Hey guys
I was wondering if sex magnet will have anything to let go of my own resistances about sex. i have never done the previous versions
You see every since i decided to go out and improve myself. i have had about 4 Really obvious times i could of have sex with the girl other ones are more subtle. but my mind told me none of them were attractive enough in looks so i didnt even try to have sex with them. Even when one of them was in my room till...3am.
but... i didnt have sex with any of them....therefore still inexperience with sex..
i am on AM stage 5 atm almost 6.
school started and i have been active with girls again after 6 months of rest. i have notice i am finally attracting girls i am attracted to. As well as i have a girl offer me sex out of no where i didnt even see her. and she told me to go right into the washroom with her. but i didnt go cause i didnt find her attractive.....
im getting all these options but i feel SUPER resistance to girls im not attractive to specially when it comes to sexual stuff.
I was just wondering would sex magnet help on fixing this issues? like making me more open for thing sexually with any woman no matter what age race size look.... they are???
SM 3 will deal with resistance to women and females in general; resistance to sex; resistance to allowing yourself to have sex; resistance to believing you can achieve sex, or deserve to have it; guilt, shame and fear concerning sex, sexuality, being sexual, masculinity, masculine sexuality; overcoming resistance to socializing with and seducing attractive women; initiating sex, seduction, and sensual/sexual touch; social anxiety; and a lot more.
"They're not attractive enough" sounds like the perfect cop-out, then you don't even have to try.
SM3 focuses on attracting, affecting and getting you to respond appropriately to physically attractive women, but it also includes OGSF, so you'll see that over time your fears will dissolve and all the excuses that were based on fear will go away too.
SM2 was amazing to me when I ran it, for it's affect on my social anxiety. It forced me out of the house and I found myself sitting in bars and other social locations, literally terrified at first (new and unfamiliar situations + social anxiety), but I got past that by going out with friends until I was confident enough to go out my myself. By the end, I was absolutely addicted to socializing, and now I have a hard time staying home at night. I want to go out to eat, or socialize, every night! Sometimes, I go out multiple times a day, and who cares if I am alone, or I don't know anyone there, or have never been there before? I can talk to almost anyone now.
To put it mildly, SM3 has it covered, regardless of what it is. I am fully expecting SM3 to be commonly described as "ridiculous". For the format it exists within, it's the most advanced sub design I currently know how to create. It's even using two different self optimizing scripts, and one of those has only just come out of testing - with excellent results. The other is much lauded for it's effectiveness.
How I wish I too could use SM 3.
Glad to hear that dude. ill go ahead with SM3 right after i finish my AM5 .
i am currently not in that bad of shape as in social anxiety and anxiety itself.
i First started going out of my shell....after years of not doing anything in high school.
when i turned 19 i went to the club alone on my birthday..... somehow i made out with gogo dancer..and the girl beside her...
but that ended quickly.... i kept on going out alone to clubs and had no luck. for months. best i got was couple dances with girl and couple grindings.
i also started approaching girls in day time... and getting rejected left and right ...as u kinda can see i would only approach girls from the range of 7-10 on looks. i was doing these to the point i can walk up to a 10 and tell her shes gorgeous... and not have anxiety... but that was as far as i gotten. i would always get the number and call them then they tell me they are busy.
i stopped going out.....after a year of tiring grindings of all these things. i asked myself why arent i getting any woman... i come form a place of extremely good heart and intention for them.... and would never heart a woman intentionally. so i stopped for at least... a good 6 month of doing absolutely nothing other then playing videos game....
and funny thing is i was using the AM sub during this period. and just a week ago. i came back to university again and decided to start being active with girls again. and things are going really well. the roadblocks im trying to clear now is going sexual with woman.
and from hearing what u mention i am really excited to see what SM3 will do to me.
you talked about getting addicted to social setting. i gotten "scared" of it . like clubs and stuff now....because it drains my energy out after all that year of nothing conditioned me. not like im really scared to go to it . its just i dont feel like going to it... cause my brain thinks nothing is gonna happen again....
yah soudns like the perfect co out lol. i did try with woman im attracted to but not get anywhere.... then i dont try with woman im not attracted to....but gotten more far lol. i could of have just make the closing deal move and it would be closed but i didnt feel like it at all......its weird.
wait....how come you cant use SM3???? are u in a relationship? hahaha
if yah thats respect ... i too my main goal is to get a girlfriend i really like ....
Do I have to go through SM 2.0 before SM 3.0 like in case of AM 6.0?
He Cann't use anything else as he's currently using BAMM.
whats BAMM?
EDIT: nvm i figured it out
Quote:and from hearing what u mention i am really excited to see what SM3 will do to me.
you talked about getting addicted to social setting. i gotten "scared" of it . like clubs and stuff now....because it drains my energy out after all that year of nothing conditioned me. not like im really scared to go to it . its just i dont feel like going to it... cause my brain thinks nothing is gonna happen again....
Clubs and stuff isn't my scene either, but I love being around other people. I prefer more low key than the insanity of clubs. Clubs are where people go to do very specific things, and the women you encounter in clubs have seen it all, heard it all, done it all, and are only willing to play with the crem de la crem, because every time they do to a club they get a thousand of you telling them they're gorgeous. They have whatever and whomever they want, whenever they want, and it makes them impossible to get. The grindings and making out is as much shit testing as using you for their pleasure and amusement, because they know they have the power to do as they please, but you have nothing in terms of power.
That is of course based on what you have told me about your game.
I'm not very good in clubs either, primarily because I don't enjoy screaming to be heard, having people constantly spill drinks on me, and dealing with girls who have enough ego to turn me off completely. I prefer going where I can actually talk to a woman, where they aren't necessarily being hit on by a thousand other guys, and so on. I want to enjoy their company, not just have sex.
Anyway, I think you'll get some really good results with SM3. Just don't limit yourself to seeking female companionship only for sex, and don't limit yourself to only looking in conventional places for good options. The beach, the college library, Starbucks, restaurants, malls, anywhere a woman can be found, she can be talked to. If you enjoy her company and have fun with the conversation, it'll get you far. But that sort of style is from having run Woman Magnet. Social playful alpha. SM is the raw sexual alpha, and it'll be more straight for the throat. Or genitals.
(09-15-2013, 03:35 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, I think you'll get some really good results with SM3. Just don't limit yourself to seeking female companionship only for sex, and don't limit yourself to only looking in conventional places for good options. The beach, the college library, Starbucks, restaurants, malls, anywhere a woman can be found, she can be talked to. If you enjoy her company and have fun with the conversation, it'll get you far. But that sort of style is from having run Woman Magnet. Social playful alpha. SM is the raw sexual alpha, and it'll be more straight for the throat. Or genitals.
So Shannon, if one uses SM 3, can they still hook up with women from "day-game" at those places?
Also, how much will SM 3 "override" the ability to just be chilled out and enjoy socializing? I don't want to be jumping around places like a horny gorilla, you know?
I mean, I understand the focus is on sex with SM, which is what I want, BUT to lose the ability to socialize (which is something I'm just starting to get comfortable with) would be a major loss.
I want to be able to socialize with everyone, BUT I want it known that I'm about sex when it comes to women. Relationships, friendships, companionship, I love it all, so long as it involves sex, or leads to sex within the day or week. Otherwise, I'd rather play x-box.
When I go out, I want to be a SexMagnet, but I don't want to lose any ability to be a fully developed "social" alpha either.
Will SM 3 help with socializing as well?
I'm afraid I have too many questions so I'll stop there. Answer what you can.
Sex Magnet focuses you on sex and getting to it. Completely. Using whatever means necessary to achieve the goal without doing things that will get you in trouble. That's the goal, the whole point, of Sex Magnet. To get you to sex, with as many attractive females as possible, as many times as possible, as frequently as possible, whenever possible.
SM3 uses the Optimus Engine, which inherently makes it unpredictable. It means that every man's response will be different. It also includes Overcoming Approach Anxiety, which is pushing you to start and maintain interesting conversations with women.
Ultimately, if you want to be social, the program is very likely to integrate and use that as a way to advance it's goal.
If you want to be a social alpha, you want Woman Magnet. If you want to focus on sex, you want Sex Magnet.
Oh i see. well after going to clubs and those venues for dam 7 month straight . i never liked it ..
it was for practicing my balls and learning couple things and experience.
i mostly prefer talking to girls on campus and pretty much anywhere in day time. i myself am quite like the part of u where u said u like to connect with girls instead of just sex. but im pretty much open for anything. the only thing is i am very resistance to sex with girls that throw themselves at me .and i dont find them attractive at all physically.
i dont have much game. other then having more balls then average and always going with the flow. so i pretty much just do what i do...
and i have pretty much no approach anxiety already. i have done so many daytime and night time approaches i have gotten over it. i have talked to girls pretty much anywhere....
while i was working, restaurants , streets, buses, class, clubs, gym, pool....pretty much everywhere i know lol.
the anxiety i have now is escalating sexually with a woman from first meeting her . im guessing SM3 will clear that up too???? this is where i am stuck at all the dam time.
i can see girls super attracted to me . like when im just talking to her about anything but i just dont escalate at all sexual or escalate in anyway...
so if i can get this fixed up.... and i already game really naturally. so if i get this fixed up and get natural with it too.... it should be very easy for me to pull off sex at any given moment....hehe
i still got one more month and 8 days on AM5 to go.
(09-15-2013, 05:03 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Sex Magnet focuses you on sex and getting to it. Completely. Using whatever means necessary to achieve the goal without doing things that will get you in trouble. That's the goal, the whole point, of Sex Magnet. To get you to sex, with as many attractive females as possible, as many times as possible, as frequently as possible, whenever possible.
Sounds good, but I guess I'm wondering if it'll be a laid back kind of program that let's you choose, or will it force you to become an approaching powerhouse?
(09-15-2013, 05:03 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Ultimately, if you want to be social, the program is very likely to integrate and use that as a way to advance it's goal.
So if I want to be the guy that socializes but gets all the pussies wet in the room and then takes his pick of the litter who are all chasing him for sex, that would be SM or WM?
(09-15-2013, 05:03 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to be a social alpha, you want Woman Magnet. If you want to focus on sex, you want Sex Magnet.
I want to be able to socialize, but have sex following me around like a swarm of flies. Very hot and attractive flies, but flies none the less.
SM or WM for that kind of reality?
Thanks a billion!
(09-13-2013, 07:39 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]SM 3 will deal with resistance to women and females in general; resistance to sex; resistance to allowing yourself to have sex; resistance to believing you can achieve sex, or deserve to have it; guilt, shame and fear concerning sex, sexuality, being sexual, masculinity, masculine sexuality; overcoming resistance to socializing with and seducing attractive women; initiating sex, seduction, and sensual/sexual touch; social anxiety; and a lot more.
"They're not attractive enough" sounds like the perfect cop-out, then you don't even have to try.
SM3 focuses on attracting, affecting and getting you to respond appropriately to physically attractive women, but it also includes OGSF, so you'll see that over time your fears will dissolve and all the excuses that were based on fear will go away too.
SM2 was amazing to me when I ran it, for it's affect on my social anxiety. It forced me out of the house and I found myself sitting in bars and other social locations, literally terrified at first (new and unfamiliar situations + social anxiety), but I got past that by going out with friends until I was confident enough to go out my myself. By the end, I was absolutely addicted to socializing, and now I have a hard time staying home at night. I want to go out to eat, or socialize, every night! Sometimes, I go out multiple times a day, and who cares if I am alone, or I don't know anyone there, or have never been there before? I can talk to almost anyone now.
To put it mildly, SM3 has it covered, regardless of what it is. I am fully expecting SM3 to be commonly described as "ridiculous". For the format it exists within, it's the most advanced sub design I currently know how to create. It's even using two different self optimizing scripts, and one of those has only just come out of testing - with excellent results. The other is much lauded for it's effectiveness.
How I wish I too could use SM 3.
This sounds great. And will definitely improve the general appreciation for a woman's body and their sex. When you're old and looking back at life, the time and experiences of while you used SM would be a great story to speak on.