing Women - thanks to Women Magnet - is now second nature to me - I guess you picked that up too from Women Magnet? Showing interest with my eyes, body language, playfulness, etc, is also second nature to me. Still this interest is passive, which is totally ideal at first, but Women start to second guess themselves when that interest doesn't escalate at the pace they where expecting. Eventually - like you - I stop over-thinking, grab my balls, and just go for it. This actually resulted in me having a very similar new years eve to yourself; I was sat on a big plastic rhino making out with this girl all night, it was crucial that I bit the bullet and showed interest there.
I think when something is obviously caused by a subconscious belief it can be hard to break that cycle. Take Approaching for example; I had for years wanted to approach people, and when I tried, it was very clumsy and forced. Very hard but I forced myself to do it. A few months into the Alpha set and it has, to my surprise, become totally natural to me. Leaving my comfort zone; being less interested in the outcome; etc, these things have all helped me become more overt with my interest. And I consciously make myself show more interest. I'm by no means, making this something that I must resolve with a sub - I've made bid steps on my own - I just thought it would make a great addition to the 2011 Alpha set.
The teasing thing was something I've had my entire life. I've really developed it over the past year, plus with the subliminals, made it more natural.
As far as sexual escalation it doesn't sound like you have any issues? Do you mean you're just having problems getting from kissing to sex?
I took today to spend not directly working on building the set, but to work on really deciding what fits with what Alpha is and should be. I am starting to think that a lot of what's on the original list should not be included, because it will distract from and dilute the core alpha programming.
However, I think there is enough there that a second set - not sure what I'd call it, but "surface alpha" doesn't work - would be a great way to get it all in without diluting or distracting from the core. The down side is, it would be 3 to 6 more stages... unless you guys think a 9 to 12 stage alpha set, at about twice the price, would be cool?
I think it's better to make it modular than to try to bolt everything on. Do what you do, do it right, do it well, and be done with it. That philosophy works well.
Ok, I think we ALL need to take another look at that list. First off, there were 19 suggestions in there. They're ALL very useful, however in order to ensure that the new Alpha Set is below 80 minutes and also keep the Alpha Set at 6 stages and avoid extending it by another 3 stages let's narrow it down.
First off Shannon, in your honest opinion how many of those suggestions could comfortably fit into the new Alpha Set? When I say comfortably, I mean that all the points added in can be addressed without having to drastically increase the number of minutes per stage.
Second, I suggest that EVERYONE who plans on buying the new Alpha Set copy and paste the list of stuff going into it and mark the 5 things that YOU personally want into the set with bold letters (I'll go first to demonstrate at the end). After that, Shannon can then go in and personally tally the suggestions that were the highest and include those into the new Alpha Set. For example: Winner's Mindset= 5 votes, Charisma=8 votes, Eye Seduction=3 votes, etc.
The highest up will be automatically included into the set but the ones that are tied for the final slot have two options: The 1st option is that Shannon personally choose whichever of the tied suggestions get in. This saves on TIME unlike the next option. Option 2: We re-vote on the remaining suggestions.
Winner's Mindset
Assertiveness (enhancing what was already there)
Eye Seduction
Sexual escalation/Confidence/Dominance
Sexy Voice
Carpe Diem
Better Sex Life
That's cool
but I think that sexual confidence
is an integral part of alpha hood
If one is not sexually confident it carries over into all
Parts of ones life. Acting on ones desires so to speak.
Anyway I second a surface alpha set maybe where the surface things become
Core and the other alpha stuff is fit in much more sparingly and secondarily
u could call it alpha mod 1. On 2nd thought I second a 9-12 stage set
including all the prior things+ gratitude and honesty. It could be called
Problems be gone perfect bada$$ sub lol
either way Im excited for 011 just to be able to do a masked alpha
And not worry if its working or not!lol
Haha I didn't call it that
funny forum with magical modify powers
shame I've learned my lesson
Point is 9-12 months is a great idea
but for fairness, to those who want to do current version alpha, and pricing wise
I think alpha mod 1 sub is best-with a mandatory proof of purchase of a prior alpha set
can't have mods without the core
(01-04-2011, 08:18 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: [ -> ]That's cool
but I think that sexual confidence
is an integral part of alpha hood
If one is not sexually confident it carries over into all
Parts of ones life. Acting on ones desires so to speak.
Anyway I second a surface alpha set maybe where the surface things become
Core and the other alpha stuff is fit in much more sparingly and secondarily
u could call it alpha mod 1. On 2nd thought I second a 9-12 stage set
including all the prior things+ gratitude and honesty. It could be called
Problems be gone perfect naughty little boy sub lol
either way Im excited for 011 just to be able to do a masked alpha
And not worry if its working or not!lol
Haha I didn't call it that
funny forum with magical modify powers
shame I've learned my lesson
Point is 9-12 months is a great idea
but for fairness, to those who want to do current version alpha, and pricing wise
I think alpha mod 1 sub is best-with a mandatory proof of purchase of a prior alpha set
can't have mods without the core
If the Alpha Set is going to be 9-12 stages then we might as well just use Alpha for 6 months and then use either BIABW Sexually or Sex Magnet afterwards if the goal is better sexual confidence/ sex life/ escalation. It doesn't make sense to me for it to be 9-12stages if there are other programs that are already designed to be used right after the Alpha Set to "upgrade" your sex life (such as Woman/Sex Magnet).
Now, if the price of a 9-12 stage Alpha Set was
less than 200 dollars, then it would be a great deal because you'd essentially be getting a good dose of Alpha programing along with a dose of Woman/Sex magnet programing at a cheaper price than if you bought them back to back. That's the only way I would agree with a 9-12 stage Alpha Set.
The Alpha mod thing Rainbow suggested does sound pretty good too.
Carpe diem is seeming to be covering sexual escalation for me
if I do it for a couple hours mixed with Alpha and I go out, I find myself just making the most to move things forwards-its a bit blunt sometimes haha but it still works, not as smooth as a like though, almost like I'm jumping into the icy lake
My votes would go for
winner's mindset
sexual escalation/confidence/dominance
better sex life
with a runners up of extroversion and initiative, and optimism
I chose this for two reasons.
1. just because those are things that are harder to do manually (non sub) in my opinion
I could say get yourself organized, or man up and take the lead, or just persist, or don't procrastinate and of course its not that easy but those or all things we know what to do and we just need to do it, I feel alpha 2010 has already helped me will all those things directly. But if I were to say BE sexually confident or think like a winner, or be passionate about it, I feel its not as easy, those are actions and ways of being that come from powerful states of feeling and conviction so it would be easy to let the sub work on those from the inside out.
2. Lets be honest, from my experience and what I've read around on the forums the first 3 stages of Alpha can be pretty rough, lots of caged animal, emptiness, hollowness, drive with no aim,
neediness coming out, I feel that a winners mindset would obviously support that, motivation would help get us out and doing what we need to do to both get out of funks and fulfill our potential, passion just makes everything fun and worthwhile, and fearless sexual escalation and great sex life just makes anything more fun and hopefully fulfilling.
optimism, extroversion, and initiative follow up for similar reasons, I find them harder qualities to cultivate on one's own, although from reading wilderflower's old post in sounds like these were really covered in the 2009 set and am sure the 2010 set as well as least indirectly
oh carp diem's awesome
but its easy enough to add on the side for a quick
few hours
Shannon, although you're already started building the program, I still wanted to make a small suggestion. I would really like to see Balance Your Brain Hemispheres in the 2011 version (if it's not in the 2010 version already). The reasons being that it addresses problem solving and making better decisions, which is a pretty big characteristic for an Alpha I believe, it's also a great way to abolish anxiety.
In case you're not going to add it, I wanted to ask if the program could be used along side AM 2010? I know that you prefer that AM is used as a solo program. And although I already started doing daily sessions of (mind) juggling, it would be great if it could be accomplished through the use of subliminals.
I hate to throw a monkey wrench into the picture here but what about Self Sabotage and the Victim Mindset?
I also agree, Carpe Diem does help with sexual escalation.
In my opinion, I'm mostly interested in: Eye Seduction, Sexy Voice, and Carpe Diem. Mostly the reason is that it would distinguish Shannon's program even further away from anything else I've seen. Eye seduction doesn't necessarily apply just to women but it also important dealing with other men. An Alpha Male should be able to convey through his eyes. From what I understand, Alpha Male doesn't help so much with the outer stuff? Carpe Diem does in fact seem to be helping me get the most out of Alpha. After all, an alpha should go after what he wants, yes?
Wow for once I agree with Ryan. Instead of supporting the tail chase mentality, he hit the nail on the head. If the root behavior developed by the sub for eye seduction and sexual voice applies to all aspects of your life then include it. I’m looking at alpha to develop more general skills and not specifically female attraction (which is still important). So I maintain that specifics to female attraction are modular and a follow-on sub. There are already several subs dealing with female attraction/seduction.
I believe that the Alpha training should be core skills and behaviors which will apply to all aspects of your life. Depending on what’s happening with your life, your focus will change with time. Gents, your focus will change to include one, a set of, or all of the following females, business, sales, leadership, interpersonal relationships, influencing others, improving your family, raising a family, etc.
Really I see an alpha being able to influence others in a positive pure way that helps both grow. Otherwise if influence is used to promote only the alpha’s interest in time the alpha comes off as a jerk.
Also if the results of listening to alpha make you perfect and unobtainable, it’s your own fault. You chose to become that. I don’t believe Shannon will produce such a sub.
Alpha training needs to create self confidence in all aspects of your life, not just one. It needs to create self reliance not only emotionally but in life as a whole, in relationships, financial, business, leadership, socially, with your family, etc.
Remember to goal is to be healthy/happy, self-reliant, and confident. I would add that you are also a man of action with the ability to influence others in a positive way be that female, family, business, social, etc.
When you apply these skills to female attraction, you will get the rewards you are looking for. Just remember if you are seeking a reward for a purely selfish purpose obtaining it will chip away at your root confidence. You are in the world to improve it not devour it.