sry for the late update i am just to busy these days
so 36. day of stage 4
so for the internal changes... wm is really the best sub for inner game regarding pick up
i feel nearly every characteristic as described in the book "how to be a player"
like being smooth and cool, having your own style buy ne fancy clothes, always order the same drink in the club or bar, being very indifferent to womens response, massive drop in neediness, feeling like already having all the succces you want with women, being calm not seeing other men as a threat, focusing on getting the girl and not in a fight with a guy, sexual stamina is superhuman level, i never feel drained or weak after an orgasm, i can fuck several girls in one day with very littel regeneration time (10-15 min) and fuck them for like an hour or more every time... very cool body language, great sense of humor being able to establish a conversation with men and women very easy, dealing with bullshit other than with am instead of getting agressiv being light and funny but showing alphaness, giving shit about other poeples opinion, not needing women to be happy, no jealousy about other guys girls, being unimpressed by wealth or status symbols of others...
as far from the advertisment:
Change your self image to a positive one which allows you to become “that guy” who always has lots of beautiful women to socialize with, date and have sex with. YES
Overcome social anxiety concerning beautiful women. YES
Overcome approach anxiety concerning beautiful single women. YES
Manifest a powerful, magnetic aura that both communicates your warmth and approachability to others and makes them want to come talk with you, but also attracts beautiful single women to you. DEFINETLY GET APPROACHED OR ASKED BY MEN AND WOMEN OFTEN; MOST OF THE TIME THEY START TO ANNOY ME BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT TO STOP; ITS REALLY HARD TO GET THINGS DONE AT WORK BECAUSE THE COWORKER KEEP TALKING TO ME FOR LIKE 8 HOURS A DAY EVEN IF I IGNORE THEM LOL
Manifests into your life an abundance of beautiful single women with whom you can socialize, date and have sex. MORE THAN WITH AM OR SM
Makes it easy to meet and attract beautiful single women, both actively and passively. YES
Changes your perspective to one of abundance and ease concerning the availability of beautiful single women, and meeting them. STRONG
Changes your perception so that no single specific woman is of extremely high value because of the perception of scarcity, which makes your actions and attitude based on a lack of desperation, which makes you more attractive to the women you are attracting, and makes you more powerful in dealing with them. VERY STRONG
The knowledge that no matter what, you have something in common with, and of interest to, the women you are attracted to, and that discovering those commonalities and mutual interests is a great way to have fun with her. STRONG
Complete lack of concern for whether she is involved, because you have the confidence to know that you are a great catch and a lack of desperation in needing to get involved with any specific woman, while at the same time attracting a steady stream of beautiful SINGLE women into your life with whom you can have a good time. VERY STRONG
To fill your free time with beautiful, single women with whom to have a good time.
Makes your aura irresistibly attractive and sexy to the sort of fun, beautiful, single women you want to attract. YES BUT COULD BE MORE BUT WE WILL SEE HAVE SOME MONTHS BEFORE ME
Changes self perception to that of a high-value high status man, as a man, as well as sexually and romantically. You will see yourself as being someone who has something to offer women sexually and romantically that makes you worth their interest and pursuit in these areas, and you will be able to deliver on it. DEFINETLY
Creates and capitalizes on a special sort of manifestation and success momentum concerning attracting and dealing with beautiful single women. JEAH EVEN WOMEN THAT USED TO HATE ME NO TELL ME THAT I AM A REALLY NICE GUY AND THEY DONT UNDERSTAND WHY SO MANY POEPLE HATE ME
Improves self esteem, self respect, self worth, self reliance and self security. VERY STRONG
Built in 5th Generation format, making it much more powerful, fast acting and effective than 4G.
Uses HyperSpeed Technology, which ramps up the 5th Gen build format and makes it much more powerful, fast acting and able to overcome resistance.
Uses Self Optimizing Scripting, which allows HyperSpeed Technology to actually become self-configuring for optimal efficiency and effectiveness at all times, actually adjusting to the user on a second by second basis.
Includes the new “naturalizer” scripting, which makes even major transformations happen so naturally that you’ll feel like you’ve always been that way.
Helps you live in the moment, instead of worrying about the past, or “what if”. OH YEAH EVEN SOMETIMES TO THAT DEGREE THAT YOU BECOME LAZY AND NOT AGRRESSIVE ENOUGH TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN
Gratitude programming. Everything is better with gratitude! YES
Helps generate an abundance of good things in your life, naturally focused according to the title.
Success programming, but focused on – women! YEAH MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS GIVE ME PRESENTS OR PAY FOR ME VERY OFTEN
Generates a reality in which you become pursued and approached wherever you go. NOT YET
Allows you to see beyond just a woman’s looks, and discover her inner beauty as well. OH YEAH ITS LIKE A YEDI ABILITY TO SCAN HER INNERSELF
Eye seduction! Become capable of communicating with, and seducing, women using just your eyes. I love this part. OH YEAH REALLY BECAME A MASTER AT EYE CONTACT
Loving life. If you’re having a great time being alive, you’ll naturally attract women who want to feel good. And everyone wants to feel good. HMM COULD BE BETTER
Generating more self trust. Trusting yourself helps a lot with relaxing into the role of, and naturally becoming, a playful social alpha. YES
Authenticity and congruency programming. YES TOO MUCH FOR MY TASTE
Deservedness programming – a big one that makes a huge difference. YES
Intuition enhancement and observational enhancement, designed to allow you to know which women are interested, how, in what, and when, so you can act on it appropriately for the situation. YES ITS LIKE SEEING IN THE FUTURE FOR A FEW MINUTES
Limitlessness programming. Life without limits is a life lived fully. YEAH LIKE MENTIONED ONLY MONEY LIMITES ME
Gets women to express their interest in you both physically and verbally, and in ways that are as obvious as possible. OH YES MORE OBVIOUS THAN WITH SM REALLY WEIRD
Focuses on attracting high quality beautiful SINGLE women into your life. YES UNFORTUNATLY YOU WILL REALIZE THEY ARE VERY FEW WOMEN LIKE THAT
Status booster works to turn you into a high status, high quality, high class and high value playful social alpha male. YAH
Allow yourself to fully express your passions during sex, while being able to shift to deep, intimate lovemaking if you wish. OH YEAH REALLY BECOME A GREAT LOVER WOMEN CAN COME WITHIN MINUTES EVEN IF MY DICK DOESNT GET THAT HARD
Be able to handle, and manage, multiple relationships and sexual partners simultaneously, if that is your desire. YEAH BUT STILLL MAKING MANY MISTAKES
Increases openness, and focuses on relaxed honesty. There is no man more attractive than the one who is honest, because such a man can be trusted, and only through trust in the man she is interested in does a woman’s potential truly bloom. NOT THAT GOOD AT ALL LOST MANY WOMEN DUE TO HONESTY
Self image programming strips off negative self imagery and shifts you to acceptance and appreciation of your body and how you look, while still wanting to improve (or at least maintain) it.
Positive attitude, positive thinking. OH YEAH
Ego balancing. YES IN SOME WEIRD WAY
Ability to let go and relax, because you know everything will be okay. YES
Be genuinely interested in discovering new things, have genuine interest in others, and therefore naturally and automatically enjoy meeting, getting to know and spending time with others. OH YES FUNNY THING EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE SOME INTERESTING STORY TO TELL ME SOMETIMES WOMEN KEEP TALKING TO ME FOR LIKE 3 HOURS WITHOUT ME SAYIN ANYTHING LIKE A CONFESSION IN CHURCH LOL
Working on your body, taking care of yourself, and being interested in self improvement physically.
Self acceptance as a high status, high class, high quality playful social alpha male – a genuine ladies man. OH YEAH DEFINETLY
Own your accomplishments with socializing and women, instead of discounting them as luck, accidental, random, or something else. HMM WE WILL SEE NOT THAT MUCH FOR NOW
Sexiness programming that makes you project an aura of sexiness and adjusts your speech, attitude, movement and body language to express your sexiness in a neutral manner that neither says you are desperate nor says to her that you are trying to seduce her. The result is a very sexy, magnetic and attractive man, whom ladies find unique and gravitate to naturally. YES BUT THE WOMEN COULD MISTAKE YOU FOR BEING GAY IN THE FIRST MOMENT
Opening yourself up to trust others, but not so much that you are foolish or unreasonably vulnerable. YES DEFINETLY GOOD FOR VALIDATING WOMEN
Kill the creepiness factor, and the fear of coming across as creepy, and replace it with solid confidence instead. YES WAS AN ISSUE FOR ME
Strong knowledge and confidence in your skills and value as a boyfriend, lover, etc. which gives you the attitude, speech patterns, body language and belief that you are among the very best, if not the absolute best there is in those areas, while manifesting that as an outward reality that is not just a belief in your head. YEAH MAKING YOU ARROGANT SOMETIMES PROVOCING OTHER MEN OR GIRLS
“Alpha anxiety” destruction. For those of you who worry about “being alpha enough”, or not being “as alpha as you should be”, this will kill the need to be good enough, and allow you to just become the programming and express it naturally. YEAH SOMETIMES TO THIS EXTEND THAT YOU DONT WANT TO BE ALPHA AT ALL LOL
Understanding that you are not perfect, and allowing yourself to express vulnerabilities, which makes you approachable to others, especially women. HMM DONT KNOW SOMETIMES EXPRESSING VULNERBILITY BUT WOMEN DONT BELIEVE ME LOL
For those who choose to be monogamous, it triggers gratitude in being with just the woman you choose, and allows you to be happy with and enjoy being with just her. YES IF YOU ARE CONVINCED THE GIRLS IS WORTH THAT
Confidently and successfully recognize, and respond to, the tests and drama women give you, remaining calm and in control, and having a calming effect on the situation at the same time, and in the end demonstrating such alpha self mastery that she ends up wanting you even more. WORKING IN 50% THE CASES SO FAR HOPE THE RATE WILL INCREASE BY THE END
Improves and empowers communication with women, as well as communication skills in general. DEFINETLY STRONG POINT
The ability to make deep contact with a woman when you want to, in order to get through to her in powerful ways that grab her attention and make her understand what you are communicating.
Communicate with women in powerful, playful and physical ways which pull her to you and bring you closer together. SOMETIMES WORK SOMETIMES FEELS LIKE A QUICKIE VERY INTENSE BUT THE CONNECTION IS PRETTY FAST GONE WHEN NOT CONTINUED
The ability to lead her to the best possible outcome from the situation, for you both. HMM DONT KNOW ABOUT THAT MAYBE IN LATER STAGES
The ability to shift yourself between serious, playful, sexual, and heartfelt, at will, smoothly and effectively, and back to any other of those states again. OHYEAH A COOL THING BY THE WAY
Maximizes and magnifies social proof. THERE BUT NOW ALWAY SOMETIMES YOU ARE JUST INVISIBLE
Let go of negativity, anger or hatred for women, and replace it with love and appreciation for them as a whole – while refusing to allow yourself to be mistreated by them in any way. YEAH DEFINETLY THERE BUT WOMEN DONT LIKE IT AT ALL WEIRD
Make women feel good and have a good time being around you, and enjoy doing so for yourself. YES
Sense and naturally express exactly the right level of “sexual threat” that she wants and needs from you for the goal you have concerning her sexually, while otherwise remaining non-threatening. YES BUT SOMETIMES TO WEAK
Destroy beliefs and thoughts that women are or should be uncomfortable around you, and replace this with knowledge that they appreciate and enjoy your company instead. VERY STRONG
Understanding and acceptance that attraction, love and sexual interaction are natural, not forced, and allow them to flow and become, naturally. YES
Make it possible for multiple women to enjoy your company at the same time, regardless of how attracted they may be to you. YES
Enhances flirting skills. I DONT SEE IT AS FLIRTING AT ALL
Achieve a natural state in which your expectations are zero and you have only the intent of laughing, having fun with and conversing with people you dont yet know, without neediness or agenda. YES
Fear destruction programming helps remove and destroy all types of fear. YES
so to the other questiones yes it does manifest girls, but there are more open to an open relationshi p or firends with benefits kind of type they dont have the need to be in a serious relationship they do express this but if you go in this direction they meet you with heavy resistance also another point here is that you easily can be dropped in the friendzone with wm so be careful, women might think you are a nice guy or shit like that for example i dated a girl for several days than yesterday i met her an the following conversation occured:
me: give me a kiss
her: no
me: why is it becaue of XY ( a guy she was dating too)
her: yes exactly because of him
me: okay so good luck with him you Hoe
her: why you insult me?
me: because i want to
her: i thought you were nice
me: i never said i was nice
her: but i thought this
me: you should think less
her: hmm okay i still wish you a good day and have fun
me: okay (walking away)
i thought about this if it was right to insult her and react like a jerk but after talking with a sister of a friend who is a hottie (a 9.5) i knew it was the right way i did some texting game together with her and saw how she reacted to girls with my phone when they rejected her (me) she insulted them too she said there is no need to be nice if the girl threats you like shit if you are nice then she will think you are a wuss without self respect...
i mentioned in an other post how many sexual partners i had during wm i think about 20+ i really dont count them at all so i wonder how guys count them and say they had 40.50.70 and so on i think that guys that say this mostly lie
i do get approched by women (for example 4 times yesterday) but its more like for things like giving them fire, or asking me for a cigarette or asking me to explain them the way to xy, its not like a direct approach in interest whats intresting all the women that approache me are hotties (8+) of course the most women wont say "here i am a slut take me" so they use this indirect approaches but with wm its hard for you to react to this because of the agenda kill things you take the situation for what it is and dont react in a pick up way that might be useful in this situation
i still dont know if pick up is useful or not with wm
the problem with wm is that it makes you too balanced too zen your auras dont scream for sex you have nothing wild and animalistic on you and thats what many women want... you know women measure how sex worthy a guy is by looking how alive you are with wm your a often like a ghost to calm to balanced like a budhist monk so that i get the best reactions with women when i am drunk or have stress and problems thats when i get the most looks and smiles from them otherwise you are invisible...
another thing is is the technologie i really think too that wm needs oe or slipstream because of the huge script its like the input is there but its dead the need to act on is pretty low
another thing i want to warn you guys is the masked track will make you loose your potency many user reported loosing theire hardness during sex with wm i experimented with it it always when listenig to the masked tracks i cant fuck the girls you will need at least some hours of the ultrasonic track or only ultrasonic dont know why it is like this, i have read in studies that with the masked track the subconsious mind understand the words but has a weak or no emotional conection and with the ultrasonic it has but it understands not that much of the logical content ....
with wm it will really be easy to reach the social hook point with girls but the sexual hook point will be hard and will need additional knowledge, i reached it 2 days ago with a girls, after reaching the social hook point she kept talking a lot about her and i was just listenig and commenting from time to time, then mirroring her and then after a while i noticed that i reached the sexual hook point her eyes become big like animals eyes and her body language was very open..
another thing i noticed with wm is that women dont realize at first that you are alpha or a sexual potent male, they ignore you all at first but after seeing you interact well with a hottie and see her laugh her ass of and have a good time then they all start givinig you attention and smiling looks, so its like the girls are total retards and you always have to makes something happen to bring them to realize that you are sex worthy otherwise they will think you are shy or whatsoever very different than with am and sm
Attention : I have read that many guys lack the attention from women, however since i am using this sub for such a long time i experimented a bit with some things and found a way to increase the attention you get from women and poeple in general by 300%, but i dont recommend it because it will be a hell of a trip you will have so much depression and self doubts like never before, and since it goes against shanons instructions i wont share it until i have shanons permission to do so.
some side notes to wm, i never heard the sentence "you are not a real man " by women as i did with wm... but also i never had women submit to me like on wm, some called me master and god lol...on the one hand they dont want to respect you and on the other hand they feel they have to really weird, women tend to complain and insult me than after a while they come and apologize for it and tell me how a great guy i am and how they dont feel worthy enough...
man can feel very intimated and provoced by your aura, had a guy with a girlfriend shouting at me:
him: do you think you are cool?
me: yes of course i am cool
him: ehm what ? i am cooler than you (becoming aggressive)
me: no i dont think so (giving him a provocing laugh)
him: dont you have manners?
me: you should learn to speak in a correct first if you want to give me advices
him (becoming aggressive walking around me in 5m distance, his girlfriend shouting at him" whats on with you what are you doing" lol)
me (being cool smoking laughing at him waiting if he wants to take action)
me: so what you want to do now
him: ah you are not worth it
me: yeah better for you now leave you monkey
another thing is a lot of girls, who hook up with me later dont want to admit it to their friends or other males they say i lie or invented it to make them seem like sluts, that means women want to fuck with me but they dont want other to know it its like they are ashamed for it lol
another thing like many mentioned later stages of wm will move your attention from women to money and power really interesting...
for the screen i dont have that much at all because such things like i posted to you are nothing special for me, i dont write with a girl and think to myself "wow thats cool i should upload it to subliminal talk so the guys there can see how cool i am " i usually delete them and her number after a day or 2 so that i cant contact her first even if i want to
a girl stalking me but i keep ignoriering her ^^
Her: you pathetic peace of dirt
her: you are worth nothing
her (an hour later)
- eyy comon last time that we write
- please dont behave like a child
her: darling
her: there is something i want to tell you
me: what
her: i dont like it wehn men have such a beard
me: thats nice for you but i like my beard

and now bye
her: okay if you think so
(after some drama from her)
me:okay i am now not in the mood for discussing with you further you can again speak to me when you are normal again
her:I am normal
her: E..(my real name) I just want to tell you I am not that kind of girl that dances after your nose (lol dont know if you can translate it like that) and that does everything you want
me: oh you gangster you gave it hard to me
(her loving drama and my reaciton to it)
me: what
her: we cant and we are not allowed to love each other
me: why
her: i dont know it doesnt work
me: ok
her: oh man now thats a reaction i didnt expect
so guys that was my brief update for now... if you have any questions or want to discuss things just do so, sry for the delay just too busy for everything
your afzalg